Importance of Personal Security Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Subject: Security Education

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Week: 3

Age: 9 years

Topic: Importance of Personal Security


  • Precaution Tips on Personal Security
  • The Importance of Personal Security

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Mention precaution tips on personal security.
  2. State the importance of personal security, including keeping yourself safe, protecting your home, feeling safe in your community, and quick medical assistance.

Keywords: Precaution, Personal Security, Safety, Protection, Community

Set Induction: Begin the lesson by asking pupils to discuss what makes them feel safe at home, in school, or in their community. Use their responses to introduce the topic of personal security.

Entry Behaviour: Pupils have basic knowledge of personal security and different types of security.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Illustrative charts showing different security measures
  • Flashcards with precaution tips

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Pupils have learned about the types of personal security in the previous lesson.

Embedded Core Skills: Critical Thinking, Communication, Safety Awareness

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 5
  • Security Education textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Flashcards
  • Illustrative charts


  1. Precaution Tips on Personal Security:
    • Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Always pay attention to what is happening around you, whether you are at home, school, or outside.
    • Lock Doors and Windows: Ensure that all entry points to your home are secure, especially at night or when you are alone.
    • Avoid Talking to Strangers: Be cautious when approached by people you do not know, especially if you are alone.
    • Keep Emergency Contacts Handy: Have a list of important phone numbers like those of your parents, guardians, or the police.
  2. Importance of Personal Security:
    • Keeping Yourself Safe: Personal security helps protect you from harm or danger. By following precaution tips, you reduce the chances of getting hurt.
    • Personal Protection/Defense: Knowing how to protect yourself in different situations is crucial for your safety. This could include using simple self-defense techniques or knowing when to seek help.
    • Keeping Your Home Safe: Personal security extends to your home. By securing your home, you protect yourself and your family from intruders or accidents.
    • Feeling Safe in Your Community: Personal security contributes to a sense of safety and well-being within your community. When everyone follows security measures, the whole community benefits.
    • Quick Medical Assistance: Personal security includes being prepared for emergencies, such as knowing who to call and where to go if someone needs medical help quickly.

15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. Personal security helps in keeping ______ safe.
    a) toys
    b) yourself
    c) games
    d) pets
  2. One precaution tip is to always be aware of your ______.
    a) toys
    b) surroundings
    c) books
    d) games
  3. ______ doors and windows is important for home security.
    a) Opening
    b) Locking
    c) Painting
    d) Repairing
  4. Avoid talking to ______ to stay safe.
    a) friends
    b) teachers
    c) strangers
    d) family
  5. Keeping emergency contacts handy is a ______ tip.
    a) personal security
    b) fun
    c) play
    d) game
  6. Personal security helps protect you from ______.
    a) joy
    b) harm
    c) fun
    d) celebrations
  7. Personal protection includes knowing simple ______ techniques.
    a) drawing
    b) cooking
    c) self-defense
    d) music
  8. Securing your home helps protect your ______.
    a) belongings
    b) fun
    c) games
    d) toys
  9. Feeling safe in your ______ is part of personal security.
    a) toy room
    b) kitchen
    c) community
    d) bedroom
  10. Quick medical assistance is an important aspect of personal ______.
    a) fun
    b) games
    c) security
    d) music
  11. Personal security makes you feel safe at ______.
    a) school
    b) home
    c) community
    d) all of the above
  12. Having emergency numbers is a part of ______ security.
    a) home
    b) street
    c) personal
    d) school
  13. ______ helps in reducing the chances of getting hurt.
    a) Being careless
    b) Following precaution tips
    c) Playing
    d) Singing
  14. Protecting yourself in different situations is called personal ______.
    a) fun
    b) danger
    c) protection
    d) joy
  15. Knowing who to call in an emergency is important for ______ security.
    a) personal
    b) toy
    c) game
    d) music

15 FAQs with Answers

  1. What is personal security?
    Personal security is the practice of keeping yourself safe from harm or danger.
  2. Why is personal security important?
    It helps protect you from harm, keeps your home safe, and makes you feel secure in your community.
  3. What is one precaution tip for personal security?
    Always be aware of your surroundings.
  4. How can you keep your home safe?
    By locking doors and windows and being cautious of strangers.
  5. What should you do if a stranger approaches you?
    Avoid talking to them and move to a safe place.
  6. Why is it important to have emergency contacts handy?
    So you can quickly reach out for help in an emergency.
  7. What does personal protection include?
    Knowing simple self-defense techniques and when to seek help.
  8. How does personal security help in your community?
    It helps create a safe environment for everyone.
  9. What should you do if you feel unsafe at home?
    Inform a trusted adult and take necessary precautions.
  10. Why is quick medical assistance important?
    It ensures that help is available quickly in case of an emergency.
  11. How can you stay safe while travelling?
    By following travel security measures, such as keeping belongings secure and using seat belts.
  12. What should you do if you see something suspicious in your community?
    Inform a trusted adult or the authorities.
  13. Why is it important to lock doors and windows?
    To prevent intruders from entering your home.
  14. How can you improve your personal security?
    By following precaution tips and staying alert.
  15. What is the role of personal security in daily life?
    It helps prevent harm and keeps you safe from potential dangers.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous lesson on the types of personal security.

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic on the importance of personal security, explaining the precaution tips and the various benefits of being secure.

Step 3: The teacher engages the pupils in a discussion on how they can apply these precaution tips in their daily lives and reinforces the importance of staying safe.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Explain the importance of personal security using relatable examples.
  • Discuss precaution tips and how they help keep pupils safe.
  • Use charts and flashcards to illustrate different security measures.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen to the teacher’s explanations.
  • Participate in discussions on personal security.
  • Share their own ideas on how to stay safe.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is personal security?
  2. Mention two precaution tips for personal security.
  3. Why is it important to lock doors and windows at home?
  4. How does personal security help in your community?
  5. What should you do if a stranger talks to you?
  6. Name one way personal security helps keep you safe.
  7. Why should you have emergency contacts?
  8. What is personal protection?
  9. How can quick medical assistance be helpful?
  10. Why is it important to understand personal security?


The teacher goes around to mark the pupils’ work, provides necessary corrections, and reinforces the importance of understanding and practicing personal security in daily life.

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