Exploration of Files from the System Computer Studies Primary 5 First Term Week 2

Computer Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 2

Subject: Computer Studies
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 2
Age: 9 years
Topic: Exploration of Files from the System
Sub-topic: Identifying and Copying Files Between Directories
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify different types of files and their locations in the computer.
  2. Understand the process of copying files from one directory to another.
  3. Perform the action of copying files between directories on a computer.


  • File
  • Directory
  • Copy
  • System
  • Save

Set Induction

Ask the pupils if they have ever saved or moved a file on a computer, and let them share their experiences. Use this to introduce the concept of file management.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils have basic knowledge of how to save documents and where to find them on the computer.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Computers with access to files and directories
  • Projector or large screen for demonstration
  • Flashcards with names of different file types

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Discuss the concept of files and directories that were introduced in previous classes. Relate it to storing and organizing documents in folders at home or school.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Digital literacy
  • Problem-solving

Learning Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 5 Computer Studies
  • Sample files on the computer (e.g., text documents, images)

Instructional Materials

  • Computers with pre-installed files
  • Visual aids showing different file icons and types


1. Identifying Different Forms of Files:

  • Text files: These are documents like reports, essays, and notes. They usually have extensions like .docx, .txt, or .pdf.
  • Image files: Pictures and photos, often with extensions like .jpg, .png, or .gif.
  • Audio files: Sounds or music files, which might have extensions like .mp3 or .wav.
  • Video files: Movies or video clips, typically with extensions like .mp4 or .avi.

2. Understanding File Directories:

  • Files are stored in directories (folders) on the computer.
  • Directories help in organizing files into different categories.

3. Copying Files from One Directory to Another:

  • Step 1: Open the directory (folder) that contains the file you want to copy.
  • Step 2: Right-click on the file and select “Copy.”
  • Step 3: Navigate to the directory where you want to place the copied file.
  • Step 4: Right-click in the new directory and select “Paste.”

4. Practical Demonstration:

  • The teacher will demonstrate the process of copying a file from one directory to another on a computer.
  • Pupils will follow along using the computers provided.

Topic: Understanding Files and Directories

  1. What is a File?
    • A file is a piece of information or data stored on a computer.
    • It can be a document, picture, video, or any other type of content. 📁
  2. Two Types of Files:
    • Text Files: Used for storing written content (e.g., documents). 📄
    • Image Files: Used for storing pictures or graphics (e.g., photos). 🖼️
  3. What is a Directory?
    • A directory (also called a folder) is a place where you can organize and store files.
    • It helps keep your computer organized. 📂
  4. How to Copy a File:
    • Right-click on the file you want to copy.
    • Select Copy from the menu.
    • Go to the location where you want to place the file.
    • Right-click again and select Paste. 📋
  5. File Extension for Text Documents:
    • .docx (used by Microsoft Word) or .txt (used for simple text files).
  6. Where Files are Usually Saved on a Computer:
    • Files are usually saved in directories like Documents, Pictures, or Desktop.
  7. What the .jpg Extension Represents:
    • .jpg is a file extension for image files, especially photographs. 🖼️
  8. Difference Between Copying and Cutting a File:
    • Copying: Makes a duplicate of the file. The original stays in its place.
    • Cutting: Moves the file from one location to another. The original is removed from its place.
  9. Importance of Organizing Files:
    • Organizing files helps you find them quickly.
    • It keeps your computer tidy and easy to use. 📚
  10. How to Paste a File After Copying:
    • After copying, go to the place where you want the file.
    • Right-click and select Paste. The file will appear in the new location. 📂


  1. A ________ is a document or piece of information stored on a computer.
    • a) File
    • b) Directory
    • c) System
    • d) Icon
  2. A folder on a computer is also known as a ________.
    • a) File
    • b) Directory
    • c) System
    • d) Window
  3. To move a file from one place to another, we use the ________ and paste commands.
    • a) Cut
    • b) Copy
    • c) Delete
    • d) Save
  4. The file extension .jpg usually indicates a(n) ________ file.
    • a) Text
    • b) Image
    • c) Audio
    • d) Video
  5. To copy a file, first right-click on the file and select ________.
    • a) Paste
    • b) Delete
    • c) Copy
    • d) Open
  6. ________ files are typically used to store written documents.
    • a) Audio
    • b) Text
    • c) Image
    • d) Video
  7. The folder where files are stored is called a ________.
    • a) System
    • b) Window
    • c) Directory
    • d) File
  8. The file extension .mp3 is associated with ________ files.
    • a) Text
    • b) Image
    • c) Audio
    • d) Video
  9. Files can be organized into ________ to keep them in order.
    • a) Windows
    • b) Directories
    • c) Systems
    • d) Icons
  10. To find where a file is saved, you should check the ________.
    • a) Desktop
    • b) Directory
    • c) Taskbar
    • d) Browser
  11. The command used to duplicate a file into another location is ________.
    • a) Copy
    • b) Cut
    • c) Paste
    • d) Delete
  12. After copying a file, to place it in a new location, use the ________ command.
    • a) Cut
    • b) Paste
    • c) Delete
    • d) Save
  13. The .png extension indicates a ________ file.
    • a) Video
    • b) Text
    • c) Image
    • d) Audio
  14. To organize files by type, you can create different ________.
    • a) Directories
    • b) Systems
    • c) Icons
    • d) Windows
  15. A ________ file contains information that can be read and understood by people.
    • a) Text
    • b) Video
    • c) Image
    • d) System

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Q: What is a file on a computer? A: A file is a document or piece of information stored on a computer.
  2. Q: What is a directory? A: A directory, also known as a folder, is a place where files are stored and organized.
  3. Q: How do you copy a file on a computer? A: You can copy a file by right-clicking on it, selecting “Copy,” then navigating to a new directory and selecting “Paste.”
  4. Q: What is a file extension? A: A file extension is a suffix at the end of a file name that indicates the type of file, such as .jpg for images or .docx for text documents.
  5. Q: How do you find where a file is saved? A: You can find where a file is saved by looking in the directory where it was stored.
  6. Q: What is the difference between copying and cutting a file? A: Copying a file duplicates it, while cutting a file moves it from one place to another.
  7. Q: What is the purpose of organizing files into directories? A: Organizing files into directories helps keep them in order and makes them easier to find.
  8. Q: What does the .mp3 extension represent? A: The .mp3 extension represents an audio file.
  9. Q: Can you copy more than one file at a time? A: Yes, you can select multiple files and copy them all at once.
  10. Q: What happens if you paste a file into the same directory? A: If you paste a file into the same directory, the computer will usually create a duplicate with a different name.
  11. Q: What is a text file used for? A: A text file is used to store written documents like letters, essays, or notes.
  12. Q: How do you open a file? A: You open a file by double-clicking on it or right-clicking and selecting “Open.”
  13. Q: What is the purpose of an image file? A: An image file is used to store pictures or photos.
  14. Q: How can you tell the type of a file just by looking at it? A: You can tell the type of a file by looking at its extension, like .docx for text or .jpg for images.
  15. Q: Why is it important to know how to copy files? A: It is important to know how to copy files to back up important information or to share files with others.


Step 1: Introduction to File Types and Directories

  • The teacher introduces different types of files (text, image, audio, video) and where they are usually saved in the computer.
  • Pupils are asked to identify file types they are familiar with.

Step 2: Demonstration of Copying Files

  • The teacher demonstrates how to copy a file from one directory to another on the computer.
  • Pupils watch and take notes.

Step 3: Practical Exercise

  • Pupils are given time to practice copying files on their computers.
  • The teacher moves around the classroom to assist and correct any mistakes.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Explain the different types of files and their extensions.
  • Demonstrate the process of copying files between directories.
  • Provide feedback during the practical exercise.

Learners’ Activities

  • Identify different file types and their uses.
  • Follow along during the demonstration.
  • Practice copying files between directories.


  • Ask pupils to explain the steps involved in copying a file from one directory to another.
  • Have pupils demonstrate copying a file on their computers.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What is a file?
  2. Name two types of files you know.
  3. What is a directory?
  4. How do you copy a file?
  5. What file extension is used for text documents?
  6. Where are files usually saved on a computer?
  7. What does the .jpg extension represent?
  8. What is the difference between copying and cutting a file?
  9. Why is it important to organize files?
  10. How can you paste a file after copying it?


The teacher goes around to check pupils’ work, making sure they have correctly copied files between directories. Corrections are made where necessary, and the lesson is summarized with a brief review.