Master the Spellings of Complex Words in Week 4 Spellings English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Spellings Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Subject: Spellings
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 4
Age: 10 years
Topic: Dictation for the Week
Sub-topic: Learning and Mastery of Spellings and Meanings
Duration: 40 minutes
Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:

  1. Spell the given words correctly.
  2. Understand the meanings of the words.
  3. Identify the word classes of the words.
  4. Use the words in sentences.

Keywords: Spelling, Meaning, Word Class, Pronunciation
Set Induction: The teacher will begin the lesson by reviewing a few words from the previous week’s dictation.

Entry Behaviour: Learners have basic knowledge of spelling, word meanings, and dictionary usage.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Flashcards with the new words.
  • Dictionaries for looking up meanings and pronunciations.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: The teacher will connect the new words to topics related to language, human behavior, and events to make them relatable for the pupils.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Literacy skills (spelling, reading, and writing).
  • Critical thinking (using words in sentences).

Learning Materials: Flashcards, dictionary, and writing materials.

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 5
  • Oxford Primary Dictionary

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards with the words printed on them.
  • Writing materials for the students.


Learners are to master the spellings and meanings of the following words:

  1. Dialect
    • Meaning: A particular form of a language specific to a region or social group.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: The villagers spoke a dialect that was hard to understand.
  2. Rhythm
    • Meaning: A strong, regular, repeated pattern of sound or movement.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: The rhythm of the music was infectious.
  3. Transformation
    • Meaning: A marked change in form, nature, or appearance.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: The transformation of the town was remarkable.
  4. Seizure
    • Meaning: A sudden attack of illness, especially a stroke or an epileptic fit.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: He was taken to the hospital after having a seizure.
  5. Psychology
    • Meaning: The scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: She studied psychology to understand human behavior better.
  6. Unprecedented
    • Meaning: Never done or known before.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Sentence Example: The decision was unprecedented in the history of the company.
  7. Gymnastics
    • Meaning: Physical exercises and performances requiring skill, strength, and coordination.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: She won a medal in gymnastics.
  8. Aesthetics
    • Meaning: A set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: The artist has a keen sense of aesthetics.
  9. Accommodation
    • Meaning: A place where someone lives or stays.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: We found suitable accommodation for our vacation.
  10. Occasion
    • Meaning: A particular time or instance of an event.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: Her birthday was a joyous occasion.


  1. The villagers spoke a ________ that was hard to understand.
    a) rhythm
    b) dialect
    c) occasion
    d) psychology
  2. The ________ of the music was infectious.
    a) accommodation
    b) seizure
    c) rhythm
    d) aesthetics
  3. The ________ of the town was remarkable.
    a) transformation
    b) gymnastics
    c) psychology
    d) dialect
  4. He was taken to the hospital after having a ________.
    a) seizure
    b) accommodation
    c) aesthetics
    d) occasion
  5. She studied ________ to understand human behavior better.
    a) transformation
    b) psychology
    c) dialect
    d) rhythm
  6. The decision was ________ in the history of the company.
    a) unprecedented
    b) gymnastics
    c) aesthetics
    d) occasion
  7. She won a medal in ________.
    a) aesthetics
    b) gymnastics
    c) transformation
    d) dialect
  8. The artist has a keen sense of ________.
    a) accommodation
    b) occasion
    c) aesthetics
    d) psychology
  9. We found suitable ________ for our vacation.
    a) occasion
    b) accommodation
    c) dialect
    d) rhythm
  10. Her birthday was a joyous ________.
    a) occasion
    b) psychology
    c) seizure
    d) transformation
  11. A marked change in form, nature, or appearance is called a ________.
    a) psychology
    b) aesthetics
    c) transformation
    d) dialect
  12. A sudden attack of illness, especially a stroke, is known as a ________.
    a) seizure
    b) gymnastics
    c) rhythm
    d) occasion
  13. A ________ refers to a place where someone lives or stays.
    a) accommodation
    b) unprecedented
    c) dialect
    d) aesthetics
  14. ________ is the study of the human mind and behavior.
    a) Psychology
    b) Rhythm
    c) Transformation
    d) Occasion
  15. The event was ________; nothing like it had happened before.
    a) unprecedented
    b) dialect
    c) gymnastics
    d) transformation

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is a “dialect”?
    • A particular form of a language specific to a region or social group.
  2. What is the meaning of “rhythm”?
    • A strong, regular, repeated pattern of sound or movement.
  3. How do you use “transformation” in a sentence?
    • The transformation of the town was remarkable.
  4. What is a “seizure”?
    • A sudden attack of illness, especially a stroke or an epileptic fit.
  5. What does “psychology” refer to?
    • The scientific study of the human mind and its functions.
  6. What does “unprecedented” mean?
    • Never done or known before.
  7. What is “gymnastics”?
    • Physical exercises and performances requiring skill, strength, and coordination.
  8. What is “aesthetics”?
    • A set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty.
  9. How do you use “accommodation” in a sentence?
    • We found suitable accommodation for our vacation.
  10. What does “occasion” mean?
    • A particular time or instance of an event.
  11. Is “unprecedented” an adjective or noun?
    • Adjective.
  12. What does “gymnastics” involve?
    • Physical exercises and performances requiring skill, strength, and coordination.
  13. What is the focus of “aesthetics”?
    • The nature and appreciation of beauty.
  14. Where might you need “accommodation”?
    • When traveling or needing a place to stay.
  15. How do you define an “occasion”?
    • A particular time or instance of an event.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous lesson on spelling and word usage.

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new words for the week, explaining their meanings, word classes, and correct pronunciation.

Step 3: The teacher engages the pupils in using the new words in sentences and corrects any mistakes.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Display flashcards with the new words.
  • Guide the pupils to pronounce each word correctly.
  • Help pupils understand the meanings and usage of each word.
  • Assign the home study task.

Learners’ Activities

  • Pronounce the words after the teacher.
  • Write down the words and their meanings in their notebooks.
  • Use each word in a sentence.
  • Complete the home study task by looking up the meanings, word classes, and pronunciation in a dictionary.


  • The teacher will ask the pupils to spell each word aloud.
  • The pupils will use each word in a sentence and share it with the class.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Spell the word “dialect.”
  2. What does “rhythm” mean?
  3. Use the word “transformation” in a sentence.
  4. Define “seizure.”
  5. What is “psychology”?
  6. What does “unprecedented” mean?
  7. What does “gymnastics” involve?
  8. What is the word class of “aesthetics”?
  9. How do you spell “accommodation”?
  10. What is the meaning of “occasion”?


The teacher will go around to check the pupils’ work and provide feedback. Any unclear concepts will be clarified, and pupils will be encouraged to practice the words further at home.

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