Week 11 Dictation: Expand Your Vocabulary with Essential Words Spellings English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Spellings Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Subject: Spellings
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 11
Age: 10 years
Topic: Dictation for the Week
Sub-topic: Learning and Mastery of Spellings and Meanings
Duration: 40 minutes
Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:

  1. Spell the given words correctly.
  2. Understand the meanings of the words.
  3. Identify the word classes of the words.
  4. Use each word in a sentence.

Keywords: Spelling, Meaning, Word Class, Pronunciation
Set Induction: The teacher will introduce the words through scenarios like protecting nature, dealing with unfair treatment, and understanding various concepts related to social issues and the environment.

Entry Behaviour: Learners have basic knowledge of spelling, word meanings, and dictionary usage.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Flashcards with the new words.
  • Dictionaries for looking up meanings and pronunciations.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: The teacher will relate the new words to familiar topics like environmental protection, social issues, and everyday objects.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Literacy skills (spelling, reading, and writing).
  • Critical thinking and awareness of social and environmental issues.

Learning Materials: Flashcards, dictionary, and writing materials.

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 5
  • Oxford Primary Dictionary

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards with the words printed on them.
  • Writing materials for the students.


Learners are to master the spellings and meanings of the following words:

  1. Vandalism
    • Meaning: The act of deliberately destroying or damaging property.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: Vandalism of public property is a serious offense.
  2. Sausage
    • Meaning: A cylindrical piece of seasoned meat, often encased in a skin.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: We had sausages for breakfast.
  3. Sanctuary
    • Meaning: A place of safety or refuge.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: The wildlife sanctuary protects endangered animals.
  4. Scapegoat
    • Meaning: A person who is unfairly blamed for problems or mistakes.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: He was used as a scapegoat for the team’s failure.
  5. Prejudice
    • Meaning: Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: Prejudice against different cultures can lead to discrimination.
  6. Rainforest
    • Meaning: A dense forest with a high annual rainfall, typically found in tropical regions.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: The Amazon rainforest is home to a vast array of wildlife.
  7. Rebellion
    • Meaning: An act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: The rebellion was aimed at overthrowing the tyrannical regime.
  8. Spectacles
    • Meaning: Glasses that help people see better.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: She wore spectacles to read the small print.
  9. Supreme
    • Meaning: Highest in rank or authority.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Sentence Example: The supreme court has the highest authority in legal matters.
  10. Species
    • Meaning: A group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Sentence Example: There are many endangered species that need protection.


  1. The act of deliberately destroying property is called ________.
    a) sanctuary
    b) vandalism
    c) prejudice
    d) rebellion
  2. We had ________ for breakfast this morning.
    a) spectacles
    b) sausage
    c) supreme
    d) species
  3. The wildlife ________ protects endangered animals.
    a) sanctuary
    b) scapegoat
    c) rainforest
    d) prejudice
  4. He was unfairly blamed and used as a ________ for the team’s failure.
    a) rebellion
    b) scapegoat
    c) supreme
    d) spectacles
  5. ________ can lead to unfair treatment and discrimination.
    a) Sausage
    b) Scapegoat
    c) Prejudice
    d) Species
  6. The Amazon ________ is known for its rich biodiversity.
    a) spectacles
    b) rebellion
    c) sanctuary
    d) rainforest
  7. The ________ court has the highest authority in the country.
    a) supreme
    b) species
    c) prejudice
    d) scapegoat
  8. ________ are used to help people see better.
    a) Rainforest
    b) Spectacles
    c) Rebellion
    d) Sausage
  9. The ________ was a significant event aimed at challenging the government.
    a) sanctuary
    b) prejudice
    c) rebellion
    d) sausage
  10. There are many endangered ________ that need to be protected.
    a) species
    b) vandalism
    c) sanctuary
    d) supreme
  11. The ________ of people is often based on unfair beliefs.
    a) spectacles
    b) prejudice
    c) sausage
    d) rainforest
  12. A ________ is a protected area for wildlife.
    a) rebellion
    b) sanctuary
    c) supreme
    d) species
  13. The ________ was declared to be one of the most biodiverse regions on Earth.
    a) rainforest
    b) spectacle
    c) supreme
    d) prejudice
  14. The leader’s ________ power was uncontested.
    a) species
    b) supreme
    c) vandalism
    d) rebellion
  15. The process of dealing with a ________ is crucial for maintaining harmony.
    a) scavenger
    b) spectacle
    c) prejudice
    d) sausage

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is “vandalism”?
    • Deliberate destruction or damage of property.
  2. How is “sausage” used in a sentence?
    • A cylindrical piece of seasoned meat, often eaten as food.
  3. What does “sanctuary” refer to?
    • A place of safety or refuge.
  4. Who is a “scapegoat”?
    • A person who is unfairly blamed for problems or mistakes.
  5. What is “prejudice”?
    • A preconceived opinion not based on reason or actual experience.
  6. What does “rainforest” mean?
    • A dense forest with high rainfall, typically found in tropical regions.
  7. What is “rebellion”?
    • An act of resistance against an established government or ruler.
  8. What are “spectacles”?
    • Glasses that help people see better.
  9. What does “supreme” mean?
    • Highest in rank or authority.
  10. How is “species” used?
    • A group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
  11. How is “vandalism” different from “prejudice”?
    • Vandalism involves damaging property, while prejudice involves unfair opinions about people.
  12. What role does a “sanctuary” play in wildlife conservation?
    • It provides a protected area for animals to live safely.
  13. Why is “rebellion” significant in historical contexts?
    • It represents efforts to challenge and change oppressive systems.
  14. How do “spectacles” aid people?
    • They improve vision for reading and seeing clearly.
  15. What does “supreme” imply about authority?
    • It indicates the highest level of power or control.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous week’s lesson on spelling and usage.

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new words for the week, explaining their meanings, word classes, and correct pronunciation.

Step 3: The teacher engages the pupils in using the new words in sentences and corrects any mistakes.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Display flashcards with the new words.
  • Guide the pupils to pronounce each word correctly.
  • Help pupils understand the meanings and usage of each word.
  • Assign the home study task.

Learners’ Activities

  • Pronounce the words after the teacher.
  • Write down the words and their meanings in their notebooks.
  • Use each word in a sentence and share it with the class.
  • Complete the home study task by looking up the meanings, word classes, and pronunciation in a dictionary.


  • The teacher will ask the pupils to spell each word aloud.
  • The pupils will use each word in a sentence and share it with the class.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Spell the word “vandalism.”
  2. What is the meaning of “sanctuary”?
  3. Use “prejudice” in a sentence.
  4. What is the word class of “spectacles”?
  5. Define “rainforest.”
  6. What does “supreme” describe?
  7. How is “sausage” used in a sentence?
  8. What is a “scapegoat”?
  9. What does “rebellion” mean?
  10. Use “species” in a sentence.


The teacher will review each pupil’s work, correct errors, and provide feedback. Pupils will be encouraged to practice these words in their writing and conversations.

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