Examination Questions French Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 14

Examination and Assessment Plan

Subject: French

Class: Primary 1

Term: First Term

Week: 14

Age: 6 years

Assessment Structure:

Part 1: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (30 questions)

Choose the correct option (a, b, c, or d) to complete each sentence.

  1. Fruits:
    1. ___ means Apple in French. a) Pomme b) Banane c) Orange d) Raisin
    2. ___ means Banana in French. a) Orange b) Pomme c) Banane d) Fraises
    3. ___ means Orange in French. a) Raisin b) Orange c) Cerise d) Pêche
    4. ___ means Grape in French. a) Fraises b) Ananas c) Raisin d) Melon
    5. ___ means Strawberries in French. a) Poire b) Fraises c) Cerise d) Melon
  2. Animals:
    1.  ___ means Cat in French. a) Chat b) Chien c) Lapin d) Oiseau
    2. ___ means Dog in French. a) Lion b) Chien c) Singe d) Tortue
    3. __ means Rabbit in French. a) Oiseau b) Lapin c) Éléphant d) Girafe
    4. ___ means Bird in French. a) Poisson b) Lion c) Oiseau d) Singe
    5. ___ means Fish in French. a) Chat b) Poisson c) Éléphant d) Tortue
  3. Weather: 11.
    1. ___ means Sun in French. a) Soleil b) Nuage c) Pluie d) Vent
    2. ___ means Cloud in French. a) Soleil b) Nuage c) Neige d) Orage
    3. ___ means Rain in French. a) Vent b) Neige c) Pluie d) Tonnerre
    4. ___ means Wind in French. a) Neige b) Vent c) Éclair d) Brouillard
    5. ___ means Snow in French. a) Pluie b) Neige c) Soleil d) Orage

Part 2: Theory Questions

Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the topics taught this term.

  1. What are the primary colors?
  2. Name three fruits in French.
  3. Describe the weather using at least three French words.
  4. How do you say “Monday” in French?
  5. Write the French numbers from 1 to 5.
  6. What is the French word for “head”?
  7. How do you say “cat” in French?
  8. Describe an animal using a French word.
  9. How do you say “rain” in French?
  10. Spell the French word for “orange” (the color).

Part 3: True or False Questions (10 questions)

Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

  1. Pomme means “banana” in French.
  2. Chat means “cat” in French.
  3. Neige means “sun” in French.
  4. Oiseau means “bird” in French.
  5. Vent means “wind” in French.
  6. Soleil means “cloud” in French.
  7. Orage means “storm” in French.
  8. Pluie means “rainbow” in French.
  9. Lion means “lion” in French.
  10. Éclair means “lightning” in French.


  • Answer all questions in the provided answer sheets.
  • Use a pencil for fill-in-the-blank questions and True or False questions.
  • Write complete sentences for theory questions where applicable.
  • Ensure your answers are clear and legible.


  • The examination will last for 1 hour.


  • After completing the examination, the teacher will collect answer sheets and provide feedback to each pupil.

This assessment plan is designed to evaluate the pupils’ comprehension and retention of French vocabulary and concepts covered throughout the first term, ensuring a comprehensive review before the term ends.

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