Child Abuse (Continued) Social Habits Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Social Habits Kindergarten First Term Lesson Notes

Subject: Social Habits

Class: Kindergarten

Term: First Term

Week: 5

Topic: Child Abuse (Continued)

Sub-topic: Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain ways of preventing child abuse.
  2. Show various forms of child abuse.
  3. Explain the importance of reporting any case or incident of abuse or raising an alarm.


  • Prevent
  • Abuse
  • Report
  • Help
  • Trust

Set Induction: The teacher will start with a short, simple story about a child who learns how to prevent and report abuse with the help of a trusted adult.

Entry Behaviour: Students are familiar with the basic concept of child abuse from the previous lesson.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures and videos depicting different forms of child abuse
  • Flashcards with prevention tips
  • Puppets for role play

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge: Discuss the previous lesson on child abuse, focusing on the types of abuse and their understanding of safety.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Personal safety
  • Communication
  • Awareness

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Kindergarten
  • Picture books with themes of safety and trust

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Puppets
  • Picture books


  1. Ways of Preventing Child Abuse:
    • Always stay close to trusted adults.
    • Avoid talking to strangers.
    • Know that it is okay to say “No” if someone makes you feel uncomfortable.
    • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid isolated places.
  2. Forms of Child Abuse:
    • Physical Abuse: Hitting, beating, or causing harm to a child’s body.
    • Emotional Abuse: Saying hurtful things or making a child feel bad about themselves.
    • Sexual Abuse: Inappropriate touching or forcing a child to do sexual things.
    • Neglect: Not providing food, clothing, or care that a child needs.
  3. Reporting and Raising Alarm:
    • Tell a trusted adult immediately if someone tries to hurt you or makes you feel uncomfortable.
    • Yell or shout for help if you are in danger.
    • Understand that it is always right to tell someone if you feel unsafe.


  1. To prevent child abuse, always stay close to ______ adults.
    a) Trusted
    b) Strange
    c) Random
    d) Scary
  2. It is okay to say ______ if someone makes you feel uncomfortable.
    a) Yes
    b) No
    c) Maybe
    d) Later
  3. Hitting or beating a child is called ______ abuse.
    a) Emotional
    b) Physical
    c) Verbal
    d) Mental
  4. Saying hurtful things to a child is called ______ abuse.
    a) Sexual
    b) Physical
    c) Emotional
    d) Neglect
  5. If you feel unsafe, you should ______ for help.
    a) Whisper
    b) Yell
    c) Stay quiet
    d) Run away

Class Activity Discussion:

  1. Q: What is one way to prevent child abuse?
    A: Stay close to trusted adults.
  2. Q: What should you do if someone makes you feel uncomfortable?
    A: Say “No” and tell a trusted adult.
  3. Q: What is physical abuse?
    A: Physical abuse is hitting or beating a child.
  4. Q: Why is it important to report abuse?
    A: Reporting abuse helps keep you and other children safe.
  5. Q: Who should you tell if you feel unsafe?
    A: Tell a trusted adult immediately.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, “Child Abuse,” by discussing what child abuse is and the different types of abuse.

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Child Abuse (Continued),” by reading a simple story about preventing and reporting abuse.

Step 3: The teacher allows the pupils to discuss ways to prevent abuse and role-play scenarios where they report abuse or raise an alarm.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Read a story about preventing and reporting abuse.
  • Show flashcards with prevention tips.
  • Use puppets to role-play reporting abuse.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen to the story.
  • Discuss ways to prevent abuse.
  • Participate in role-playing activities.


  • Observe students during role-play.
  • Ask students to explain ways to prevent abuse and how to report it.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. How can you prevent child abuse?
  2. What should you do if a stranger talks to you?
  3. Can you name a form of child abuse?
  4. Why is it important to tell a trusted adult if you feel unsafe?
  5. What should you do if someone tries to hurt you?

Conclusion: The teacher goes around to mark and give feedback on the students’ understanding of preventing and reporting child abuse.

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