Effects of Harmful Substances in the body Home Economics Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Effects of Harmful Substances in the body

Learn about the effects of harmful substances like alcohol, tobacco, and drugs on your body. Explore how to stay safe and healthy in this engaging Home Economics lesson for kids

Subject: Home Economics
Class: Primary 2
Term: Third Term
Week: Week 8
Topic: Effects of Harmful Substances in the Body
Duration: 45 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Identify harmful substances that can affect the body negatively.
  2. Understand the consequences of consuming harmful substances.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of how to avoid harmful substances.

Key Words: Harmful Substances, Effects, Body, Avoid.

Entry Behaviour: Students should have basic understanding of health and safety concepts.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures or illustrations of harmful substances and their effects.
  • Real-life examples of harmful substances.
  • Whiteboard and markers.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Review with students the importance of staying healthy and making good choices. Connect this to the new topic by explaining that they will learn about substances that can harm their bodies and why they should avoid them.

Embedded Core Skills: Observation, critical thinking, communication.

Instructional Materials:

  1. Introduction to the topic.
  2. Presentation of pictures and examples.
  3. Interactive discussions.
  4. Group activities.


Effects of harmful substances in the body:

  1. Alcohol: Drinking too much alcohol can make you feel sick and dizzy. 🍺
  2. Tobacco: Smoking tobacco can harm your lungs and make it hard to breathe. 🚬
  3. Drugs: Taking drugs like cocaine or heroin can make you feel very sick and can damage your body. 💊
  4. Poison: If you swallow poison, it can make you very sick or even cause death. ☠️
  5. Chemicals: Using chemicals improperly can burn your skin or make you feel unwell. 🧪

It’s important to avoid these harmful substances to keep our bodies healthy and strong! 🚫

Evaluation :

  1. Effects of harmful substances in the body: Drinking too much alcohol can make you feel ________. a) Happy b) Sick and dizzy c) Energetic d) Hungry
  2. Effects of harmful substances in the body: Smoking tobacco can harm your ________ and make it hard to breathe. a) Eyes b) Lungs c) Hair d) Stomach
  3. Effects of harmful substances in the body: Taking drugs like cocaine or heroin can make you feel very ________ and can damage your body. a) Happy b) Sick c) Strong d) Hungry
  4. Effects of harmful substances in the body: If you swallow poison, it can make you very ________ or even cause death. a) Sleepy b) Happy c) Sick d) Angry
  5. Effects of harmful substances in the body: Using chemicals improperly can burn your ________ or make you feel unwell. a) Hair b) Skin c) Teeth d) Eyes
  6. Drinking too much alcohol can make you feel ________. a) Happy b) Sick and dizzy c) Energetic d) Hungry
  7. Smoking tobacco can harm your ________ and make it hard to breathe. a) Eyes b) Lungs c) Hair d) Stomach
  8. Taking drugs like cocaine or heroin can make you feel very ________ and can damage your body. a) Happy b) Sick c) Strong d) Hungry
  9. If you swallow poison, it can make you very ________ or even cause death. a) Sleepy b) Happy c) Sick d) Angry
  10. Using chemicals improperly can burn your ________ or make you feel unwell. a) Hair b) Skin c) Teeth d) Eyes
  11. Drinking too much alcohol can make you feel ________. a) Happy b) Sick and dizzy c) Energetic d) Hungry
  12. Smoking tobacco can harm your ________ and make it hard to breathe. a) Eyes b) Lungs c) Hair d) Stomach
  13. Taking drugs like cocaine or heroin can make you feel very ________ and can damage your body. a) Happy b) Sick c) Strong d) Hungry
  14. If you swallow poison, it can make you very ________ or even cause death. a) Sleepy b) Happy c) Sick d) Angry
  15. Using chemicals improperly can burn your ________ or make you feel unwell. a) Hair b) Skin c) Teeth d) Eyes

Class Activity Discussion :

  1. What can happen if you drink too much alcohol? Answer: You can feel sick and dizzy.
  2. How does smoking tobacco affect your body? Answer: It can harm your lungs and make it hard to breathe.
  3. What can taking drugs like cocaine or heroin do to you? Answer: They can make you feel very sick and harm your body.
  4. What happens if you swallow poison? Answer: It can make you very sick or even cause death.
  5. What can using chemicals improperly do to your skin? Answer: It can burn your skin or make you feel unwell.
  6. What might you feel if you drink too much alcohol? Answer: You might feel sick and dizzy.
  7. How does smoking tobacco affect your breathing? Answer: It can make it hard to breathe.
  8. What can drugs like cocaine or heroin do to your body? Answer: They can make you very sick and harm your body.
  9. What can poison do to you if swallowed? Answer: It can make you very sick or even cause death.
  10. What might happen if you use chemicals improperly? Answer: It can burn your skin or make you feel unwell.
  11. What can happen if you drink too much alcohol? Answer: You can feel sick and dizzy.
  12. How does smoking tobacco affect your body? Answer: It can harm your lungs and make it hard to breathe.
  13. What can taking drugs like cocaine or heroin do to you? Answer: They can make you feel very sick and harm your body.
  14. What happens if you swallow poison? Answer: It can make you very sick or even cause death.
  15. What can using chemicals improperly do to your skin? Answer: It can burn your skin or make you feel unwell.

Presentation :

  1. Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic by asking students to recall what they learned about staying healthy. Mid Term Test Third Term Home Economics Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 7
  2. Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, explaining that they will learn about harmful substances that can affect their bodies.
  3. Step 3: The teacher presents pictures and examples of harmful substances, such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, poison, and chemicals. Students are encouraged to identify these substances and discuss their effects on the body.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Presenting pictures and examples.
  • Guiding discussions.
  • Providing explanations and corrections.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Observing pictures and examples.
  • Participating in discussions.
  • Asking questions for clarification.

Assessment: Observation of students’ participation and understanding during discussions and activities.

 Evaluation Questions :

  1. What are harmful substances?
  2. Name one harmful substance found in drinks like beer and wine.
  3. How does smoking tobacco affect your body?
  4. What can drugs like cocaine or heroin do to your body?
  5. If you swallow poison, what can happen to you?
  6. How can using chemicals improperly affect your skin?
  7. Why should we avoid harmful substances?
  8. What happens if you drink too much alcohol?
  9. How does smoking tobacco affect your breathing?
  10. What can happen if you use drugs like cocaine or heroin?

Conclusion: The teacher assesses students’ understanding and provides necessary corrections. Reinforce the importance of avoiding harmful substances to stay healthy and strong.

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