Revision of Test Civic Education Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Week: One

Topic: Revision


Class: Basic Two

Subject:Civic Education

Topic: Civic Education


Duration: 40 minutes 

  1.  Civic education helps us to understand our ___________ (a) rights, (b) hobbies, (c) sports.
  2.  Civic education helps us to understand our ___________ (a) responsibilities, (b) favorite movies, (c) pets.
  3.  Civic education helps us to practice ___________ (a) democracy, (b) painting, (c) cooking.
  4.  Civic education helps us learn more about how our ___________ (a) government works, (b) favorite games, (c) superheroes.
  5. Civic education teaches us how to cooperate with ___________ (a) one another, (b) animals, (c) computers.
  6. Civic education teaches us how we can make our ___________ (a) society better, (b) hair look good, (c) toys.
  7.  Civic education teaches that we should pay our ___________ (a) taxes, (b) friends, (c) books.
  8.  Civic education teaches us to obey ___________ (a) rules and regulations, (b) bedtime, (c) music.
  9. Civic education helps us understand what the government is doing to ___________ (a) protect us, (b) entertain us, (c) scare us.
  10.  Civic education teaches us how we can become better ___________ (a) citizens, (b) athletes, (c) artists.
  11.  Civic education helps us ask questions on what ___________ (a) government is doing for us as citizens, (b) our favorite subjects are, (c) our dreams are made of.
  12.  Civic education helps us understand what to expect from ___________ (a) the government, (b) our friends, (c) our toys.
  13.  Civic education helps us understand what we should do for ___________ (a) our country, (b) our pets, (c) our hobbies.
  14.  Civic education teaches us how to practice ___________ (a) democracy properly, (b) sports, (c) music.
  15.  Civic education helps us learn more about how our leaders ___________ (a) rule the country, (b) play games, (c) dance.
  16. Rules and regulations in the school are about what we should do in the school ___________ (a) environment, (b) garden, (c) playground.
  17. Rules and regulations in the school are about what we should not do in the school ___________ (a) environment, (b) library, (c) cafeteria.
  18. Be ___________ (a) punctual, (b) creative, (c) sleepy at school.
  19.  Attend school ___________ (a) regularly, (b) on weekends, (c) only during holidays.
  20.  You must be ___________ (a) neat and tidy, (b) noisy and messy, (c) late and unorganized at all times.
  21.  Be ___________ (a) polite, (b) loud, (c) lazy.
  22. Obey the ___________ (a) teacher, (b) students, (c) pets.
  23. Do not run when going up and down the ___________ (a) stairs, (b) slide, (c) swings.
  24. Do not tell ___________ (a) lies, (b) jokes, (c) stories in the classroom.
    10. Do not make ___________ (a) noise, (b) friends, (c) art in the classroom.
  25.  Do not ___________ (a) fight, (b) sing, (c) dance in school.
  26.  Obey the ___________ (a) prefects, (b) parents, (c) animals.
  27.  Do your class work and homework ___________ (a) promptly, (b) slowly, (c) carelessly.
  28.  Punctuality and regularity will help you become a better person in ___________ (a) future, (b) dreams, (c) stories.
  29.  Submit your class work and homework to the ___________ (a) teacher on time, (b) principal on time, (c) librarian on time.
  30. Class monitors and prefects keep the class ___________ (a) neat and tidy, (b) noisy and messy, (c) colorful and vibrant.
  31. They clean the ___________ (a) chalkboard, (b) windows, (c) desks in the classroom.
  32. Class monitors and prefects help stop ___________ (a) noise making, (b) learning, (c) creativity in the class.
  33. They help the teacher to organize the class by distributing ___________ (a) books, pencils, crayons, (b) toys, games, snacks, (c) movies, music, posters.
  34. They report disobedient pupils to the ___________ (a) school authorities, (b) parents, (c) pets.
  35. Class monitors and prefects make sure that other pupils are ___________ (a) orderly, (b) talkative, (c) lazy.
  36. They make sure that the school compound is ___________ (a) neat, (b) crowded, (c) noisy.
  37.  Class monitors and prefects are ___________ (a) hardworking, (b) lazy, (c) bossy.
  38. They are ___________ (a) humble, (b) arrogant, (c) noisy.
  39.  Class monitors and prefects are ___________ (a) regular in school, (b) absent most of the time, (c) always late.
  40. They are ___________ (a) neat, (b) messy, (c) careless in their appearance.
  41.  They are ___________ (a) intelligent, (b) forgetful, (c) lazy.
  42.  Class monitors and prefects are ___________ (a) disciplined, (b) unruly, (c) noisy.
  43.  They are ___________ (a) honest, (b) dishonest, (c) sneaky.
  44.  Class monitors and prefects are ___________ (a) punctual, (b) always late, (c) never on time.
  45.  A community is made up of a group of ___________ (a) people, (b) animals, (c) machines.
  46. Traditional communities include villages and ___________ (a) small towns, (b) big cities, (c) forests.
  47.  Traditional communities are sometimes ruled by ___________ (a) traditional rulers, (b) government officials, (c) school principals.
  48. In traditional communities, people know ___________ (a) each other, (b) nothing about each other, (c) only the rulers.
  49. Modern communities include large towns and ___________ (a) cities, (b) villages, (c) farms.
  50. In modern communities, people do not know each other ___________ (a) very well, (b) at all, (c) only during festivals.
  51.  Modern communities are ruled by ___________ (a) government officials, (b) traditional rulers, (c) school principals.
  52.  People in the school community are always ___________ (a) learning new things, (b) playing games, (c) sleeping.
  53. The head teacher is the leader of the ___________ (a) school community, (b) village community, (c) traditional community.
  54. In families, we have fathers, mothers, children, uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, and ___________ (a) others, (b) pets, (c) robots.
  55. In the community, we have leaders like obas, obis, and emirs who see to the ___________ (a) welfare of the community, (b) entertainment of the community, (c) education of the community.
  56. We also have chairmen of local government councils and other government officials in the ___________ (a) community, (b) school, (c) family.
  57. In the school, we have the head teacher, other teachers, the pupils, and other people who help to look after the ___________ (a) school, (b) community, (c) family.
  58.  Rules in the community are made to promote ___________ (a) orderliness, (b) chaos, (c) laziness.
  59. Keeping the environment clean is an example of a community rule to promote ___________ (a) cleanliness, (b) dirtiness, (c) noise.
  60.  The community leader for the Ebira people is called ___________ (a) Ohinoyi, (b) Obà, (c) Eze.
  61. Community leaders settle ___________ (a) disputes, (b) celebrations, (c) competitions.
  62.  Community leaders promote ___________ (a) peace, (b) conflict, (c) secrecy.
  63.  Community leaders regularly organize ___________ (a) community work, (b) parties, (c) protests.
  64.  Community leaders ensure the ___________ (a) safety, (b) danger, (c) chaos in the community.
  65. Qualities of community leaders include being ___________ (a) caring, (b) careless, (c) cold-hearted.
  66. They must be ___________ (a) loving, (b) hating, (c) indifferent.
  67. Community leaders should be ___________ (a) wise, (b) foolish, (c) ignorant.
  68.  They should be ___________ (a) intelligent, (b) dull, (c) ignorant.
  69. Community leaders must be ___________ (a) honest, (b) dishonest, (c) deceptive.
  70.  Building good drains helps in ___________ (a) preventing waterlogging, (b) increasing pollution, (c) causing blockages.
  71. We should not throw litter into the drains in order ___________ (a) not to block them, (b) to block them, (c) to create a mess.
  72.  Keeping our surroundings clean is important for ___________ (a) maintaining good health, (b) spreading diseases, (c) causing pollution.
  73. A clean environment promotes ___________ (a) well-being, (b) sickness, (c) chaos.
  74. Taking responsibility for our surroundings means ___________ (a) keeping them clean, (b) neglecting them, (c) blaming others.
  75. Ways of keeping modern toilets clean include ___________ (a) flushing after every use, (b) avoiding cleaning, (c) using the toilet as a storage space.

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