Creating Music with Solfa Notation Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: Primary 5

Term: Second Term

Week: 4

Topic: Creating Music with Solfa Notation

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should have a basic understanding of musical notes and rhythm.

Key Words: Solfa notation, music creation, melody, harmony, pitch.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Students will understand the concept of solfa notation.
  • Students will be able to create simple melodies using solfa syllables.
  • Students will collaborate to compose a short piece of music using solfa notation.
  • Students will perform their composition for the class.

Embedded Core Skills: Creativity, collaboration, communication, musicality.

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Cultural and Creative Arts.
  • Cultural and Creative Arts Textbook Book 5.
  • Cardboard with inscriptions showing Arabic text symbols (for inspiration).
  • Audio device for playing examples of solfa notation.
  • Visual aids demonstrating solfa notation.


  1. Revision: The teacher revises the previous topic on musical notes and rhythm, ensuring students have a solid foundation.
  2. Introduction to Solfa Notation: The teacher introduces the concept of solfa notation, explaining how it represents musical pitches using syllables like “do,” “re,” “mi,” etc.
  3. Understanding Solfa Syllables: Students learn about the solfa syllables and their corresponding pitches in the musical scale.
  1. Understanding Solfa Notation:
    • Solfa notation is a system used to represent musical pitches using syllables like “do,” “re,” “mi,” etc. 🎵
  2. Using Solfa to Create Melodies:
    • Each solfa syllable corresponds to a specific pitch in the musical scale. For example, “do” represents the tonic or first note of the scale, “re” represents the second note, and so on. 🎶
  3. Writing Melodies with Solfa:
    • To create a melody using solfa, start with a starting note (often “do”) and then move up or down the scale using the appropriate solfa syllables. For example, a simple melody could be “do-re-mi-fa-so.” 🎼
  4. Adding Rhythm to Solfa Melodies:
    • Solfa notation can also be combined with rhythmic notation to create melodies with specific rhythms. Each solfa syllable is sung or played for a certain duration, indicated by the rhythm notation. ⏰
  5. Practicing Solfa Singing:
    • Singing solfa melodies is a great way to practice ear training and improve musical memory. Students can start with simple melodies and gradually increase complexity as they become more comfortable with solfa notation. 🎤
  6. Creating Harmonies with Solfa:
    • Solfa notation can also be used to create harmonies by stacking different pitches on top of each other. For example, singing “do-mi-sol” creates a basic major chord harmony. 🎶
  7. Exploring Solfa in Music Education:
    • Solfa notation is commonly used in music education to teach students about pitch, melody, harmony, and sight-singing. It provides a practical and intuitive way to understand and create music. 📚
  8. Experimenting with Solfa Compositions:
    • Encourage students to experiment with creating their own melodies and harmonies using solfa notation. They can start with simple exercises and gradually progress to more complex compositions. 🎼

By understanding and practicing solfa notation, students can develop their musical skills and creativity, opening up new possibilities for expressing themselves through music. 🌟


  1. What is solfa notation?
    • Solfa notation is a system used to represent musical pitches using syllables like “do,” “re,” “mi,” etc. It helps musicians understand and communicate melodies and harmonies.
  2. How do I read solfa notation?
    • Each solfa syllable corresponds to a specific pitch in the musical scale. For example, “do” represents the tonic or first note of the scale, “re” represents the second note, and so on.
  3. Can solfa notation be used to write melodies?
    • Yes, solfa notation can be used to write melodies by assigning solfa syllables to each note in the melody. For example, a simple melody could be “do-re-mi-fa-so.”
  4. How do I add rhythm to solfa melodies?
    • Rhythm can be added to solfa melodies by combining solfa notation with rhythmic notation. Each solfa syllable is sung or played for a certain duration, indicated by the rhythm notation.
  5. Can I create harmonies using solfa notation?
    • Yes, solfa notation can be used to create harmonies by stacking different pitches on top of each other. For example, singing “do-mi-sol” creates a basic major chord harmony.
  6. How can I practice solfa notation?
    • You can practice solfa notation by singing solfa melodies, playing them on a musical instrument, or writing them down on paper. Start with simple exercises and gradually increase complexity.
  7. Is solfa notation used in music education?
    • Yes, solfa notation is commonly used in music education to teach students about pitch, melody, harmony, and sight-singing. It provides a practical and intuitive way to understand and create music.
  8. Can I compose my own music using solfa notation?
    • Absolutely! You can compose your own melodies and harmonies using solfa notation. Experiment with different combinations of solfa syllables to create unique and original music.
  9. Are there any resources to learn more about solfa notation?
    • Yes, there are many resources available, including books, online tutorials, and educational websites, that can help you learn more about solfa notation and how to use it in your music.
  10. How can solfa notation improve my musical skills?
    • Solfa notation can improve your musical skills by helping you develop ear training, musical memory, and creativity. It provides a practical and accessible way to understand and create music.
  1. Solfa notation uses syllables like “__” to represent musical pitches.
    • a) do
    • b) me
    • c) you
    • d) we
  2. Each solfa syllable corresponds to a specific “__” in the musical scale.
    • a) instrument
    • b) pitch
    • c) rhythm
    • d) tempo
  3. A simple melody could be “__-re-mi-fa-so.”
    • a) do
    • b) la
    • c) ti
    • d) sol
  4. Rhythm can be added to solfa melodies by combining solfa notation with “__” notation.
    • a) mathematical
    • b) alphabetical
    • c) rhythmic
    • d) harmonic
  5. Singing “do-mi-sol” creates a basic “__” harmony.
    • a) minor
    • b) major
    • c) diminished
    • d) augmented
  6. You can practice solfa notation by singing solfa melodies, playing them on a musical “__”, or writing them down on paper.
    • a) table
    • b) calculator
    • c) instrument
    • d) ball
  7. Solfa notation is commonly used in “__” education to teach students about pitch, melody, and harmony.
    • a) science
    • b) math
    • c) music
    • d) history
  8. You can compose your own “__” and harmonies using solfa notation.
    • a) colors
    • b) melodies
    • c) stories
    • d) paintings
  9. Solfa notation can improve your musical skills by helping you develop “__”, musical memory, and creativity.
    • a) cooking
    • b) gardening
    • c) ear training
    • d) driving
  10. Each solfa syllable represents a specific “__” in the scale.
    • a) note
    • b) word
    • c) color
    • d) shape
  11. Solfa notation is a system used to represent “__” using syllables like “do,” “re,” “mi,” etc.
    • a) musical pitches
    • b) dance moves
    • c) food recipes
    • d) animals
  12. Adding rhythm to solfa melodies helps to create a sense of “__” and “flow” in the music.
    • a) excitement
    • b) happiness
    • c) movement
    • d) sadness
  13. Each solfa syllable corresponds to a specific “__” in the musical scale.
    • a) pitch
    • b) color
    • c) size
    • d) shape
  14. Solfa notation is commonly used in “__” to teach students about pitch, melody, and harmony.
    • a) music education
    • b) science experiments
    • c) cooking classes
    • d) sports activities
  15. Singing solfa melodies is a great way to practice “__” and improve musical memory.
    • a) cooking
    • b) ear training
    • c) swimming
    • d) driving


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, ensuring students understand the basics of musical notes and rhythm. Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic of creating music with solfa notation, explaining its importance and relevance. Step 3: The teacher allows students to give their own contributions, answering any questions and clarifying any misunderstandings.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present the concept of solfa notation using visual aids and examples.
  • Demonstrate how to create simple melodies using solfa syllables.
  • Guide students in composing a short piece of music using solfa notation.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen and participate in the discussion about solfa notation.
  • Practice singing solfa syllables and creating melodies.
  • Collaborate with classmates to compose a short piece of music.


  • The teacher assesses students’ understanding of solfa notation through observation and participation.
  • Students’ compositions are evaluated based on creativity, accuracy, and musicality.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is solfa notation?
  2. Can you name some solfa syllables and their corresponding pitches?
  3. How do you create a melody using solfa notation?
  4. What is the importance of collaboration in composing music?
  5. Can you demonstrate how to sing a simple melody using solfa syllables?
  6. What does it mean to perform a composition?
  7. How does solfa notation help us understand music better?
  8. What are some examples of musical compositions that use solfa notation?
  9. How do you know if a melody is in tune?
  10. Why is it important to practice singing solfa syllables regularly?


  • The teacher goes around to mark students’ performances and compositions, providing feedback and encouragement.
  • Any necessary corrections or clarifications are addressed before concluding the lesson.
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