Second Term Examination Christian Religious Studies Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 11
Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Second Term Examination
Primary 3 – Second Term Lesson Notes Week 12
Instructions for Teachers and Students
For Teachers:
- Ensure that all students are seated properly before the exam begins.
- Read all instructions clearly to students before they start writing.
- Ensure no student has any unauthorized material (e.g., textbooks, notes, or written papers).
- Walk around the class to monitor students and prevent malpractice.
- Collect all scripts immediately after the exam and mark accordingly.
For Students:
- Write your name, class, and date at the top of your answer sheet.
- Read each question carefully before answering.
- Do not copy from your classmates or bring any extra notes to the exam hall.
- If you do not understand a question, ask the teacher politely.
- Stay quiet and focused until the exam is over.
- Submit your work when the teacher asks for it.
Part A: Objective Questions
30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options (a, b, c, d)
- Jesus is the ______ of the world.
a) King
b) Light
c) Shepherd
d) Bread - Christians are called the ______ of the earth.
a) Salt
b) Light
c) Bread
d) People - The Lord is my ______; I shall not want.
a) Shepherd
b) Teacher
c) Friend
d) Parent - Jesus is the ______ to the Father.
a) Door
b) Way
c) Key
d) Light - Psalm 23 teaches us to ______ in God.
a) Fear
b) Trust
c) Ignore
d) Doubt - Jesus is called the Bread of ______.
a) Joy
b) Life
c) Light
d) Water - Christians should ______ others.
a) Hate
b) Love
c) Ignore
d) Fight - Jesus came to save us from ______.
a) Hunger
b) Sin
c) Wealth
d) Health - Salt is used to ______ food.
a) Burn
b) Preserve
c) Spoil
d) Hide - The Good Shepherd ______ for His sheep.
a) Cares
b) Ignores
c) Fights
d) Punishes - Christians should show ______ to others.
a) Love
b) Anger
c) Fear
d) Jealousy - Jesus is the ______ Shepherd.
a) Kind
b) Good
c) Wise
d) Mighty - The Lord protects His ______.
a) People
b) Sheep
c) Enemies
d) Children - Jesus feeds our ______ with His words.
a) Body
b) Spirit
c) Mind
d) Heart - Salt makes food ______.
a) Sour
b) Tasty
c) Bitter
d) Soft - Jesus teaches us to ______ our enemies.
a) Love
b) Ignore
c) Fight
d) Hate - Christians should be a good ______ to others.
a) Leader
b) Example
c) Follower
d) Helper - Jesus gives us ______ life.
a) Short
b) Eternal
c) Difficult
d) Painful - Christians should ______ God’s teachings.
a) Forget
b) Follow
c) Change
d) Doubt - Jesus is the ______ of Life.
a) Bread
b) Light
c) Salt
d) Water - We should follow Jesus’ ______.
a) Friends
b) Teachings
c) Enemies
d) Wealth - Jesus helps us overcome ______.
a) Fear
b) Joy
c) Strength
d) Wisdom - Christians should help those in ______.
a) Trouble
b) Wealth
c) Sin
d) Power - Salt is used to make food ______.
a) Bitter
b) Tasty
c) Hard
d) Spicy - Psalm 23 says, “I will fear no ______.”
a) Light
b) Evil
c) Love
d) Happiness - Jesus is the ______ and the Life.
a) Bread
b) Shepherd
c) Way
d) Light - Jesus shows us the ______ to the Father.
a) Truth
b) Path
c) Way
d) Door - We should ______ God in all things.
a) Trust
b) Doubt
c) Fear
d) Ignore - Jesus is our Good ______.
a) Teacher
b) Shepherd
c) King
d) Guide - Christians should bring ______ to the world.
a) Light
b) Darkness
c) Sorrow
d) Confusion
Part D: Fill in the Gaps
30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
- Jesus is the ______ of the world.
- Christians are the ______ of the earth.
- The Good Shepherd cares for His ______.
- Jesus came to save us from ______.
- Salt makes food ______.
- We should always ______ our enemies.
- Jesus gives us ______ life.
- Christians should be a good ______ to others.
- Jesus is the ______ of Life.
- Christians should follow God’s ______.
- We should always ______ in God.
- The Good Shepherd lays down His life for His ______.
- Jesus is the ______ Shepherd.
- Christians should be the light of the ______.
- Salt is used to make food ______.
- Jesus is the way, the truth, and the ______.
- The Lord is my ______; I shall not want.
- We should love our ______ as ourselves.
- Psalm 23 teaches us not to ______.
- Jesus is the ______ and the Life.
- We should show ______ to those in need.
- Christians should spread the good ______.
- The Lord prepares a ______ for us in the presence of our enemies.
- Jesus teaches us to ______ others.
- Jesus is the ______ of the world.
- We should always be ______ in all we do.
- Christians should pray to ______ always.
- We must trust God with all our ______.
- The Bible teaches us to be ______ to one another.
- Jesus is the ______ that leads to eternal life.
This examination fully covers all topics from the second term in an easy-to-understand format.