Showing Respect in Places of Worship Civic Education KG Second Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Subject: Civic Education

Class: Kindergarten (KG)

Term: Second Term

Week: 7

Topic: Cultural Habits of Taking Care of Personal and Communal Belongings at Places of Worship

Sub-topic: Showing Respect in Places of Worship

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behavior: Students should be able to identify basic cultural habits such as saying “please” and “thank you.”

Key Words: Cultural habits, respect, personal belongings, communal belongings, places of worship.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • Students will understand the importance of showing respect in places of worship.
  • Students will be able to identify and describe cultural habits of taking care of personal and communal belongings in places of worship.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Social awareness
  • Respect for cultural diversity
  • Fine motor skills (e.g., handling books and items carefully)

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures of different places of worship
  • Illustrations of people showing respect in places of worship
  • Storybooks about cultural habits in places of worship

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Kindergarten Civic Education
  • Civic Education KG textbook


Here are some cultural habits we practice to take care of our personal and communal belongings at places of worship:

  1. Removing Shoes Before Entering: 🥿 It’s polite to take off our shoes before entering places of worship like mosques, temples, or churches.
  2. Keeping Quiet and Respectful: 🤫 We should use soft voices and be respectful to others while inside the place of worship.
  3. Handling Books and Sacred Items Carefully: 📚 We handle religious books and sacred items with care, making sure not to damage them.
  4. Cleaning Up After Ourselves: 🧹 After using the facilities, we tidy up and leave the area clean for others to use.
  5. Respecting Others’ Belongings: 🙏 We respect other people’s belongings by not touching or taking anything that doesn’t belong to us.
  6. Avoiding Running or Rough Play: 🏃‍♂️ We walk calmly and avoid running or playing roughly to prevent accidents and damage to belongings.
  7. Following the Rules and Traditions: 📜 We follow the rules and traditions of the place of worship, such as where to sit or stand, and how to behave.
  8. Being Mindful of Electronic Devices: 📱 We turn off or silence electronic devices to avoid disturbing others during prayers or ceremonies.
  9. Not Bringing Food or Drinks Inside: 🚫 We don’t bring food or drinks inside the place of worship to keep it clean and respectful.
  10. Respecting the Space: 🕌 We respect the sacredness of the space by not littering or disrespecting the environment.

Remember, these habits help us show respect for our places of worship and for each other.

Class Discussion:

  1. Why do we need to take off our shoes before entering a place of worship?
    • We take off our shoes as a sign of respect because the place of worship is considered sacred in many cultures.
  2. Is it okay to talk loudly or play inside a place of worship?
    • No, it’s important to speak softly and avoid playing inside to maintain a peaceful atmosphere and show respect.
  3. How should we handle religious books and sacred items?
    • We handle them carefully, avoiding damage or disrespect, as they hold significance to those who worship there.
  4. What should we do after using the facilities in a place of worship?
    • We should tidy up and leave the area clean for others to use, showing consideration for fellow worshippers.
  5. Why is it important to respect other people’s belongings in a place of worship?
    • Respecting others’ belongings fosters a sense of community and demonstrates our appreciation for each other’s space.
  6. Can we run or play rough games inside a place of worship?
    • No, running or playing rough games is discouraged to prevent accidents and maintain the sanctity of the space.
  7. What rules and traditions should we follow inside a place of worship?
    • We should follow the specific rules and traditions of the place of worship, such as where to sit, stand, or how to behave during ceremonies.
  8. Why should we silence or turn off electronic devices in a place of worship?
    • Electronic devices should be silenced or turned off to avoid disrupting prayers or ceremonies and to maintain focus and reverence.
  9. Are we allowed to bring food or drinks inside a place of worship?
    • It’s generally not permitted to bring food or drinks inside to keep the environment clean and respectful.
  10. How can we show respect for the space and environment of a place of worship?
    • We can show respect by not littering, avoiding damage to property, and behaving in a reverent manner.


  1. It’s polite to take off our _____ before entering a place of worship.
    • a) shoes
    • b) hats
    • c) gloves
    • d) scarves
  2. Inside a place of worship, we should speak _____ to maintain a peaceful atmosphere.
    • a) loudly
    • b) softly
    • c) aggressively
    • d) quickly
  3. We should handle religious books and sacred items _____ to avoid damage.
    • a) carelessly
    • b) disrespectfully
    • c) carefully
    • d) hastily
  4. After using the facilities in a place of worship, we should _____ for others to use.
    • a) leave a mess
    • b) tidy up
    • c) ignore
    • d) dance
  5. Respecting others’ belongings in a place of worship fosters a sense of _____.
    • a) competition
    • b) community
    • c) loneliness
    • d) anger
  6. Running or playing rough games inside a place of worship should be _____.
    • a) encouraged
    • b) discouraged
    • c) praised
    • d) ignored
  7. We should follow the _____ of the place of worship, such as where to sit or stand.
    • a) rules and traditions
    • b) weather forecast
    • c) latest trends
    • d) random directions
  8. Electronic devices should be silenced or turned off to avoid _____ prayers or ceremonies.
    • a) enhancing
    • b) disrupting
    • c) improving
    • d) delaying
  9. Bringing food or drinks inside a place of worship is generally _____.
    • a) permitted
    • b) encouraged
    • c) prohibited
    • d) suggested
  10. We can show respect for the space and environment of a place of worship by not _____.
    • a) littering
    • b) cleaning up
    • c) respecting others
    • d) following rules
  11. _____ is a sign of respect when entering a place of worship.
    • a) Singing loudly
    • b) Taking off shoes
    • c) Jumping around
    • d) Shouting
  12. It’s important to handle religious books and sacred items _____ to show reverence.
    • a) carelessly
    • b) gently
    • c) roughly
    • d) quickly
  13. Following the _____ of a place of worship helps maintain order and respect.
    • a) latest fashion trends
    • b) rules and traditions
    • c) random guesses
    • d) weather patterns
  14. _____ devices should be silenced inside a place of worship to maintain focus.
    • a) Electronic
    • b) Musical
    • c) Mechanical
    • d) Wind-up
  15. Bringing food or drinks inside a place of worship can _____ the environment.
    • a) enhance
    • b) disturb
    • c) calm
    • d) decorate


  1. Step 1: Revision (5 minutes)
    • The teacher revises the previous topic which was “Respecting Elders.”
    • Students recall and discuss ways they can show respect to their elders.
  2. Step 2: Introduction of New Topic (5 minutes)
    • The teacher introduces the new topic: Cultural Habits of Taking Care of Personal and Communal Belongings at Places of Worship.
    • The teacher explains that places of worship, like mosques, temples, and churches, are special places where people go to pray and show respect.
  3. Step 3: Teacher’s Activities (10 minutes)
    • The teacher shows pictures of different places of worship and discusses their significance.
    • The teacher explains cultural habits such as removing shoes, speaking softly, and handling sacred items with care.
    • The teacher reads a story or shows illustrations depicting people showing respect in places of worship.
  4. Learners’ Activities (15 minutes)
    • Students observe the pictures and listen attentively to the teacher’s explanations.
    • Students participate in discussions about cultural habits and share their own experiences.
    • Students engage in role-playing activities, pretending to show respect in a place of worship.
  5. Assessment (5 minutes)
    • The teacher assesses students’ understanding through questioning and observation.
    • Students demonstrate their understanding by answering questions about cultural habits in places of worship.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. Why do we take off our shoes before entering a place of worship?
  2. How should we handle sacred items in a place of worship?
  3. What is one cultural habit of showing respect in places of worship?
  4. Can we speak loudly inside a place of worship?
  5. What should we do after using the facilities in a place of worship?
  6. Why is it important to respect other people’s belongings?
  7. Name one rule or tradition to follow inside a place of worship.
  8. Should we bring food or drinks inside a place of worship?
  9. What do we do to show respect for the space and environment of a place of worship?
  10. Can you describe one way you can show respect in a place of worship?


  • The teacher goes around to mark students’ participation and understanding of the topic.
  • The teacher reinforces the importance of showing respect in places of worship and encourages students to practice these cultural habits in their daily lives
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