Rest : Meaning and Benefits of Rest Home Economics Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject: Home Economics

Class: Primary 2 Term:

Second Term

Week: 5

Topic: Meaning and Benefits of Rest

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be able to understand basic concepts related to health and well-being.

Key words: Rest, benefits, health, relaxation, energy, strength.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Understand the meaning of rest.
  • Identify the benefits of rest for health and well-being.
  • Appreciate the importance of rest in daily life.

Embedded Core Skills: Critical thinking, communication, personal development.

Learning Materials:

  • Home Economics textbook.
  • Workbook.
  • Reference materials: Lagos State Scheme of Work.


Meaning of Rest

Rest means taking a break or relaxing your body and mind. It’s when you stop doing things and give yourself time to recharge. Just like when you sleep at night, your body needs rest to feel refreshed and ready for the next day.



Importance of Rest

  1. Rest helps your body grow stronger and healthier.
  2. It gives your muscles and bones time to repair and grow.
  3. Resting helps your brain to work better and learn new things.
  4. It gives you more energy to play and have fun.
  5. Rest helps you feel less tired and more alert.
  6. It allows your body to fight off sickness and stay healthy.
  7. Resting helps you feel happier and less stressed.
  8. It gives your body time to digest food and stay strong.
  9. Rest helps you sleep better at night.
  10. It gives you time to relax and enjoy your favorite activities.



  1. Rest means taking a break to ________. a) work b) sleep c) play d) eat
  2. Resting helps our bodies to ________. a) get stronger b) get weaker c) get tired d) get bored
  3. When we rest, our muscles and bones can ________. a) break b) repair and grow c) shrink d) disappear
  4. Resting helps our brains to work better and ________. a) learn new things b) forget everything c) stop working d) get confused
  5. Resting gives us more ________ to play and have fun. a) sadness b) anger c) energy d) tiredness
  6. When we rest, we feel ________ and less tired. a) grumpy b) happy c) bored d) sleepy
  7. Resting helps our bodies to ________ and stay healthy. a) get sick b) fight off sickness c) ignore sickness d) make others sick
  8. Resting helps us feel ________ and less stressed. a) angry b) happy c) sad d) scared
  9. When we rest, our bodies can ________ food better. a) forget b) eat c) digest d) store
  10. Resting helps us ________ better at night. a) sleep b) study c) talk d) eat
  11. Resting gives us time to ________ and enjoy our favorite activities. a) worry b) relax c) cry d) scream
  12. Resting allows our bodies to ________ and get ready for the next day. a) weaken b) get tired c) repair and recharge d) sleep forever
  13. Rest helps our muscles and bones to ________. a) get sick b) get weaker c) repair and grow d) disappear
  14. When we rest, our brains can ________ and feel more alert. a) stop working b) get confused c) relax d) work better
  15. Resting gives us time to ________ and recharge. a) get tired b) sleep c) relax d) work harder


  1. Revision of Previous Topic: Recap the previous lesson on personal hygiene and health practices.
  2. Introduction of New Topic: Define rest as taking a break to relax and regain energy.
  3. Explanation of Benefits: Discuss the importance of rest for physical and mental health, including muscle repair, brain function, and stress reduction.
  4. Examples: Provide examples of activities that constitute rest, such as sleeping, relaxing, and leisure activities.
  5. Discussion: Encourage students to share their experiences and understanding of rest.
  6. Assessment: Ask questions to assess students’ comprehension and engagement with the topic.
  7. Conclusion: Summarize the key points and emphasize the importance of incorporating rest into daily routines.


  1. What is the meaning of rest? a) Sleeping b) Taking a break to relax and regain energy c) Exercising d) Working all day without stopping
  2. Why is rest important for health? a) It makes you tired b) It helps repair muscles and reduces stress c) It doesn’t have any benefits d) It makes you sick
  3. Name one benefit of rest for the brain. a) It makes you forget things b) It helps you concentrate and learn better c) It doesn’t affect the brain d) It makes you sleepy
  4. What are some examples of activities that constitute rest? a) Playing sports b) Watching TV c) Studying d) All of the above
  5. How can rest help reduce stress? a) By making you work harder b) By allowing your body to relax and unwind c) By making you more anxious d) By keeping you awake at night
  6. Why is it important to rest after physical activity? a) Because it doesn’t matter b) Because it helps your muscles repair and grow stronger c) Because it makes you weaker d) Because it’s boring
  7. What is one benefit of rest for the body’s immune system? a) It weakens it b) It strengthens it and helps fight off sickness c) It doesn’t affect it d) It makes you tired
  8. What are some examples of leisure activities that involve rest? a) Running b) Reading a book c) Cooking d) Cleaning the house
  9. Why is it important to get enough rest each day? a) Because it’s fun b) Because it helps you stay healthy and happy c) Because it’s boring d) Because it makes you sick
  10. How can you tell if your body needs rest? a) By feeling tired and achy b) By feeling energetic and happy c) By not sleeping at all d) By eating a lot of junk food

Conclusion: The teacher goes round to mark and assess students’ responses, providing feedback and reinforcement of key concepts as needed.

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