Ways to Assist Accident Victims at Home and in School Social Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 12



Ways to Assist Accident Victims at Home and in School

Subject: Social Studies

Class: Primary 2

Term: Second Term

Week: 12

Topic: Ways of Keeping Accident Victims at Home and in School

Sub-topic: Safety Measures

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be familiar with basic safety rules at home and in school.

Key Words: Accident, Victims, Safety, Home, School.

Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  • Identify at least three ways to assist accident victims.
  • Understand the importance of staying calm during accidents.

Embedded Core Skills: Observation, Communication, Empathy.

Learning Materials:

  • Illustrated posters displaying safety measures.
  • Flashcards with images of accident assistance.
  • Whiteboard and markers.


Ways to Assist Accident Victims in Nigeria (at Home and in School):

  1. Stay Calm and Seek Assistance: Maintain composure and promptly call for help, including local emergency services.
  2. Evaluate the Situation: Assess the severity of the accident and identify any cultural or environmental factors that may impact assistance.
  3. Invoke Community Support: In a Nigerian setting, involve neighbors or community members who may offer immediate help or resources.
  4. Provide Comfort in Local Languages: Offer reassurance using local languages to ease communication and understanding.
  5. Clear the Area Safely: Remove any immediate dangers from the accident scene, considering the specific environment and potential hazards.
  6. Use Traditional Remedies with Caution: Be mindful of cultural practices, but prioritize seeking professional medical assistance when needed.
  7. Engage Local Health Facilities: Contact nearby health facilities or traditional healers depending on the circumstances.
  8. Involve Authorities: In a school setting, inform school authorities, and in the community, notify local leaders or authorities.
  9. Respect Cultural Sensitivities: Be aware of cultural norms and beliefs while providing assistance and respect the wishes of the victim and their family.
  10. Maintain Follow-Up and Support: Keep in touch with the victim’s family, offer support, and ensure they receive necessary medical care, considering local healthcare options.


  1. When assisting an accident victim, it’s important to __________ and call for help. a) Panic b) Stay calm c) Shout loudly d) Run away
  2. Clearing the area around an accident victim helps __________ further harm. a) Cause b) Prevent c) Ignore d) Encourage
  3. Providing reassurance and comfort is a way to __________ an accident victim. a) Confuse b) Scare c) Comfort d) Ignore
  4. In a school setting, informing __________ is essential when there’s an accident. a) Parents b) Friends c) School authorities d) Animals
  5. Engaging local health facilities and authorities is crucial for __________ assistance. a) Timely b) Delayed c) Unnecessary d) Confusing
  6. Assessing the severity of the accident helps in __________ the right kind of help. a) Avoiding b) Ignoring c) Seeking d) Running
  7. Traditional remedies should be used with caution, and __________ medical help is recommended. a) Ignoring b) Seeking c) Delaying d) Avoiding
  8. Clearing hazards from the accident scene helps __________ accidents from happening again. a) Encourage b) Prevent c) Ignore d) Enjoy
  9. Involving __________ members for support is important in a community setting. a) Local b) International c) Alien d) Extraterrestrial
  10. Keeping in touch with the victim’s family for follow-up and support is a way to show __________. a) Care b) Disinterest c) Fear d) Ignorance
  11. Speaking in local languages can help __________ with the accident victim and their family. a) Confuse b) Communicate c) Ignore d) Avoid
  12. Respecting cultural __________ is crucial when assisting accident victims in different communities. a) Sensitivities b) Insensitivities c) Funnies d) Nonsense
  13. Always seek __________ assistance when helping accident victims. a) Professional b) Untrained c) Amateur d) Unnecessary
  14. __________ is an important factor when assisting an accident victim at home or in school. a) Comfort b) Fear c) Panic d) Confusion
  15. Assisting an accident victim involves providing __________ until professional help arrives. a) Confusion b) Disinterest c) Comfort d) Ignorance


  1. Revision: Begin by revising the previous lesson on preventing accidents, asking students to share what they remember. Ways to Prevent Accidents in School and at Home Social Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 11
  2. Introduction to New Topic: Introduce the new topic, “Ways of Keeping Accident Victims at Home and in School,” emphasizing the importance of helping others in times of need.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Display flashcards with images of helping accident victims.
    • Discuss each flashcard, explaining different ways to assist victims.
    • Share a simple story or scenario to illustrate the importance of staying calm during accidents.
  4. Learners Activities:
    • Engage students in a discussion about how they would help someone who has had an accident.
    • Encourage role-playing to demonstrate assistance techniques.
  5. Assessment:
    • Show pictures of various accident scenarios and ask students to identify possible ways to assist victims.
    • Discuss the importance of remaining calm during emergencies.
  6. Evaluation:
    1. What does it mean to assist an accident victim?
    2. Name one way to stay calm during an emergency.
    3. Why is it important to help someone who has had an accident?
    4. Mention a safety measure for helping accident victims.
    5. How can you communicate with an accident victim to offer assistance?
    6. Why should we avoid panicking when someone is injured?
    7. What are three things you can do to assist a friend who has fallen at school?
    8. How can staying calm help in providing better help during accidents?
    9. In what ways can you comfort an accident victim?
    10. Why is it essential to learn how to assist others during emergencies?
  7. Conclusion:
    • Summarize key points about helping accident victims.
    • Conduct a brief role-play activity for students to practice assisting each other.

Note: The teacher will go round to mark and provide feedback on students’ participation in the role-play activity and understanding of the lesson.

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