Community Leaders Civic Education Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject: Civic Education

Class: Primary 2

Term: Second Term

Week: 5

Topic: Community Leaders

Sub-topic: Understanding leadership roles in different ethnic groups

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Recall previous discussions about communities and leaders.

Key Words: Oba, Eze, Enugo, Etsu, Ohinoyi, leader, community, ethnic groups.

Behavioural Objectives:

  1. Identify at least three community leaders from different ethnic groups.
  2. Explain the basic role of a leader in a community.
  3. Recognize five ethnic groups in Nigeria.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Communication skills
  2. Critical thinking
  3. Social awareness

Learning Materials:

  1. Pictures of community leaders
  2. Flashcards with the names of ethnic groups
  3. Chart paper and markers


  1. Community Leaders:
    • Yoruba: Oba
    • Igbo: Eze
    • Benin: Enugo
    • Alupo: Etsu
    • Ebira: Ohinoyi
    • Other title holders in the community
  2. Explaining a Leader:
    • A leader is someone who guides and helps others in a community.
  3. Identifying Ethnic Groups:
    • Recognize at least five ethnic groups in Nigeria.
  4. Describing Title Leaders:
    • Explain the roles and responsibilities of each title leader like Oba, Eze, Enugo, Etsu, and Ohinoyi.


  1. Yoruba – Oba: The Oba is the traditional ruler in Yoruba communities. They are respected leaders who oversee the welfare and affairs of the people.
  2. Igbo – Eze: The Eze is the traditional leader in Igbo communities. They play a significant role in maintaining order, settling disputes, and preserving cultural practices.
  3. Benin – Enugo: Enugo refers to a leader in Benin communities. They contribute to the governance and cultural heritage of the community.
  4. Alupo – Etsu: Etsu is a title for a leader in Alupo communities. They have responsibilities related to community well-being and governance.
  5. Ebira – Ohinoyi: Ohinoyi is a title for a leader in Ebira communities. They serve as custodians of tradition, ensuring the continuity of cultural practices.
  6. Other Title Holders: Various individuals with specific roles in the community, such as chiefs, elders, or specific functionaries, contributing to the community’s functioning and harmony.

Explaining a Leader: A leader is someone who guides and helps others in a community to work together for the common good. Leaders provide direction, make decisions, and ensure that the community functions smoothly. They are respected individuals who play a crucial role in maintaining order, settling disputes, and preserving the cultural heritage of the community. Leaders, like Oba, Eze, Enugo, Etsu, and Ohinoyi, among others, contribute to the well-being and progress of the community by fostering unity and cooperation among its members.

In Nigeria, we have various ethnic groups. Some of them include the Yoruba, Igbo, Benin, Alupo, and Ebira.

Title leaders, such as Oba for the Yoruba, Eze for the Igbo, Enugo for the Benin, Etsu for the Alupo, and Ohinoyi for the Ebira, play essential roles in the community. These leaders guide and protect their people, settle disputes, and ensure peace. Each title leader holds a unique position, preserving the rich cultural heritage of their respective ethnic groups. Understanding the roles of these leaders helps us appreciate the diversity and unity within our communities.


  1. Who is a leader in the community?
    • a. A teacher
    • b. Someone who guides and helps
    • c. A doctor
    • d. A chef
  2. Which title represents a Yoruba leader?
    • a. Enugo
    • b. Etsu
    • c. Eze
    • d. Oba
  3. What is the role of a leader in the community?
    • a. Making food
    • b. Guiding and helping others
    • c. Fixing cars
    • d. Painting houses
  4. How many ethnic groups were mentioned in Nigeria?
    • a. Three
    • b. Five
    • c. Seven
    • d. Ten
  5. Which ethnic group does Oba represent?
    • a. Igbo
    • b. Benin
    • c. Yoruba
    • d. Alupo
  6. What does Eze represent in the Igbo community?
    • a. A chef
    • b. A doctor
    • c. A leader
    • d. A farmer
  7. Who is Enugo in the Benin community?
    • a. A teacher
    • b. A leader
    • c. A musician
    • d. A farmer
  8. Which leader represents Alupo?
    • a. Etsu
    • b. Enugo
    • c. Ohinoyi
    • d. Oba
  9. What is the responsibility of a leader?
    • a. Painting houses
    • b. Guiding and helping others
    • c. Cooking food
    • d. Fixing computers
  10. Which title is associated with the Ebira community?
    • a. Ohinoyi
    • b. Eze
    • c. Enugo
    • d. Oba
  11. How many title holders were mentioned in the community leaders?
    • a. Four
    • b. Five
    • c. Six
    • d. Seven
  12. What does Etsu represent in the Alupo community?
    • a. A doctor
    • b. A farmer
    • c. A leader
    • d. A chef
  13. Who guides and helps others in a community?
    • a. A chef
    • b. A leader
    • c. A teacher
    • d. A dancer
  14. Which leader represents the Igbo community?
    • a. Ohinoyi
    • b. Eze
    • c. Oba
    • d. Enugo
  15. What does Ohinoyi represent in the Ebira community?
    • a. A leader
    • b. A teacher
    • c. A musician
    • d. A farmer
  1. Revision (5 mins):
  2. Introduction of New Topic (10 mins):
    • Present pictures of leaders from different ethnic groups.
    • Discuss names and titles like Oba, Eze, Enugo, Etsu, and Ohinoyi.
    • Highlight the diversity in leadership across cultures.
  3. Teacher’s Activities (15 mins):
    • Explain the concept of a leader: someone who guides and helps others.
    • Discuss roles of community leaders in various ethnic groups.
    • Emphasize the importance of leaders in maintaining order and promoting cooperation.
  4. Learners’ Activities (10 mins):
    • Identify and discuss the leaders from the pictures.
    • Discuss the roles of leaders in their own communities.
    • Share thoughts on why leaders are important in a community.
  5. Assessment (5 mins):
    • Ask questions about leaders and their roles.
    • Use flashcards to test recognition of ethnic groups.
    • Observe participation and understanding during discussions.


  1. Who is a leader in a community?
  2. Can you name one leader from each ethnic group?
  3. What is the role of a leader in a community?
  4. Identify the picture representing the leader from the Igbo community.
  5. How many ethnic groups were discussed today?
  6. What does the term “Ohinoyi” represent?
  7. Explain why leaders are important in a community.
  8. Point to the leader from the Yoruba community.
  9. List two roles of a leader.
  10. Recognize the flashcard that represents the Benin community.


  • Go round to mark and assess learners’ understanding.
  • Recap the main points about community leaders and ethnic groups.
  • Provide feedback and address any questions.

Civic Education Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 5

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