Revision Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Week 11 First Term Lesson Notes / Plans

Class: Visual Arts

Grade: Primary 5

Duration: 45 minutes

Objective: To encourage imaginative and creative drawing, teaching students how to draw and analyze their creations to foster creativity.


  • Drawing paper
  • Pencils, colored pencils, or markers
  • Erasers
  • Imaginary scenarios or prompts

Introduction (5 minutes): Discuss the difference between realistic drawing and imaginative drawing. Explain that today’s focus is on expressing creativity through drawing.

Step 1: Imaginative Warm-up (10 minutes): Start with a short imaginative exercise. Ask students to close their eyes and visualize a scene or object. Prompt them to picture details like colors, shapes, and textures. Then, have them sketch what they imagined.

Step 2: How to Draw from Imagination (15 minutes): Introduce basic drawing techniques. Emphasize shapes, lines, and proportions. Guide students on translating their imaginative ideas into visual elements on paper.

Step 3: Analyzing Creativity (10 minutes): After the drawing session, ask students to analyze their creations. What inspired their choices? Encourage them to explain the stories behind their drawings and the emotions they wanted to convey.

Step 4: Group Sharing (5 minutes): Create a supportive environment for students to share their drawings with the class. Discuss common themes and unique approaches to stimulate further creativity.

Teacher’s Role:

  • Provide guidance on basic drawing techniques.
  • Encourage students to think beyond traditional concepts.
  • Facilitate discussions about individual interpretations.

Assessment: Evaluate students based on their participation in the imaginative warm-up, the application of basic drawing techniques, and their ability to analyze and express creativity in their drawings.

Conclusion (5 minutes): Conclude the lesson by emphasizing that everyone has unique creative ideas. Encourage students to continue exploring imaginative drawing as a way to express their thoughts and emotions.

Homework or Assignment (5 minutes): Assign a creative drawing task for homework. Provide a list of prompts or allow students to choose their own imaginative subjects. Encourage them to bring their creations to the next class for further discussion


  1. Imaginative drawing goes beyond replicating reality; it involves expressing ideas and emotions through ___________. a) Realistic portrayals b) Abstract forms c) Photographic accuracy d) Familiar subjects
  2. In imaginative drawing, students are encouraged to visualize scenes with closed eyes and translate those mental images into ___________. a) Realistic paintings b) Abstract sculptures c) Creative drawings d) Photographic reproductions
  3. The focus of today’s drawing session is on nurturing creativity by encouraging students to draw from ___________. a) Instruction manuals b) Observation c) Imagination d) Past artworks
  4. When drawing from imagination, it is important to pay attention to fundamental elements like shapes, lines, and ___________. a) Shadows b) Photorealism c) Monochromatic colors d) Grid structures
  5. An imaginative warm-up involves prompting students to visualize a scene or object and then ___________. a) Imitate existing artworks b) Write a detailed description c) Recreate it exactly as imagined d) Draw it without visualizing
  6. To draw from imagination, one must translate mental images into visual elements using ___________. a) Proportional accuracy b) Imaginative details c) Rote copying d) Photographic references
  7. Analyzing creativity in drawings involves exploring the ___________ behind the choices made during the drawing process. a) Realistic depiction b) Techniques used c) Stories and emotions d) Copying from others
  8. In imaginative drawing, students are encouraged to go beyond traditional concepts and ___________ their own interpretations. a) Imitate b) Challenge c) Replicate d) Memorize
  9. Creative drawings often convey unique stories and ___________ through the choices made in the artistic process. a) Photorealism b) Proportional accuracy c) Emotions and ideas d) Monotonous color schemes
  10. The teacher’s role in an imaginative drawing class is to provide guidance on ___________ techniques and encourage creative thinking. a) Rote copying b) Abstract c) Basic drawing d) Photorealistic
  11. Analyzing drawings involves discussing the ___________ and individual interpretations of the artworks. a) Color accuracy b) Photorealism c) Stories behind d) Replication methods
  12. The imaginative warm-up aims to stimulate creativity by prompting students to visualize scenes and then ___________. a) Imitate exactly b) Describe in words c) Replicate from memory d) Draw without thinking
  13. When drawing from imagination, students are encouraged to consider ___________ rather than focusing on realistic representation. a) Familiar subjects b) Photorealistic details c) Abstract concepts d) Traditional techniques
  14. A supportive environment for sharing drawings in class encourages students to discuss common themes and ___________ in their creations. a) Repetitive patterns b) Artistic critiques c) Unique approaches d) Photographic references
  15. Imaginative and creative drawing involves going beyond ___________ and expressing personal ideas and emotions. a) Photorealistic replication b) Abstract concepts c) Familiar subjects d) Rote copying
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