Revision Descriptive Essay Describe your house or school Composition English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Class: Primary 5

Subject: English Grammar

Topic: Revision – Descriptive Essay: “Describe Your House or School”

Sub-topic: Enhancing Descriptive Writing Skills

Duration: 45 minutes

Term: First Term

Week: 11

Set Induction: Begin the lesson by displaying an engaging image of a house and a school on the board. Ask students to share one word that comes to their mind when they see each image. This will activate their descriptive vocabulary and set the tone for the lesson.

Previous Lesson: Review the previous lesson on sentence structure and proper use of descriptive adjectives. Connect it to today’s lesson by highlighting the relevance of descriptive language in essays.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Enhance descriptive writing skills through a revision of the descriptive essay.
  2. Use vivid adjectives and sensory details to create a compelling description.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of proper essay structure.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Writing proficiency
  • Vocabulary development
  • Critical thinking

Learning Materials:

  • Images of a house and a school
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Chart paper
  • Example descriptive essays


  1. Overview of descriptive writing.
  2. Importance of sensory details.
  3. Structure of a descriptive essay.


Title: My Cozy Haven – A Glimpse into My House

My house is not just a structure; it’s a sanctuary of warmth and memories. As I step through the entrance, a welcoming embrace envelops me, making me feel at home. Its character and charm extend far beyond its physical dimensions.


Surrounded by a vibrant garden, my house stands as a beacon of tranquility. The lush greenery complements the gentle hues of the exterior walls. The front porch, adorned with potted plants, invites guests with a promise of serenity.

Living Room:
Upon entering, the living room unfolds like a storybook. Soft sunlight filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the plush couches. Family photographs adorn the walls, capturing moments frozen in time. The air carries a subtle scent of vanilla, creating an atmosphere of comfort.

In the heart of the house lies the kitchen, where laughter and the aroma of home-cooked meals intertwine. The wooden cabinets exude a rustic charm, while the countertops bear witness to the countless culinary adventures embarked upon.

Each bedroom tells a unique tale, reflecting the personalities of its occupants. Mine is a haven of creativity, with shelves of books and a desk adorned with sketches. The cozy bed beckons for moments of introspection and dreams.

School Composition:

My school is not merely a place of education; it’s a tapestry of learning and camaraderie. Its corridors echo with the footsteps of eager minds, each step a journey toward knowledge and growth.

Within the classrooms, the walls are adorned with colorful displays of student achievements. The desks, arranged diligently, witness the exchange of ideas and the pursuit of knowledge. The chalkboard, a canvas for inspiration, unfolds lessons that shape futures.

The library stands as a treasure trove of wisdom. Rows of neatly arranged books whisper tales of different worlds and eras. The scent of aged paper hangs in the air, creating an ambiance that encourages exploration and discovery.

Beyond the classroom walls lies the playground – a realm of joy and laughter. The swings sway in rhythm with youthful exuberance, and the soccer field witnesses spirited matches that forge bonds among classmates.

The cafeteria is a hub of social interaction, where friendships are forged over shared lunches. The aroma of diverse cuisines mingles with the lively chatter, creating an environment that nourishes both body and soul.

In essence, whether describing the haven of my house or the hub of learning that is my school, both hold a special place in my heart. Each has its unique characteristics, contributing to the tapestry of my life and molding the person I am becoming. Together, they form the backdrop of my journey, painting vivid strokes of comfort, learning, and cherished moments.

Step 1: Understanding Descriptive Writing (15 minutes) Discuss the purpose of descriptive writing. Use examples to illustrate how it engages the reader’s senses. Emphasize the importance of using specific and vivid adjectives.

Step 2: Elements of a Descriptive Essay (15 minutes) Introduce the structure of a descriptive essay – introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Discuss how each section contributes to the overall impact of the essay. Provide examples for clarity.

Step 3: Writing Practice (15 minutes) Guide students in a collaborative writing session. Ask them to choose either their house or school and write a short descriptive paragraph. Encourage the use of sensory details and varied adjectives.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate discussions on descriptive writing.
  • Provide examples and explanations.
  • Guide the collaborative writing session.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions and ask questions.
  • Engage in collaborative writing.
  • Share their descriptive paragraphs with the class.

Assessment: Evaluate students based on their participation in discussions and the quality of their descriptive paragraphs. Provide constructive feedback on their use of descriptive language and essay structure.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the purpose of descriptive writing?
  2. Why is it important to use vivid adjectives in a descriptive essay?
  3. Explain the structure of a descriptive essay.
  4. Provide an example of a sensory detail.
  5. How does the introduction of a descriptive essay capture the reader’s attention?
  6. Name two elements that should be included in the body paragraphs of a descriptive essay.
  7. Why is it essential to use specific and varied adjectives in descriptive writing?
  8. Share one word that describes your house or school.
  9. Discuss the importance of creating a mental image for the reader in a descriptive essay.
  10. How can you improve your descriptive writing skills?

Conclusion on the Topic: Summarize the key points covered in the lesson. Encourage students to apply the principles of descriptive writing in their future compositions. Assign homework for students to write a full descriptive essay on either their house or school, incorporating the skills discussed in class


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