First Term Review and Revision Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11
Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 4
Term: First Term
Week: 11
Topic: Revision (Commandments and Laws, The Ten Commandments, Differences between Laws and Rules and Regulations, and Why God Gives Us Law)
Sub-topic: N/A
Duration: 45 minutes
Entry Behaviour: Recall what we have learned about Commandments and Laws.
Key words: Commandments, Laws, Ten Commandments, Rules, Regulations, God
Behavioural Objectives:
- Understand the concept of Commandments and Laws.
- Differentiate between the Ten Commandments and other laws.
- Identify the differences between Laws and Rules and Regulations.
- Comprehend the reasons why God gives us laws.
Embedded Core Skills: Critical thinking, Analytical skills, Communication skills
Learning Materials:
- Bible
- Whiteboard and markers
- Pictures or illustrations of the Ten Commandments
- Chart paper
Content of the Lesson:
- Introduction to Commandments and Laws
- The significance of the Ten Commandments
- Differences between Laws and Rules and Regulations
- Understanding why God gives us laws
Concept of Commandments and Laws: Commandments and laws are guidelines or rules that instruct people on how to behave in a particular way. They serve as a moral and legal framework to ensure order and fairness in society. Commandments, often associated with religious teachings, are divine instructions on how individuals should conduct themselves, while laws are rules created by human authorities to regulate behavior within a community.
Difference between the Ten Commandments and Other Laws: The Ten Commandments are a specific set of moral and religious laws found in the Bible, particularly in the book of Exodus. They are believed to be directly given by God to guide human conduct. Other laws, on the contrary, are created by human authorities such as governments and institutions to maintain social order. While the Ten Commandments have a strong religious and moral foundation, other laws may cover a wide range of subjects, including civil, criminal, and administrative matters.
Differences between Laws and Rules and Regulations:
- Origin: Laws are typically enacted by legislative bodies, while rules and regulations may be set by various authorities or organizations.
- Scope: Laws often have broader implications and are binding for an entire society, whereas rules and regulations may apply to specific groups or institutions.
- Enforcement: Violating laws can lead to legal consequences, including fines or imprisonment, while breaking rules and regulations may result in administrative actions or penalties.
- Flexibility: Laws are usually more rigid and require formal procedures for amendment, while rules and regulations can be adjusted more easily to adapt to changing circumstances.
Reasons Why God Gives Us Laws:
- Guidance: God provides laws to guide humanity on the path of righteousness and moral conduct.
- Protection: Laws serve as a protective framework, safeguarding individuals from harm and promoting overall well-being.
- Order: God’s laws contribute to the order and harmony of society by establishing principles for ethical living.
- Relationship: The laws given by God often reflect a covenant or relationship between the divine and humanity, fostering a connection based on faith and obedience.
- Correction: God’s laws may include provisions for repentance and forgiveness, offering a way for individuals to correct their actions and seek redemption.
Understanding these concepts helps individuals navigate the complexities of moral, legal, and religious frameworks in society.
Part A: Review and Revision
15 FAQ with Answers
- Q: How does God speak to us?
A: God speaks to us through dreams, His Word, and sometimes through other people. - Q: What should our attitude be when God speaks?
A: We should listen carefully and obey what He tells us. - Q: What does it mean to be a child of God?
A: It means we follow God and live according to His teachings. - Q: Why are laws important?
A: Laws help guide our behavior and keep us safe. - Q: How did God call Samuel?
A: God called Samuel by name while he was sleeping in the temple. - Q: What are the Ten Commandments?
A: They are rules from God on how to live a good life, like not stealing and honoring our parents. - Q: What is a model family?
A: A model family is loving, caring, and helps each other. - Q: Why did God give us laws?
A: To guide us on how to live right and treat others well. - Q: How does God reveal Himself to us?
A: Through His Word, our experiences, and sometimes through others. - Q: What should we do if we hear God’s call?
A: We should listen and follow what He wants us to do. - Q: What is the difference between rules and laws?
A: Laws are official and permanent, while rules can change and are often less formal. - Q: Why is it important to live in peace with others?
A: It helps us get along and builds strong, loving relationships. - Q: How can we be good children of God?
A: By obeying His commands and loving others. - Q: What does it mean to be in Christ?
A: It means to live according to His teachings and follow Him. - Q: Why did God call Abraham?
A: To make him the father of many nations and to follow His guidance.
Part B: Objective Questions
15 fill-in-the-blank questions with options a, b, c, or d
- God speaks to us through ____. (a) games (b) people (c) books (d) nature)
(Answer: b) - A model family is one that ____. (a) fights often (b) is supportive (c) ignores each other (d) is always busy)
(Answer: b) - The Ten Commandments are ____. (a) suggestions (b) laws (c) stories (d) commands)
(Answer: b) - Samuel first thought ____. (a) Eli was calling him (b) God was calling him (c) he was dreaming (d) he was hungry)
(Answer: a) - Laws are different from rules because ____. (a) laws are optional (b) rules are permanent (c) laws are permanent (d) rules are official)
(Answer: c) - God reveals Himself to us to ____. (a) confuse us (b) guide us (c) ignore us (d) punish us)
(Answer: b) - The purpose of God’s call is to ____. (a) disturb us (b) guide us (c) confuse us (d) ignore us)
(Answer: b) - Being a child of God means ____. (a) we follow Him (b) we ignore Him (c) we disobey Him (d) we argue with Him)
(Answer: a) - A key reason God gives laws is to ____. (a) make us unhappy (b) guide our behavior (c) limit our freedom (d) confuse us)
(Answer: b) - God’s revelation helps us ____. (a) ignore Him (b) understand His will (c) disobey Him (d) avoid His teachings)
(Answer: b) - To be a good family member, we should ____. (a) argue (b) support each other (c) ignore each other (d) be selfish)
(Answer: b) - God’s laws are ____. (a) temporary (b) changeable (c) permanent (d) optional)
(Answer: c) - Samuel was under the care of ____. (a) Moses (b) David (c) Eli (d) Solomon)
(Answer: c) - The right attitude towards God’s call is ____. (a) ignoring (b) obeying (c) arguing (d) questioning)
(Answer: b) - The difference between laws and rules is that laws are ____. (a) temporary (b) permanent (c) optional (d) changeable)
(Answer: b)
Part C: Theory Questions
15 simple short answer questions
- What does it mean when God speaks to us?
- Describe how Samuel was called by God.
- Why should we have a good attitude when God speaks to us?
- What is a model family and why is it important?
- Explain the difference between laws and rules.
- Why did God give us laws?
- How does God reveal Himself to us?
- What should we do when we hear God’s call?
- What are the Ten Commandments and why are they important?
- Describe the purpose of God’s call.
- How can we be good children of God?
- Explain how the story of Samuel is important for us today.
- Why is it important to follow God’s laws?
- What is the purpose of God’s revelation?
- How does God’s call help us in our daily lives?
Part D: True or False Questions
15 True or False questions
- (True/False) God speaks to us only through dreams.
- (True/False) Samuel was a king who heard God’s call.
- (True/False) The Ten Commandments are a set of rules.
- (True/False) God reveals Himself to confuse us.
- (True/False) Samuel thought Eli was calling him before he realized it was God.
- (True/False) Laws are temporary and changeable.
- (True/False) It is important to obey God’s call immediately.
- (True/False) God’s revelation helps us understand His will.
- (True/False) The story of Samuel’s call teaches us about disobedience.
- (True/False) A model family is one that supports and cares for each other.
- (True/False) God gave us laws to guide our behavior.
- (True/False) Samuel was not under the care of Eli.
- (True/False) The Ten Commandments include rules on how to live a good life.
- (True/False) God’s laws are optional and can be ignored.
- (True/False) Being a child of God means we follow His teachings
The Ten Commandments, as outlined in the Bible (Exodus 20:2-17), are:
- You shall have no other gods before me.
- You shall not make for yourself an idol.
- You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
- Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
- Honor your father and your mother.
- You shall not murder.
- You shall not commit adultery.
- You shall not steal.
- You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
- You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.
- The Ten Commandments are found in the book of ___________. a) Genesis b) Exodus c) Leviticus d) Numbers
- According to the commandments, we are instructed to have no other __________ before God. a) Idols b) People c) Gods d) Possessions
- Which commandment emphasizes the importance of keeping the Sabbath day holy? a) Third b) Fourth c) Fifth d) Sixth
- “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God” is the __________ commandment. a) Second b) Third c) Fourth d) Fifth
- The commandment that instructs us to honor our father and mother is the __________ commandment. a) Fifth b) Sixth c) Seventh d) Eighth
- The commandment “You shall not murder” is the __________ commandment. a) Sixth b) Seventh c) Eighth d) Ninth
- “You shall not commit adultery” is the __________ commandment. a) Seventh b) Eighth c) Ninth d) Tenth
- According to the commandments, stealing is prohibited in the __________ commandment. a) Seventh b) Eighth c) Ninth d) Tenth
- The commandment that focuses on truthful speech is the __________ commandment. a) Eighth b) Ninth c) Tenth d) Eleventh
- “You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor” is the __________ commandment. a) Ninth b) Tenth c) Eleventh d) Twelfth
- The Ten Commandments are a set of __________ guidelines. a) Moral and legal b) Scientific c) Political d) Economic
- Breaking the commandments may lead to __________ consequences. a) Social b) Legal c) Financial d) All of the above
- The commandments are often associated with a __________ or relationship between God and humanity. a) Contract b) Covenant c) Treaty d) Agreement
- The commandment “You shall not make for yourself an idol” addresses the issue of __________. a) Idolatry b) Envy c) Greed d) Lying
- The commandments provide guidance for living a __________ life. a) Chaotic b) Comfortable c) Righteous d) luxurious
Presentation of the Lesson Content:
Step 1: Begin with a quick review of the previous lesson.
Step 2: Introduce the concept of Commandments and Laws, emphasizing their importance in guiding our behavior.
Step 3: Discuss the Ten Commandments, using pictures or illustrations to aid understanding.
Teacher’s Activities:
- Facilitate discussions on Commandments and Laws.
- Explain each of the Ten Commandments.
- Compare and contrast laws with rules and regulations.
- Provide real-life examples of laws.
Learners’ Activities:
- Participate in discussions.
- Identify and discuss the Ten Commandments.
- Engage in group activities to differentiate between laws and rules.
- Question and answer session.
- Group activity assessing the differences between laws and rules.
What are Commandments? Commandments are authoritative instructions or orders, often of a moral or religious nature, that guide and regulate human behavior. They are considered fundamental principles to be followed.
Can you name any of the Ten Commandments?
Certainly, here are a few:
- You shall have no other gods before me.
- You shall not make for yourself an idol.
- You shall not murder.
- Honor your father and mother.
- You shall not commit adultery.
Explain the differences between laws and rules.
Laws are formal, government-enforced rules applicable to an entire society, while rules are more general guidelines that can be set by various authorities or organizations. Laws have legal consequences, whereas rules are often associated with specific groups or institutions.
Why do we have laws?
Laws exist to maintain order, protect individuals and property, and ensure fair and just treatment within a society. They provide a framework for resolving conflicts and promoting a harmonious coexistence.
How do the Ten Commandments guide our behavior?
The Ten Commandments serve as moral and ethical guidelines, providing principles for righteous living. They guide behavior by setting standards for relationships with God and fellow humans, emphasizing values such as honesty, respect, and compassion.
Provide examples of rules and regulations.
Examples include traffic rules, workplace regulations, school codes of conduct, and community guidelines. These are specific guidelines established to maintain order and ensure the well-being of individuals and groups.
What are the consequences of breaking laws?
Breaking laws can result in various consequences, such as fines, imprisonment, or other legal penalties. Consequences aim to deter unlawful behavior and uphold the principles of justice.
How are laws created in our society? Laws are typically created through a legislative process involving the proposal, debate, and approval of laws by elected representatives. The specific process can vary depending on the form of government.
Share a situation where following a rule is important.
Following traffic rules is crucial to ensure road safety. Adhering to speed limits, traffic signals, and road signs helps prevent accidents and promotes a smooth flow of traffic.
Why do you think God gives us laws? God provides laws to guide humanity toward virtuous and righteous living. These laws serve as a moral compass, fostering a relationship with God and promoting ethical behavior, compassion, and justice.
- __________ are authoritative instructions or orders that guide human behavior. a) Principles b) Commandments c) Guidelines d) Suggestions
- “You shall have no other gods before me” is one of the __________ Commandments. a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth
- Laws are formal, government-enforced rules applicable to an entire __________. a) Institution b) Country c) Organization d) Community
- Rules are often associated with specific groups or __________. a) Individuals b) Authorities c) Organizations d) Countries
- Laws have legal __________ for those who break them. a) Rewards b) Consequences c) Acknowledgments d) Privileges
- The Ten Commandments guide behavior by setting standards for relationships with God and fellow __________. a) Animals b) Humans c) Deities d) Spirits
- Examples of rules and regulations include traffic rules, workplace regulations, school codes of __________, and community guidelines. a) Authority b) Conduct c) Discipline d) Honor
- Breaking laws can result in consequences such as fines, imprisonment, or other legal __________. a) Rewards b) Consequences c) Acknowledgments d) Privileges
- Laws are created through a legislative process involving the proposal, debate, and approval by __________ representatives. a) Elected b) Appointed c) Administrative d) Judicial
- Following traffic rules is crucial to ensuring __________ on the road. a) Speed b) Safety c) Adventure d) Convenience
- God provides laws to guide humanity toward virtuous and righteous __________. a) Living b) Sleeping c) Dreaming d) Eating
- The commandment “You shall not commit adultery” is the __________ commandment. a) Fifth b) Sixth c) Seventh d) Eighth
- “Honor your father and mother” is one of the __________ Commandments. a) Second b) Third c) Fourth d) Fifth
- Laws exist to maintain order, protect individuals and property, and ensure fair and just treatment within a __________. a) Society b) Family c) Country d) City
- The Ten Commandments serve as a moral compass, fostering a relationship with God and promoting ethical behavior, compassion, and __________. a) Revenge b) Justice c) Deception d) Hatred
Ten Evaluation Questions related to the topic:
- What are Commandments?
- Can you name any of the Ten Commandments?
- Explain the differences between laws and rules.
- Why do we have laws?
- How do the Ten Commandments guide our behavior?
- Provide examples of rules and regulations.
- What are the consequences of breaking laws?
- How are laws created in our society?
- Share a situation where following a rule is important.
- Why do you think God gives us laws?
Conclusion: Summarize key points and encourage students to ask questions if any part of the lesson is unclear.
Homework: Reflect on the importance of following rules and laws in our daily lives. Write a short paragraph on how the Ten Commandments can guide your behavior.
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