Revision Mathematics Primary 3 Week 11 First Term Plan Lesson Notes

Subject: Mathematics

Class: Primary 3

Term: First Term

Week: 11

Topic: Revision (Addition and Subtraction of Decimal, Writing Arabic Numerals in Roman Numerals, and Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers in Story Problems)


Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students are expected to have prior knowledge of basic addition and subtraction concepts, understanding of decimal numbers, and familiarity with Arabic numerals.

Key Words:

  • Decimal
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Arabic Numerals
  • Roman Numerals
  • Whole Numbers
  • Story Problems

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate proficiency in adding and subtracting decimals.
  2. Convert Arabic numerals to Roman numerals.
  3. Solve story problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking

Learning Materials:

  1. Whiteboard and markers
  2. Decimal cards
  3. Arabic and Roman numeral charts
  4. Story problem worksheets
  5. Class textbooks


  1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Recap of previous lessons.
    • Overview of today’s topics.
  2. Presentation (15 minutes):
    • Explanation and practice of adding and subtracting decimals.
    • Interactive session on converting Arabic numerals to Roman numerals.
    • Introduction of story problems involving whole numbers.
  3. Step 1 (10 minutes):
    • Teacher demonstrates addition and subtraction of decimals on the whiteboard.
    • Class engages in guided practice with decimal cards.
  4. Step 2 (10 minutes):
    • Teacher introduces Arabic and Roman numeral charts.
    • Students practice converting selected Arabic numerals to Roman numerals.
  5. Step 3 (10 minutes):
    • Teacher presents story problems involving whole numbers.
    • Students work in pairs to solve story problems

Worked Examples:

1. Adding and Subtracting Decimals:

Example 1: 2.34+1.27=3.612.34+1.27=3.61
Example 2: 5.68−2.45=3.235.68−2.45=3.23
Example 3: 7.91+4.72=12.637.91+4.72=12.63
Example 4: 6.25−1.48=4.776.25−1.48=4.77
Example 5: 9.36+2.89=12.259.36+2.89=12.25
2. Convert Arabic Numerals to Roman Numerals:

Example 1: ArabicNumeral=25



Example 2: ArabicNumeral=49


Example 3: ArabicNumeral=43




3. Solve Story Problems Involving Whole Numbers:

  • Example 1: Problem: Mary had 15 candies. She bought 8 more. How many candies does she have now? Solution: 15+8=23 Answer: Mary has 23 candies.
  • Example 2: Problem: There were 50 students in the class. 12 students joined later. How many students are there now? Solution: 50+12=62 Answer: There are 62 students in the class.
  • Example 3: Problem: Tom saved 30 dollars. He spent 15 dollars. How much money does he have left? Solution: 30−15=15 Answer: Tom has 15 dollars left.
  • Example 4: Problem: A store had 120 books. If 25 were sold, how many books are left? Solution: 120−25=95 Answer: There are 95 books left in the store.
  • Example 5: Problem: John had 48 marbles. He gave 20 to his friend. How many marbles does John have now? Solution: 48−20=28 Answer: John has 28 marbles

**Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:**

1. The result of adding 3.25 and 2.78 is ______.
– a) 6.03
– b) 5.97
– c) 6.53
– d) 5.22

2. If \(87.64 – 42.18 = \underline{\hspace{1cm}}\), what is the correct answer?
– a) 45.46
– b) 49.82
– c) 38.46
– d) 55.64

3. Convert the Arabic numeral 56 to Roman numerals: ______.
– a) LVI
– b) XLVI
– c) LX
– d) XVI

4. In the story problem “A garden had 75 roses. If 28 were picked, how many roses are left?” the correct answer is ______.
– a) 47
– b) 53
– c) 28
– d) 75

5. \(5.12 + 7.89 = \underline{\hspace{1cm}}\).
– a) 12.01
– b) 13.01
– c) 12.51
– d) 13.21

6. The Roman numeral representation of 40 is ______.
– a) XXX
– b) XL
– c) LX
– d) XX

7. Solve the story problem: “If there were 60 balloons and 25 were blown away, how many balloons are left?” The correct answer is ______.
– a) 35
– b) 45
– c) 25
– d) 60

8. \(9.75 – 3.68 = \underline{\hspace{1cm}}\).
– a) 6.07
– b) 5.07
– c) 7.07
– d) 5.67

9. Convert the Arabic numeral 84 to Roman numerals: ______.
– a) LXXIV
– b) XCIV
– d) XIV

10. If \(42.56 + 18.34 = \underline{\hspace{1cm}}\), what is the correct sum?
– a) 60.90
– b) 60.80
– c) 61.90
– d) 59.80

11. The result of \(125 – 87 = \underline{\hspace{1cm}}\).
– a) 37
– b) 38
– c) 48
– d) 47

12. Convert the Arabic numeral 72 to Roman numerals: ______.
– a) LXXII
– b) XXVII
– c) LXII

13. In the story problem “There were 90 apples. If 35 were eaten, how many apples are left?” the correct answer is ______.
– a) 55
– b) 65
– c) 35
– d) 90

14. \(6.48 + 4.75 = \underline{\hspace{1cm}}\).
– a) 11.23
– b) 10.23
– c) 11.43
– d) 10.53

15. The Roman numeral representation of 100 is ______.
– a) C
– b) L
– c) D
– d) M

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate class discussions.
  • Provide explanations and examples.
  • Monitor individual and group activities.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Engage in guided and independent practice.
  • Participate in discussions.
  • Solve problems individually and collaboratively.


  • Continuous observation of students’ participation and understanding.
  • Written assessment on adding and subtracting decimals.
  • Roman numeral conversion exercise.
  • Story problem solving assessment


  1. What is the process of adding decimals?
  2. How do you subtract decimals?
  3. Can you convert the Arabic numeral 50 to Roman numerals?
  4. Solve the story problem: “If John had 15 apples and gave away 7, how many does he have left?”
  5. Perform the subtraction: 89 – 24.
  6. Convert the Roman numeral XV to Arabic numerals.
  7. Explain the steps involved in subtracting whole numbers in story problems.
  8. What is the value of 0.6 + 0.3?
  9. Solve the story problem: “A store had 120 candies. If 30 were sold, how many candies are left?”
  10. Demonstrate how to add 3.5 and 2.75.

Conclusion on the Topic:

  • Recap key concepts covered in the lesson.
  • Reinforce the importance of understanding decimal operations and problem-solving skills.
  • Highlight the practical applications of converting numerals and solving real-world story problems
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