Dictation For The Week Spellings English Grammar Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: English Grammar

Class: Primary 6

Term: First Term

Week: 6

Topic: Dictation For The Week Spellings

Sub-topic: Vocabulary Building and Spelling

Duration: 40 minutes

Set Induction:

  • Start the lesson by displaying some commonly misspelled words on the board.
  • Ask students to identify and correct the errors in these words.
  • This will grab their attention and prepare them for the spelling lesson.

Previous Knowledge:

  • Students should have a basic understanding of spelling and commonly misspelled words.

Entry Behaviour:

  • Students should enter the class with enthusiasm to learn and participate actively.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
    1. Identify and correct misspelled words.
    2. Spell words correctly.
    3. Use new vocabulary words in sentences.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Vocabulary Building
  • Spelling
  • Reading Comprehension

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers.
  • List of spelling words.
  • Sentences containing spelling words.
  • Visual aids (for displaying words).

Teaching Methods:

  • Interactive teaching.
  • Group activities.
  • Spelling games.


i. Situation

  • Meaning: The state or condition of things at a particular time and place.
  • Word Class: Noun
  • Pronunciation: [si-too-ey-shuhn]
  • Sentence: The situation at the park was delightful as children played and laughed.

ii. Understanding

  • Meaning: The ability to comprehend or grasp knowledge or information.
  • Word Class: Noun
  • Pronunciation: [uhn-der-stan-ding]
  • Sentence: Having a good understanding of math helps in solving problems.

iii. Possible

  • Meaning: Something that can happen or be achieved.
  • Word Class: Adjective
  • Pronunciation: [pos-uh-buhl]
  • Sentence: It’s possible to learn new skills with practice and determination.

iv. Corridor

  • Meaning: A long, narrow passage in a building, connecting rooms.
  • Word Class: Noun
  • Pronunciation: [kaw-ri-dawr]
  • Sentence: Walk down the corridor to find the classroom.

v. Behavior

  • Meaning: The way a person acts or conducts themselves.
  • Word Class: Noun
  • Pronunciation: [bih-heyv-yer]
  • Sentence: Good behavior in school includes being respectful to teachers.

vi. Compromise

  • Meaning: Finding a middle ground or agreement between different parties.
  • Word Class: Noun/Verb
  • Pronunciation: [kom-pruh-mahyz]
  • Sentence: To resolve the conflict, they had to make a compromise.

vii. Structure

  • Meaning: The arrangement or organization of parts in something.
  • Word Class: Noun
  • Pronunciation: [struhk-cher]
  • Sentence: The structure of a story usually includes a beginning, middle, and end.

viii. Contacts

  • Meaning: People you know or communicate with.
  • Word Class: Noun
  • Pronunciation: [kon-takts]
  • Sentence: My contacts in the field of science help me with my research.

ix. Negotiations

  • Meaning: Discussion and bargaining to reach an agreement.
  • Word Class: Noun
  • Pronunciation: [ni-goh-shee-ey-shuhns]
  • Sentence: The negotiations between the two countries led to a peaceful resolution.

x. Present

  • Meaning: To give something to someone or be in a particular place.
  • Word Class: Verb/Noun
  • Pronunciation: [pri-zent]
  • Sentence: I will present my project in class tomorrow.


  1. Start by discussing the importance of correct spelling in writing.
  2. Display a list of spelling words for the week.
  3. Explain the meanings of these words.

Step 1:

  • Ask students to spell the words out loud.

Step 2:

  • Provide sentences containing the spelling words.
  • Students should write the words correctly in the sentences.

Step 3:

  • Conduct a spelling bee game where students take turns spelling words from the list.
  • Award points for correct spellings.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain the importance of spelling.
  • Display spelling words.
  • Provide sentences for spelling practice.
  • Organize the spelling bee game.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen to the teacher’s explanations.
  • Practice spelling the words.
  • Participate in the spelling bee game.


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. In a challenging __________, you must make decisions. a) situation b) understanding c) corridor d) possible
  2. Good __________ in class includes listening to the teacher. a) behavior b) compromise c) structure d) contacts
  3. A long, narrow passage in a school building is called a _________. a) corridor b) negotiations c) present d) situation
  4. When you give in a little and someone else does too, it’s called a __________. a) compromise b) understanding c) possible d) structure
  5. People you know or communicate with are your __________. a) contacts b) understanding c) present d) behavior
  6. The arrangement or organization of parts in something is its __________. a) structure b) possible c) corridor d) negotiations
  7. To reach an agreement through discussion and bargaining is called __________. a) negotiations b) behavior c) compromise d) present
  8. The ability to comprehend or grasp knowledge is called __________. a) understanding b) structure c) situation d) contacts
  9. Something that can happen or be achieved is described as __________. a) possible b) present c) understanding d) situation
  10. When you find a word in the dictionary, it provides its __________. a) behavior b) pronunciation c) corridor d) structure
  11. The teacher asked, “Is it __________ to finish the project on time?” a) understanding b) possible c) compromise d) contacts
  12. He walked down the __________ to reach the classroom. a) corridor b) negotiations c) present d) behavior
  13. In business __________, you have to make deals and agreements. a) situation b) understanding c) negotiations d) contacts
  14. Using the right __________ when you speak is important for clear communication. a) structure b) compromise c) understanding d) behavior
  15. On your birthday, you might receive a special __________ from your friends. a) possible b) contacts c) situation d) present

Theory Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of the word “compromise”?
  2. Explain the word class of “contacts.”
  3. Define “situation” and provide a sentence using it.
  4. Give a sentence using “understanding” in the context of knowledge comprehension.
  5. How does pronunciation help us in understanding words and their meanings?


  • Summarize the lesson by emphasizing the significance of good spelling in written communication.
  • Encourage students to practice spelling at home to improve their language skills.
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