Threats impeding the development of education in Nigeria.

Critically examine any five (5) threats impeding the development of education in Nigeria.

The major threats impeding the development of education in Nigeria are; A. The National Policy on education: Educationists over the years have pointed that the current National Policy on education was conceived and hatched at a time when the country’s economy was buoyant. But its real implementation started at a time of tight economic situation.

B. Increase in Population and expansion of the facilities: It is equally true that there was an increase in population and expansion of the facilities at all levels of education in the country. The facilities has become over stretched and more are required to make the desired impact. It is equally true that the management and maintenance of these facilities are capital intensive.

C. Insincerity of the government: Many educationists have continued to question the sincerity of government in its determination to forge the country’s education system ahead, viewing from the continue decrease in government budgetary

allocation to the sector over the years. D. Lack or inadequate of capital projects in the education sector: It is equally disheartening to observe that capital projects in the education sector are not being giving immediate attention. There are no visible plans to expand the

already overstretched facilities in all the levels of education well. Instead, much

emphasis is now laid on the development of roads, rural electrification, polio

eradication and so on.

E. Corrupt tendencies of officials in the education sector: Another major setback to the realization of the goals of the national policy is the corrupt tendencies of some officials, who will divert or make useless the allocations made to the sector. In the end, the money appropriated for education will not be spent for the purpose it was budgeted.



In summary

  1. National Policy on Education: The first major threat is the National Policy on Education. While it was conceived during a time of economic prosperity, its real implementation began during a period of economic hardship. This mismatch between policy inception and implementation has hindered its effectiveness.
  2. Population Growth and Facility Expansion: Nigeria’s population has been steadily increasing, leading to a significant expansion of educational facilities at all levels. However, these facilities have become overburdened and often lack proper maintenance due to the capital-intensive nature of managing them. This has negatively impacted the quality of education.
  3. Government Insincerity: Many have questioned the sincerity of the government in advancing the country’s education system. There has been a consistent decrease in government budgetary allocations to the education sector over the years. This underfunding hampers the sector’s ability to meet its goals effectively.
  4. Lack of Capital Projects: The education sector has seen a lack of immediate attention to capital projects. Instead of addressing the overstretched facilities across all education levels, the focus has shifted to other infrastructure projects, such as roads and rural electrification, which, while essential, have diverted resources from education.
  5. Corruption in the Education Sector: A significant setback is the corrupt tendencies of some officials within the education sector. These individuals often divert or misuse allocated funds, preventing the money from being used for its intended purpose. This corruption undermines the development of education and erodes trust in the system.

These threats collectively hinder the progress of education in Nigeria. Addressing them requires a concerted effort from both government and educational stakeholders to ensure that policies align with economic realities, facilities are adequately funded and maintained, corruption is tackled, and capital projects receive the attention they deserve





  1. The National Policy on education was conceived during a period of _______ economic situation. a) buoyant b) tight c) unstable
  2. The major challenge arising from the increase in population and facility expansion is the _______ of facilities. a) underutilization b) overstretching c) efficient management
  3. The management and maintenance of educational facilities are considered _______ due to their capital-intensive nature. a) cost-effective b) straightforward c) capital-intensive
  4. Critics of the government’s sincerity point to the _______ in budgetary allocations to the education sector. a) increase b) stability c) decrease
  5. Lack of immediate attention to capital projects in education has led to _______. a) efficient resource allocation b) visible expansion plans c) neglect of facilities
  6. Instead of focusing on education, there is a shift towards the development of _______. a) transportation b) healthcare c) education facilities
  7. One of the major setbacks to achieving education goals is the corrupt tendencies of _______ officials. a) dedicated b) some c) responsible
  8. Corrupt officials often _______ or misuse allocated funds. a) enhance b) divert c) invest
  9. The money appropriated for education is often not spent for its intended _______. a) purpose b) investment c) diversification
  10. The National Policy on education was developed during a period of _______ economic conditions. a) challenging b) prosperous c) stable
  11. The _______ expansion of educational facilities has strained their resources. a) efficient b) careful c) overstretching
  12. The _______ nature of managing and maintaining educational facilities has been a challenge. a) straightforward b) complex c) inexpensive
  13. The _______ in government budgetary allocations to the education sector has raised concerns. a) stability b) consistency c) decrease
  14. The lack of immediate attention to capital projects in education has resulted in the _______ of facilities. a) expansion b) maintenance c) neglect
  15. Instead of prioritizing education, emphasis has shifted towards other development areas such as _______. a) infrastructure b) agriculture c) healthcare




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Ways to overcome the threats impeding the development of education in Nigeria:

  1. Policy Reevaluation and Adaptation:
    • A critical step is to revisit the National Policy on Education and adapt it to the current economic realities. This will ensure that the policy is aligned with the country’s financial capacity for effective implementation.
  2. Investment in Infrastructure and Facilities:
    • To address the challenges arising from population growth and facility expansion, the government should invest in building and maintaining educational facilities. This includes constructing new schools, classrooms, and providing necessary resources.
  3. Transparency and Accountability:
    • To combat insincerity in government, there should be greater transparency and accountability in budgetary allocations for education. Public scrutiny and monitoring can help ensure that allocated funds are appropriately used for educational purposes.
  4. Prioritization of Education Projects:
    • Capital projects in the education sector should be given priority. Visible plans for expanding and upgrading existing facilities should be developed, focusing on addressing the overstretching of resources in all levels of education.
  5. Anti-Corruption Measures:
    • To tackle corruption within the education sector, strict anti-corruption measures and oversight should be established. This includes robust auditing processes and consequences for officials found diverting or misusing educational funds.

Implementing these strategies can help mitigate the threats to education in Nigeria and pave the way for the development and improvement of the educational system.

Carefully assess the areas in which the 1969 Curriculum Conference impacted on the development of education in Nigeria


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