Book Keeping SS 1 First Term Lesson Notes

Weekly Topics Overview for Bookkeeping (First Term)

  1. Week 1: Meaning of Bookkeeping
  2. Week 2: Importance of Bookkeeping
  3. Week 3: Stock Valuation
  4. Week 4: Methods of Stock Valuation
  5. Week 5: Assets and Liabilities
  6. Week 6: Classification of Assets and Liabilities
  7. Week 7: Business Transactions
  8. Week 8: Debtors and Creditors
  9. Week 9: Source Documents
  10. Week 10: Content of Source Documents
  11. Week 11: Revision
  12. Week 12: Examination

This overview summarizes the topics that will be covered weekly in the first term for the Bookkeeping subject.