Praying with Purpose: Understanding The Lord’s Prayer and its Significance in Our Faith







(Matt 6:7-13)

Greetings, students! Today, we will be delving into Jesus’ teachings on prayer, as recorded in the book of Matthew, chapter 6, verses 7 to 13. Prayer is a vital aspect of a Christian’s relationship with God, and Jesus, our ultimate teacher and role model, provided us with valuable insights on how to pray.

Firstly, Jesus emphasized the importance of sincerity in prayer. He warned against using empty and repetitive words, as if mere repetition would guarantee God’s attention. Instead, Jesus encouraged his followers to pray with a genuine heart, expressing their true thoughts and feelings to God. In verse 7, Jesus said, “And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.”

For example, if a student prays before an exam, it would be better for them to offer a heartfelt prayer, acknowledging their fears and asking for guidance and wisdom, rather than mindlessly reciting the same words over and over again, hoping for a miraculous outcome.

Secondly, Jesus taught his disciples to prioritize the glory of God and his kingdom in their prayers. In verse 9, Jesus said, “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.'” Jesus emphasized the importance of recognizing God’s holiness, seeking his will, and desiring the advancement of his kingdom above all else in our prayers.

For example, if a student prays for success in their personal endeavors, they should also align their prayer with God’s will and his kingdom’s advancement, rather than simply asking for selfish gains without considering God’s glory and plans.

Lastly, Jesus provided his disciples with a model prayer, commonly known as the Lord’s Prayer, as an example of how to pray. This prayer covers various aspects, including worshiping God, seeking his provision, forgiveness, and protection. It serves as a guide for structuring our prayers and aligning them with God’s priorities.

For example, when a student prays, they can follow the pattern of the Lord’s Prayer by starting with acknowledging and worshiping God, expressing gratitude, seeking his guidance, forgiveness, and protection, and concluding with a declaration of his glory and power.

Jesus Christ taught His disciples how to pray and the conducts and character that should be put up by them when praying. He told them not to pray hypocritical prayers like the scribes and Pharisees who always pray to gain man’s recognition.

In conclusion, Jesus’ teachings on prayer emphasize sincerity, prioritizing God’s glory and kingdom, and providing a model for structuring our prayers. As students, it’s essential to cultivate a genuine and heartfelt prayer life, aligning our prayers with God’s will and seeking to honor and glorify him in all our conversations with him. Let us strive to follow Jesus’ example and teachings on prayer as we grow in our relationship with God


  1. What did Jesus warn against when it comes to prayer? a. Babbling with many words b. Praying too loudly c. Not praying at all d. Praying only for selfish gains
  2. According to Jesus, what should be the focus of our prayers? a. Seeking our own desires b. Using repetitive words c. Glorifying God and seeking His will d. Praying for material wealth
  3. What did Jesus teach about sincerity in prayer? a. It is not important in prayer b. It guarantees answered prayers c. It is essential in prayer d. It is optional in prayer
  4. What did Jesus emphasize in the Lord’s Prayer? a. Seeking forgiveness from others b. Material possessions c. God’s kingdom and His will d. Personal achievements
  5. What is the significance of “hallowed be your name” in the Lord’s Prayer? a. Acknowledging God’s holiness and worthiness of worship b. Asking for personal blessings c. Praying for forgiveness d. Seeking guidance and protection
  6. How did Jesus describe the prayers of pagans in Matthew 6:7? a. Genuine and heartfelt b. Brief and to the point c. Empty and babbling d. Arrogant and self-centered
  7. According to Jesus’ teachings, what should be the attitude of our hearts during prayer? a. Arrogance and self-righteousness b. Sincerity and humility c. Doubt and skepticism d. Indifference and apathy
  8. What did Jesus teach about forgiveness in prayer? a. It is not necessary b. It should be conditional c. It should be unconditional d. It depends on our own feelings
  9. What is the purpose of the model prayer (Lord’s Prayer) taught by Jesus? a. To showcase Jesus’ own prayer style b. To provide a formula for manipulating God c. To guide believers in structuring their prayers d. To impress others with one’s religiousness
  10. How did Jesus conclude the Lord’s Prayer? a. With a plea for personal blessings b. With a declaration of God’s power and glory c. With a demand for immediate answers d. With a list of personal grievances.


Jesus taught His disciples to pray like this according to the book of Matt 6;7-13

“Our father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, for ever. Amen. 

This prayer is a powerful example of how we can approach God in our own prayers.

Let’s take a closer look at each section of The Lord’s Prayer:

  1. “Our Father in heaven” – This opening phrase acknowledges that God is our Father, and He is in heaven. It reminds us of God’s loving and caring nature, and His position as our heavenly Father who is worthy of our reverence and respect.
  2. “Hallowed be your name” – This phrase expresses our desire for God’s name to be revered and honored as holy. It reminds us to approach God with awe and reverence, acknowledging His holiness and greatness.
  3. “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” – This part of the prayer aligns our hearts with God’s kingdom and His will. It expresses our willingness to submit to God’s plans and purposes, both in heaven and on earth, and to seek His kingdom above all else.
  4. “Give us today our daily bread” – This phrase acknowledges our dependence on God for our daily needs. It reminds us to trust God for our provision and to seek His provision with a grateful heart.
  5. “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” – This part of the prayer highlights the importance of forgiveness. It reminds us to seek God’s forgiveness for our sins and to also forgive those who have wronged us, showing grace and mercy towards others, just as God has shown towards us.
  6. “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” – This phrase acknowledges our need for God’s guidance and protection. It reminds us to seek God’s help in resisting temptation and overcoming evil, knowing that He is our source of strength and deliverance.
  7. “For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen” – This concluding phrase acknowledges God’s sovereignty and eternal glory. It reminds us to ascribe all honor, power, and glory to God, recognizing His reign and authority over all things.

    The Lord’s prayer is a prayer Jesus himself taught Hid disciples. In doing this, Jesus also encouraged Christians to pray because prayer is the sustaining power of a Christian.

For example, when we pray The Lord’s Prayer, we are reminded to approach God with reverence and acknowledge His holiness, submit to His will, seek His provision, extend forgiveness to others, seek His guidance and protection, and give Him the glory and honor that He deserves.

In conclusion, The Lord’s Prayer is a powerful and comprehensive model of how we can approach God in our prayers. It teaches us to revere God, submit to His will, seek His provision and forgiveness, and acknowledge His power and glory. As we incorporate the principles of The Lord’s Prayer into our own prayers, we can grow deeper in our relationship with God and align our hearts with His kingdom and purposes. Let us strive to follow Jesus’ example and teachings on prayer as we seek to honor and glorify God in our daily lives. Amen!

Assignment;  (oral)

Recite the Lord’s prayer as written in the bible.


  1. In which part of The Lord’s Prayer do we acknowledge our dependence on God for our daily needs? a) “Our Father in heaven” b) “Hallowed be your name” c) “Give us today our daily bread” d) “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors”
  2. What does the phrase “Hallowed be your name” mean in The Lord’s Prayer? a) We ask God to make our name holy b) We acknowledge that God’s name is already holy and should be revered c) We ask God to bless our name d) We acknowledge that God’s name is not important
  3. What does The Lord’s Prayer teach us about forgiveness? a) We should always seek revenge on those who wrong us b) We should only forgive those who apologize to us c) We should forgive others as God forgives us d) We should never forgive others, as it is a sign of weakness
  4. What does the phrase “Lead us not into temptation” mean in The Lord’s Prayer? a) We ask God to tempt us b) We acknowledge that God tempts us c) We ask God to protect us from falling into temptation d) We should not pray for protection from temptation
  5. What does The Lord’s Prayer teach us about God’s sovereignty? a) God is not in control of all things b) God’s power is limited c) God’s kingdom, power, and glory are eternal d) God’s kingdom, power, and glory are temporary
  6. What is the purpose of the concluding phrase “For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen” in The Lord’s Prayer? a) It emphasizes that God’s kingdom is only temporary b) It emphasizes that God’s power is limited c) It acknowledges God’s eternal reign, power, and glory d) It signifies the end of the prayer
  7. What does The Lord’s Prayer teach us about how we should approach God in our prayers? a) We should approach God with arrogance and demands b) We should approach God with reverence and respect c) We should approach God with doubt and skepticism d) We should not approach God in prayer at all
  8. What is the significance of addressing God as “Our Father” in The Lord’s Prayer? a) It emphasizes that God is not our Father b) It signifies that we are equal to God c) It emphasizes our intimate relationship with God as His children d) It is just a formality and has no significance
  9. What does The Lord’s Prayer teach us about God’s will? a) We should always pray against God’s will b) We should seek to align our will with God’s will c) God’s will is not important in our prayers d) God’s will is constantly changing
  10. What does The Lord’s Prayer teach us about giving glory to God? a) We should not give any glory to God b) We should only give glory to God when we feel like it c) We should ascribe all honor, power, and glory to God forever d) We should only give glory to God when we receive blessings from Him

Note: The correct answers are:

  1. c) “Give us today our daily bread”
  2. b) We acknowledge that God’s name is already holy and should be revered
  3. c) We should forgive others as God forgives us
  4. c) We ask God to protect us from falling into temptation
  5. c) God’s kingdom, power and glory are eternal
  6. c) It acknowledges God’s eternal reign, power, and glory
  7. b) We should approach God with reverence and respect
  8. c) It emphasizes our intimate relationship with God as His children
  9. b) We should seek to align our will with God’s will
  10. c) We should ascribe all honor, power, and glory to God forever.


It’s important to study and understand The Lord’s Prayer as it serves as a model and guide for our own prayers. By learning and applying the principles taught in The Lord’s Prayer, we can deepen our relationship with God and grow in our understanding of His will and ways. As we study and reflect on Jesus’ teaching on prayer, we can develop a deeper and more meaningful prayer life that aligns with God’s desires for us

Lesson Plan Presentation: The Lord’s Prayer

I. Introduction

  • Greet the students and engage them in a discussion about prayer.
  • Ask students if they are familiar with The Lord’s Prayer and if they have ever prayed it before.
  • Explain that The Lord’s Prayer is a model prayer taught by Jesus in the Bible and it contains important principles about how we should approach God in our prayers.
  • Share the objectives of the lesson, which are to understand the meaning and significance of The Lord’s Prayer, explore its teachings, and apply its principles in our own prayer life.

II. Biblical Background

  • Read aloud Matthew 6:7-13, which is the passage where Jesus teaches The Lord’s Prayer.
  • Discuss the context of the passage, including the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus’ instructions on prayer.
  • Highlight the importance of Jesus’ teaching on prayer and how it serves as a guide for our own prayers.

III. Meaning and Significance of The Lord’s Prayer

  • Break down The Lord’s Prayer phrase by phrase, explaining the meaning of each part:
    1. “Our Father in heaven” – This acknowledges God as our Father, indicating our relationship with Him as His children and the intimacy we can have in prayer.
    2. “Hallowed be your name” – This expresses reverence and awe towards God’s holy name, acknowledging His holiness and worthiness to be honored and glorified in our prayers.
    3. “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” – This aligns our prayers with God’s kingdom and His will, recognizing His sovereignty and submitting to His plans and purposes.
    4. “Give us today our daily bread” – This acknowledges our dependence on God for our daily needs, both physical and spiritual, and teaches us to trust Him for our sustenance.
    5. “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” – This emphasizes the importance of forgiveness in our prayers, both receiving God’s forgiveness and extending forgiveness to others.
    6. “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” – This acknowledges our need for God’s protection and guidance, recognizing the presence of temptations and evil in our lives.
  • Discuss the significance of each part of The Lord’s Prayer and how it shapes our understanding of prayer as a relationship with God, submission to His will, and reliance on His provision and protection.

IV. Teachings of The Lord’s Prayer

  • Explore the teachings of The Lord’s Prayer, highlighting the following lessons:
    1. Reverence and respect in prayer – We should approach God with reverence and awe, acknowledging His holiness and worthiness to be honored in our prayers.
    2. Alignment with God’s will – We should seek to align our prayers with God’s will, recognizing His sovereignty and submitting to His plans and purposes.
    3. Dependence on God – We should acknowledge our dependence on God for our daily needs, both physical and spiritual, and trust Him to provide for us.
    4. Forgiveness – We should seek God’s forgiveness and extend forgiveness to others, recognizing the importance of forgiveness in our prayers.
    5. Protection and guidance – We should recognize our need for God’s protection and guidance, acknowledging the presence of temptations and evil in our lives and seeking His deliverance.
  • Discuss how these teachings of The Lord’s Prayer can impact our attitude and approach to prayer, helping us to have a deeper and more meaningful prayer life

V. Application

  • Discuss practical ways to apply the teachings of The Lord’s Prayer in our own prayer life, such as:
    1. Approaching God with reverence and respect, using words that honor His holiness and greatness
    2. Seeking to align our prayers with God’s will, by asking for His wisdom and guidance in our decisions and actions.
    3. Recognizing our dependence on God for our daily needs, and expressing gratitude for His provision in our prayers.
    4. Seeking God’s forgiveness for our sins and extending forgiveness to those who have wronged us.
    5. Praying for God’s protection and guidance in our daily lives, acknowledging our need for His help in overcoming temptations and avoiding evil influences
  • Encourage students to practice these principles in their personal prayer time and share their experiences and reflections in the next class

VI. Conclusion

  • Summarize the main points discussed in the lesson, highlighting the meaning and significance of The Lord’s Prayer, its teachings, and practical application.
  • Review the objectives of the lesson and ask students if they have any questions or clarifications.
  • Close the lesson with a time of prayer, using The Lord’s Prayer as a model, and encouraging students to apply the principles learned in their own prayers.
  • Thank the students for their participation and engagement in the lesson.

VII. Assessment

  • To assess the students’ understanding of The Lord’s Prayer, provide a written or verbal quiz with multiple-choice or open-ended questions about the meaning, significance, and teachings of The Lord’s Prayer.
  • Evaluate students’ participation in class discussions and their ability to apply the principles of The Lord’s Prayer in their own prayers during the application exercise.
  • Provide feedback and guidance to students to help them improve their understanding and application of The Lord’s Prayer.

VIII. Extension Activities

  • Encourage students to read and study other Bible passages that teach about prayer, such as Luke 11:1-13, Philippians 4:6-7, and 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
  • Assign students to research and present on the lives of biblical characters who demonstrated a deep and meaningful prayer life, such as Jesus, David, or Paul.
  • Encourage students to keep a prayer journal, recording their prayers, reflections, and answered prayers, and sharing their experiences in the next class.

Note: The lesson plan presentation can be adapted and modified to suit the specific needs and age group of the SS 2 students, and additional teaching aids such as visual aids, videos, or group activities can be incorporated to enhance the learning experience.

Weekly Assessment /Test 


  1. What is the significance of The Lord’s Prayer in Christianity? a. It is a model prayer given by Jesus to His disciples b. It is a historical prayer written by a biblical character c. It is a traditional prayer recited by Christians during church services
  2. According to Jesus’ teachings, how should we approach God in prayer? a. With empty and meaningless words b. With a humble and reverent attitude c. With a demanding and entitled mindset
  3. What does it mean to pray “in Jesus’ name”? a. It is a religious phrase without any specific meaning b. It means to use Jesus’ name as a magical formula to get what we want c. It means to pray in alignment with Jesus’ teachings and authority
  4. What are some key principles of The Lord’s Prayer? a. Asking for material possessions and worldly desires b. Seeking God’s will and aligning our prayers with it c. Demanding immediate answers to our prayers
  5. Why is it important to acknowledge and honor God’s holiness in our prayers? a. It is a religious tradition b. It helps us to show off our piety to others c. It reminds us of God’s greatness and helps us approach Him with reverence
  6. What is the significance of seeking God’s forgiveness and extending forgiveness to others in our prayers? a. It is not necessary in our prayers b. It shows our humility and willingness to reconcile with others c. It is just a religious ritual with no real significance
  7. How can we apply the principles of The Lord’s Prayer in our daily lives? a. By using it as a formula to get what we want from God b. By aligning our prayers with God’s will and seeking His guidance in our decisions c. By memorizing and reciting it without understanding its meaning
  8. What is the role of gratitude in our prayers according to Jesus’ teachings? a. It is not important in our prayers b. It helps us to impress others with our gratitude c. It helps us to recognize and appreciate God’s provision in our lives
  9. How does The Lord’s Prayer teach us about our dependence on God for our daily needs? a. It doesn’t teach us about dependence on God b. It encourages us to be self-sufficient and not rely on God c. It reminds us to acknowledge our dependence on God’s provision and express gratitude for it
  10. How can we apply the principles of The Lord’s Prayer in overcoming temptations and avoiding evil influences? a. By relying on our own strength and wisdom b. By seeking God’s guidance and help in resisting temptations c. By giving in to temptations and asking for forgiveness later
  11. What is the significance of praying for God’s protection and guidance in our daily lives? a. It is not necessary as God will protect us regardless b. It shows our lack of faith in God’s protection c. It acknowledges our need for God’s guidance and help in navigating our daily lives
  12. How can The Lord’s Prayer help us deepen our relationship with God? a. It is just a prayer and does not affect our relationship with God b. By providing a framework for meaningful and reverent prayer c. By fulfilling our religious obligations without any personal impact
  13. How can we use The Lord’s Prayer as a model for our own prayers? a. By memorizing and reciting it word-for-word b. By understanding its meaning and applying its principles in our prayers c. By ignoring it and creating our own prayers according to our desires


  1. What is The Lord’s Prayer and why is it significant in Christianity?
  2. According to Jesus’ teachings, how should we approach God in prayer?
  3. What does it mean to pray “in Jesus’ name” and why is it important?
  4. What are some key principles of The Lord’s Prayer and how can we apply them in our daily lives?
  5. Why is it important to acknowledge and honor God’s holiness in our prayers?
  6. What is the significance of seeking God’s forgiveness and extending forgiveness to others in our prayers?
  7. How can we apply the principles of The Lord’s Prayer in our daily lives and deepen our relationship with God?
  8. How does The Lord’s Prayer teach us about our dependence on God for our daily needs?
  9. How can The Lord’s Prayer help us in overcoming temptations and avoiding evil influences?
  10. How can we use The Lord’s Prayer as a model for our own prayers and enhance our prayer life?
  11. Why is it important to include gratitude in our prayers and how does The Lord’s Prayer teach us about it?
  12. How can The Lord’s Prayer guide us in seeking God’s protection and guidance in our daily lives?
  13. How can The Lord’s Prayer help us to understand God’s will and align our prayers with it?
  14. What is the role of humility in our prayers according to The Lord’s Prayer and why is it important?
  15. How can The Lord’s Prayer remind us of the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation in our relationships with others?
  16. How can The Lord’s Prayer teach us about the concept of God’s kingdom and our role in it?
  17. How can The Lord’s Prayer help us to avoid hypocrisy and insincerity in our prayers?
  18. How can The Lord’s Prayer guide us in expressing our dependence on God for deliverance from evil?
  19. How can The Lord’s Prayer inspire us to live a life of faith, obedience, and trust in God?
  20. How can The Lord’s Prayer help us to develop a deeper understanding of God’s character, provision, and guidance in our lives?
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