Dictation For The Week Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies Week 2

Class 3 Scheme Of Work Second Term English

Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies

Scheme Of Work

Second Term

Class 3 /Primary 3/Basic 3

English Grammar


Week 2



Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  • Learn the following words : cabinet, caliber, calling, capable, carpenter, captain, capture, caption, careful



Learning Activities 

  • For home study,
    pupils, as
  • Look up the
    meanings, word
    classes and
    pronunciation of the
    given words in a
    dictionary, and use
    each word in, at least,
    a sentence.




Embedded Core Skills

  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Critical thinking and problem solving







  • Hard copy dictionary
  • Online dictionary




  1. Cabinet – A cabinet is a piece of furniture with doors and shelves used to store things like books, dishes or clothes.

Example: My mom keeps her fancy dishes in the cabinet above the kitchen sink.

  1. Caliber – Caliber is a word used to describe the diameter of a bullet or the quality or level of someone’s skills or abilities.

Example: The caliber of this bullet is too small for this gun.

  1. Calling – A calling is a profession or vocation that someone feels they are meant to do or a strong desire to do something.

Example: My dad felt his calling was to be a firefighter because he loves helping people in need.

  1. Capable – Capable means having the ability or skill to do something.

Example: My sister is very capable of making a delicious cake from scratch.

  1. Carpenter – A carpenter is a person who builds things out of wood, like furniture or houses.

Example: My grandpa used to be a carpenter and he built me a beautiful wooden toy box for my birthday.

  1. Captain – A captain is the leader of a group, like a sports team or a ship.

Example: The captain of the soccer team always encourages his teammates to do their best.

  1. Capture – To capture means to catch or take control of something or someone.

Example: The police were able to capture the thief who stole the bank’s money.

  1. Caption – A caption is a title or explanation for a picture or a short description of a video.

Example: I wrote a funny caption to go along with the picture of my dog wearing a party hat.

  1. Careful – Careful means being cautious or taking care to avoid danger or mistakes.

Example: You need to be careful when crossing the street and always look both ways before you cross


Lesson Presentation


  • Greet the students and introduce the topic of the lesson.
  • Explain the importance of spelling correctly and how it helps with writing and communication.
  • Present the list of new words to the students and explain that we will be learning their meanings and how to spell them.


  • Write each new word on the board and ask the students if they know what it means.
  • Provide a clear definition of each word and give examples to help them understand.
  • Use the words in sentences and ask the students to repeat the sentences to reinforce their understanding.
  • Repeat this process for each word on the list.


  • Provide the students with a handout with the new words and ask them to write down the definition for each word.
  • Ask them to write down a sentence using each new word to show that they understand the meaning.
  • Review their sentences together as a class to ensure that everyone understands.


  • Ask the students to read out loud the new words and their definitions to reinforce their learning.
  • Remind them of the importance of spelling correctly and encourage them to practice spelling the words in their everyday writing.
  • Close the lesson by thanking the students for their participation and effort.


  • Assess the students’ understanding of the new words through the handout and their sentences.
  • Observe their participation during the lesson and provide feedback on their spelling and understanding of the new words.

Weekly Assessment /Test

  1. A cabinet is a piece of furniture used to store things like books, dishes, or clothes.
  2. Caliber is a word used to describe the diameter of a bullet or the quality or level of someone’s skills or abilities.
  3. A calling is a profession or vocation that someone feels they are meant to do or a strong desire to do something.
  4. Capable means having the ability or skill to do something.
  5. A carpenter is a person who builds things out of wood, like furniture or houses.
  6. A captain is the leader of a group, like a sports team or a ship.
  7. To capture means to catch or take control of something or someone.
  8. A caption is a title or explanation for a picture or a short description of a video.
  9. Careful means being cautious or taking care to avoid danger or mistakes.
  10. Learning new words for spelling helps with writing and communication.

Fill-in-blank questions:

  1. A __________ is a piece of furniture used to store things like books, dishes, or clothes.
  2. __________ is a word used to describe the diameter of a bullet or the quality or level of someone’s skills or abilities.
  3. A __________ is a profession or vocation that someone feels they are meant to do or a strong desire to do something.
  4. __________ means having the ability or skill to do something.
  5. A __________ is a person who builds things out of wood, like furniture or houses.
  6. A __________ is the leader of a group, like a sports team or a ship.
  7. To __________ means to catch or take control of something or someone.
  8. A __________ is a title or explanation for a picture or a short description of a video.
  9. __________ means being cautious or taking care to avoid danger or mistakes.
  10. Learning new words for spelling helps with __________ and communication.
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