Instruction: Section (A). Answer all questions in this part.
1. Which of these letters can be used to represent the treble clef?(a)D (b)Y(c)G (d)X
2. All Cow Eat Grass is the acronyms for spaces on the __clef (a )treble (b) bass (c) alto (d)all
3. The line immediately after space ‘A’ on the treble clef is __(a) B (b) G (c) A (d) D
4. The musical staff has ______ spaces (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 8
5. GF Handel was born in the year _______ (a) 1945 (b) 1930 (c) 1865 (d) 1756
6. The second line on the treble clef is called_____ (a) G (b) E (c) D (d) F
7. ______ music is known as a religious music (a) vocal (b) sacred (c) pop (d) reggae
8. Which of these musical instruments is not part of the group? (a) flute (b) saxophone (c) violin (d) trumpet
9. The African musical instrument called ‘sekere’ is made up of calabash and _________
(a) beads (b) peads (c) feads (d) meads
10. There are __types of clef signs used in pianoforte (a) two (b) five (c) three (d) four
11. Music is used during the following activities except ___ (a) sport (b) festivals
(c) Ceremonies (d) clever
12. Which of the following is a musical note? (a) Quartet (b) crotchet (c) belt (d) none
13. The musical note with two beat duration is __(a) minim (b) quaver (c) breve (d) none
14. The __sign raises the pitch of a note by a semitone in pitch (a) natural (b) Sharp (c)
melody (d) none
15. The piano keyboard has black and the __keys (a) blue (b) yellow (c) white (d) green
16. The letter name of fifth line on the treble clef is ___ (a) F (b) D (c) A (d) G 17. On the piano keyboard, semitone occur between B and ___(a) G (b) C (c) E (d) A
18. The musical scale consists of _______ note (a) six (b) eight (c) Nine (d) Twelve
19. What is the name of this note? ‘ ‘ (a) Semibreve (b) minim (c) quaver (d) breve
20. Major scale consists of Tones and ___(a) semitones (b) circle (c) Notes (d) Tones
21. The musical note with four (4) beats duration or value is ___________ (a) Semibreve
(b) Semiquaver (c) Crotchet (d) Minim
22. The 2nd line on the treble Clef is _____ (a) F (b) G (c) A (d) C
23. ________ is a short line written above or below the staff to accommodate extra notes
(a) Leger line (b) straight line (c) middle line (d) margin line
24. The musical or Italian term ‘Allegro’ means_____(a) slow (b) fast (c) end (d) loud
25. Which of these African musical instruments belong to IDIOPHONE family? (a) Gong
(b) bata drum (c) Ekwe (d) Algaita

26. PITCH in music is known as the depth and the ______ of a musical sound (a) middle
(b) Height (c) base (d) frequency
27. The space immediately after line D on the treble clef is called?(a) E (b) G (c) D (d) B
28. in every major scale which of these notes is repeated twice? (a) reh (b) doh (c) fah (d) soh
29. The fifth (5th ) degree of a scale is pronounced __ (a) soh (b) lah (c) teh (d) reh
30. Another name for the bass clef is __ (a) D Clef (b) F clef (c) A clef (d) M clef
31. ______ is not used while writing semibreve
32. Shaded note head with a stem is called ______
33. Ledger lines written above or _____ the musical staff
34. How many quavers note can be found in a minim note?
35. The first line on the treble clef is _______
36. _____ is one of the qualities of sound
37. The musical note with 8 beat counts is known as_____________
38. How many beat is breve note?
39. The first ledger line above the bass clef is called _________
40. In writing music, the stem is attached to the _________


Answer three (3) questions from this section
1. (a) Define musical scale
(b) Mention 2 broad categories of scale (c) state 3 kinds of minor scale
2. Write short note not less than ten line on G F Handel OR Ayo Bankole
3. Identify the notes below


4. Write the symbol or note to the following
i. minim ________________ ii. ____________ quaver
iii. Crotchet _______________ iv . _______________ Semibreve
v. Semiquaver _______________
5. Explain the following terms: (i) musical note (ii) Ledger line (iii) bar line
(iv)Accidental signs (v) Musical staff


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