Physical Fitness : Meaning and Types of Physical Fitness Exercises eg Push, Squat, Bend, Sit up etc





TOPIC : Physical Fitness : Meaning and Types of Physical Fitness Exercises eg Push, Squat, Bend, Sit up etc 

Learning Objectives : 

By the end of the lesson, pupils should
be able to:

  • Define Physical Fitness
  • Mention types of exercises in
    physical fitness
  • list the importance of physical fitness
  • Demonstrate physical fitness exercise






Learning Activities 

  • Pupils as a class define physical
  • pupils in small groups mention types
    of exercises in physical fitness
  • pupils as a group as individual
    explains physical fitness



Embedded Core Skills 

  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Citizenship



Learning Resources 

Audio Visual

  • Chart
  • Picture
  • Mats
  • Whistle



What is Physical Fitness?

Physical fitness refers to how well your body can perform physical activities like running, jumping, playing sports, and other physical activities.

Just like we need to exercise our brains to learn new things, we also need to exercise our bodies to stay strong and healthy. Physical fitness can help you feel good, have more energy, and be able to do more fun activities with your friends and family.

There are a few different aspects of physical fitness:

  1. Endurance – This is how well your body can keep going during activities that require a lot of energy, like running or playing sports.
  2. Strength – This is how strong your muscles are and how much weight you can lift.
  3. Flexibility – This is how easily your body can move and stretch without feeling tight or uncomfortable.
  4. Balance – This is how well you can keep your body steady and centered, even when you’re moving around or standing on one foot.

To improve your physical fitness, you can do different types of exercises like running, jumping, dancing, or playing sports. It’s also important to eat healthy foods and get enough rest to help your body recover and grow stronger.

Remember, physical fitness is not just about how you look on the outside. It’s about feeling strong, healthy, and confident in your own body!

Examples of Physical Fitness Exercises

  1. Push-ups: Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower your body towards the ground by bending your elbows, then push back up to the starting position.
  2. Squats: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then lower your body down by bending your knees and pushing your hips back. Keep your chest up and your weight in your heels. Stand back up to the starting position.
  3. Bends: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then slowly bend forward at the waist and try to touch your toes. Hold the stretch for a few seconds, then slowly stand back up to the starting position.
  4. Sit-ups: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Put your hands behind your head and lift your shoulders off the ground. Lower back down to the starting position.
  5. Jumping jacks: Start with your feet together and your arms by your sides. Jump up and spread your feet out to shoulder-width apart while raising your arms overhead. Jump back to the starting position.
  6. Running or jogging: This is a great exercise for building endurance. You can run around your neighborhood, at a park, or on a treadmill.

Remember, it’s important to start with a warm-up before doing any exercises to prevent injury. You can do some light stretching or even just walk or jog in place for a few minutes. And always make sure to drink plenty of water and take breaks as needed.



Importance of Physical Fitness

  1. Strength and endurance: Being physically fit helps you build strength and endurance, which makes it easier to do things like running, playing sports, or carrying heavy objects.
  2. Health benefits: Regular exercise and physical activity can help reduce the risk of developing health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
  3. Mental health: Physical activity is also good for mental health. It can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost self-confidence.
  4. Improved sleep: Regular exercise can help you sleep better at night, which is important for your overall health and well-being.
  5. Social benefits: Participating in physical activities with friends or family can be a fun way to spend time together and build relationships.
  6. Lifelong habits: Developing good physical fitness habits at a young age can help establish a lifelong commitment to staying active and healthy.
  7. Brain function: Exercise can improve cognitive function, which means it can help you do better in school and other mental tasks.
  8. Disease prevention: Regular exercise can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer.
  9. Energy and stamina: Physical fitness helps you have more energy and stamina to tackle daily tasks and activities.
  10. Overall well-being: Regular exercise and physical activity can improve your overall sense of well-being, making you feel happier and more fulfilled in life.

Remember, physical fitness is not just about being good at sports or looking a certain way. It’s about feeling good, staying healthy, and being able to do the things you love with confidence and ease.





  1. Which of the following is an example of an endurance exercise? a. Squats b. Jumping jacks c. Push-ups d. Sit-ups
  2. What is one benefit of being physically fit? a. Feeling tired all the time b. Increased risk of disease c. Improved mental health d. None of the above
  3. What is the importance of warming up before exercising? a. To prevent injury b. To increase the intensity of the workout c. To cool down after exercising d. None of the above
  4. Which of the following is an example of a strength exercise? a. Jumping jacks b. Bends c. Push-ups d. Running
  5. Which of the following is a mental health benefit of physical activity? a. Reduced stress b. Increased risk of depression c. Decreased self-confidence d. None of the above
  6. What is the importance of drinking water during exercise? a. To cool down the body b. To prevent dehydration c. To increase the intensity of the workout d. None of the above
  7. Which of the following is an example of a flexibility exercise? a. Running b. Squats c. Bends d. Yoga
  8. Which of the following is a social benefit of physical activity? a. Increased risk of isolation b. Building relationships c. Decreased self-confidence d. None of the above
  9. Which of the following is an example of a disease that regular exercise can help prevent? a. Asthma b. Heart disease c. Common cold d. None of the above
  10. What is the importance of developing good physical fitness habits at a young age? a. To establish lifelong commitment to staying active and healthy b. To become good at sports c. To look a certain way d. None of the above



Intro To Top Physical Fitness


Lesson Presentation

Introduction: Begin by introducing the topic of physical fitness and asking the students what they think it means.


  1. Defining Physical Fitness: Explain what physical fitness is and its importance to overall health. Use visual aids such as posters or images to help illustrate the different aspects of physical fitness such as strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance. Ask students to identify examples of each aspect.
  2. Benefits of Physical Fitness: Explain the benefits of physical fitness such as improved health, mental well-being, and social benefits. Use examples to help illustrate how physical fitness can help prevent diseases, improve sleep, and build confidence.
  3. Types of Exercises: Introduce different types of exercises such as strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance exercises. Use visual aids such as videos or images to help illustrate each type of exercise. Ask students to identify examples of each type.
  4. How to Incorporate Exercise into Daily Routine: Explain how to incorporate exercise into daily routines by doing activities such as walking to school, playing sports, or doing chores around the house. Provide handouts with examples of exercises that can be done at home or at school.

Conclusion: Review the importance of physical fitness and how to incorporate exercise into daily routines. Encourage students to be active and make exercise a regular part of their lives.

Assessment: Ask students to identify different aspects of physical fitness, benefits of physical fitness, and types of exercises. You can also ask students to create a daily exercise plan and share it with the class

Weekly Assessment /Test

  1. ____________ is how well your body can keep going during activities that require a lot of energy, like running or playing sports.
  2. ____________ is how strong your muscles are and how much weight you can lift.
  3. ____________ is how easily your body can move and stretch without feeling tight or uncomfortable.
  4. To improve your physical fitness, you can do different types of ____________ like running, jumping, dancing, or playing sports.
  5. ____________ is a great exercise for building endurance.
  6. Physical activity is also good for ____________ health. It can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost self-confidence.
  7. Regular exercise can help you ____________ better at night, which is important for your overall health and well-being.
  8. Developing good physical fitness habits at a young age can help establish a ____________ commitment to staying active and healthy.
  9. ____________ can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer.
  10. Remember, physical fitness is not just about being good at sports or looking a certain way. It’s about feeling good, staying healthy, and being able to do the things you love with ____________ and ease






Objectives :

  1. b
  2. c
  3. a
  4. c
  5. a
  6. b
  7. d
  8. b
  9. b
  10. a




  1. Endurance
  2. Strength
  3. Flexibility
  4. Exercises
  5. Running or jogging
  6. Mental
  7. Sleep
  8. Lifelong
  9. Regular exercise
  10. Confidence



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