(1) The place where the buyer and seller meet to transact business is called ___________

(a) Shop              (b) Market               (c) Trade             (d) school


(2) The department which deals with staff matter s is called ____________

(a) personnel department               (b) finance department                      (c) purchasing department

(d) Purchasing department


(3) Labour is rewarded with _____________

(a) Rent              (b) profit               (c) Capital           (d) Wages / salaries


(4) A retailer is the one who ___________

(a) specializes in industrial goods  [b] sells to wholesalers  [c] buys in small quantities  [d] none of the above


[5] The fastest means of transportation is   —————-  [a] air  [b] land  [c]

[6] One of the following is not an office equipments  [a]  printer  [b]perforator  [c] recharge card [d] type writer


[7] A telephone operator must be………….[a] heady  [b] neat  [c] kind   [d]polite


[8] One of the following is not used for transporting goods and people on sea  [a] canoe   [b] ferry  [c] trailer  [d] ship


[9] Buying and selling of goods is known as  [a]business  [b] trading   [c] occupation  [d]wage


[10] The right hand side of the cash book is called  [A]debit  [b] credit  [c] left   [d]  right


[11] How many consonants are there in pitman shorthand  [a] 20  [b] 24  [c] 25  [d] 30


[12] How many vowels sounds are there in pitman shorthand   [a]  13   [b]  24   [c] 6  [d] 12


[13] The following are the principles of insurance except   [a]  utmost good  [b]under insurance   [c]loss from change of taste   [d] subrogation

[14]…………….is the apex bank in Nigeria   [a]  commercial bank   [b] Central bank of Nigeria  [c]  microfinance bank   [d]  merchant bank


[15] The eyes of typist must be on ….[a] floor  [b]  wall  [c] keyboard  [d]documents

[16] The part of the typewriter that moves from right to left when typing ids known as ….[a] paper guide   [b] carriage   [c]plate   [d] space bar

[17] Balance extracted from the ledger accounts are used to prepare   [a]trial balance   [b]trading accounts  [c] cash account  [d] balance sheet

[18] To produce extra copies of documents while typing ,one needs to use…….[a] papers   [b] carbon papers   [c]stencils   [d] foolscaps sheets

[19] Buying of items or materials is a function of ……department [a] sales   [b]  marketing   [c]account  [d]  purchasing

[20] Note taking in an office is the duty of   [a] messenger  [b]  secretary   [c] accountant  [d]  entrepreneur

[21] Tope had #2,000 in the bank but withdrew #2,500,how much overdraft was granted to her  [a]#2000   [b]  #500    [c]  #1500  [d] no over draft granted

[22] ”ÁMT” means  [a] account   [b] amount   [c] accommodation  [d] acquire

[23] All these are the equipments handled by the receptionist except  [a] visitor book  [b] telephone message pad  [c] pay slip  [d]business card

Use the below information to answer questions 24 and 25

opening stock                         #1000

purchases                                #5000

sales                                          #7000

closing stock                           #1300

[24] Calculate the cost of good sold   [a] #2800   [b]  #4700  [c] #6000   [d]#1300

[25] Calculate the gross profit  [a] #4700   [b]  #6500  [c] #7300   [d]#2300

[26]School staff room is an example of   [a] open office  [b] closed office   [ c]  small office  [d]  large office

[27] Rent, wages, electricity and transportation are regarded as  ….[a] income   [b] loss   [c] payment  [d]expenditures

[28] All activities of human efforts directed btoward satisfying human wants is known as ……[a] production   [b]  distribution   [c] commerce   [d] trade

[29] The last link  in the chain of distribution is……………… [a] consumer  [b] retailer  [c] producer   [d] wholesaler

[30] A man bought 20 books at #10 each, calculate the amount payable for all the books

[a] N250  [b] N300  [c] 200 [d] N500

  1. The left hand side of the cash book is used to record… [a] receipt [b] payments [c] expenses [d] losses
  1. Buying and selling of goods is called …………… [a] business [b] trading [c] occupation [d] work
  2. The fastest means of transportation is …….. [a]air [b] road [c] water [d] rail
  3. The act of keeping accounts in a regular systemic manner is called………… [a] book keeping [b] capital [c] accountancy [d] accounting
  4. Banking and transportation are examples of ……………. Trade [a] foreign [b] home [c] aid to trade [d] export
  5. The end of the owner may end ………… [a] partnership [b] cooperative [c] joint account [d] sole trade business
  6. The abbreviation ‘Ltd’ stands for ……………. [a] license [b] limited [c]liquidated [d]less time
  7. Money used to start or commence a business is called …………….. [a] capital [b] drawing [c] business money [d] interest
  8. All these are components of business studies except …. [a] commerce [b] shorthand [c] geography [d] economics
  9. The following are extractive occupation except [a]bricklaying [b] fishing [c]lumbering [d] mining
  10. Ayokanmi bought 10 biros at 10 naira each. How much did she pay [a] 100 [b]110 [c] 400 [d] 1000




[1]a. What is production

b].List four types of production

c].Write two types of trade

[2]a. List five functions performed in an office

b].Mention five types of cooperative society

  1. List and explain the paper sizes that you know

[3]a. List three sources of capital for individual

b].What is personal finance

c].State any five services performed by NITEL, as an agency of communication

[4]a. Define commerce

b]. List four aids to trade

c].State any five advertising media





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