INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions.

  1. The highest power who does not all things is ______

(a) Robot      (b)m God           (c) Angel       (d) Man

  1. The prophet who announced the birth of Jesus Christ was _____

(a) Daniel      (b) Isaiah           (c)Amos        (d) Jeremiah

  1. The prodigal son asked for his share of inheritance because he was ______

(a) Happy     (b) greedy           (c) Sad           (d)Faithful

  1. ______ is an earthy story with an heavenly meaning

(a) Parable   (b) message       (c) Sermon           (d) Gospel

  1. Jesus was born in the ________________

(a) Manger   (b) Hospital        (c) Market           (d) Tarsus

  1. what brought the fall of man

(a) Pride        (b) Gossip[           (c) Hunger    (d) Sin

  1. Jesus was sent to earth by God to _______(a) Save people from their sins (b) make people work (c) Make houses          (d) Create Religion
  2. how many virgins were mentioned in the parable virgins?

(a) Five                     (b) Six      (c)  Nine        (d Ten

  1. The Prophet who was unwilling to go to Nineveh to warn them was _______

(a) Isaac        (b) Jonah           (c) Jeremiah (d) Joshua

  1. What happened to seeds that fell into good ground? (a) They brought forth good fruit (b) They perished (c) They had no root (d) None of the above
  2. The parable of the lost sheep illustrates God’s

(a) Hatred    (b)Love                       (Anger                       (d)None

(12  _______  is the study of man and his environment

(a) Civic Education (b) Social studies          (c) Mathematics           (d) Home – Economics

(13 ________ is the worth of a thing/person or an item

(a) Value       (b) Honesty        (c) death           (d) Displeasure

(14_______________  is the total way of life f people.

(a) System    (b) Culture           (c) Money           (d)Death

(15Culture is not static because it  ____________

(a) Changes  (b) Does not change   (c) is stationery     (d) All of the above


(16). Marriage helps a man to become more  _________

(a) Responsible                  (b) Stupid     (c) wayward      (d) Abnormal

(17).  The parents of the man pay the ___________

(a) Sugar price        (b) groom price (c) Bride price  (d)Friend price

(18.  A group consisting of one or more parents and their children are referred to as  ___(a) Court (b) School           (c)Church     (d) Family

(19) One of the responsibilities of parents towards their children is to   ___

(a) fight them          (b) Kill them       (c) Provide food for them         (d0 sell them

(20) The _________   protect their children from danger

(a) Parents   (b) Birds           (c) Stranger  (d) All of the above

(21) Value help to maintain  ____ (a) System          (b) Culture           (c) M0ney     (d) Death

  1. Who developed the rule of law?(a) Professor Henry shaw (b) Professor James peter (c) Professor A.V Dicey (d) Professor Smith Gold
  2. In what year did the author write a book titled ”The Law of the Constitution’’?

(a) 1870        (b) 1881           (c) 1884           (d)1885

  1. One of these is the last hope of the common Man

(a) Executive           (b) Judiciary       (c) Legislative    (d) The press

  1. The agency that is responsible for the enforcement of abuse of drug is

(a) EFCC        (b)ICPC           (c) NDLEA           (d)NDA

  1. which of these is the symbol of authority of the Legislative

(a) National Flag     (b) The Mace     (c) Wig                       (d) Oath taking

  1. To be eligible to vote , you must be (a) 17yeatrsd of age (b)19 years                   (c) 20 years       (d)18 years
  2. Which organ is responsible for the conduct of election

(a) NUT                     (b) Teachers       (c) INEC                       (d) Local government

  1. Where did democracy originated from

(a) Ghana     (b) Nigeria           (c) Greece    (d) Ethiopia

  1. Who was the American President that defined democracy as the government of the people by the people and for the people? (a) George Washington (b) Bill Clinton    (c)John Kennedy           (d)Abraham Lincoln
  2. In which year did he define it?

(a) 1859        (b) 1860                       (c) 1863           (d)1865



Answer any four (4) questions, all questions carry equal marks.

1(a) List two  (2) functions  of the Judiciary

(b) List Two (2) functions of legislative

(c) Explain the two types of  democracy

2(a) What is the Rule of Law

(b) List Ten (10) Democracy countries of the world

(c) what is human rights

3 Write short note on the following :-

(a) Independence of the judiciary

(b) INEC

(c) Constitution

4(a) What is parable

(b) Mention three (3) parables of Jesus recorded in the bible

(c)State two reasons why Jesus spoke in parables

5a. Narrate the parable of the ten virgins

  1. Narrate the parable of the wheat and fares
  2. Mention Five (5) importance of the parable of the lost sheep / coin





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