











Previous Lesson:




Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Explain what help means
  • Discuss how the Holy Spirit helps us in our daily activities
  • Explain how the Holy Spirit helps us live faithful



Learning Activities

  • Pupils as individuals discuss how the Holy Spirit helps us
  • Pupils in pairs describe the role of Holy Spirit in helping to spread the gospel
  • Pupils in small groups explain the meaning of help



Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Leadership skills



Learning Resources

  • The Holy Bible
  • Acts 3 Verse 26 – 40
  • Acts, Chapter 7




  • Identification,
  • explanation,
  • questions and answers,
  • demonstration,
  • story-telling,
  • videos from source




Holy Spirit is a vital part of the Christian faith and is considered to be one of the three persons of the Holy Trinity, along with God the Father and Jesus Christ. In the passage you referenced, Acts 3:26-40, the apostle Peter preaches to the people about the power of the Holy Spirit and how it can help them.

According to Peter, the Holy Spirit helps us by empowering us to do the work of God, bringing us new life and forgiveness, and guiding us in our daily lives. The Holy Spirit works within us to help us grow in our relationship with God and to live out His will for our lives.

In this passage, Peter emphasizes the importance of turning to God for forgiveness and trusting in His power to transform us. He encourages the people to repent and receive the Holy Spirit, so that they can experience the new life and hope that only God can provide.

Holy Spirit is a source of comfort, strength, and guidance for all believers. Whether we are facing difficult times or simply seeking to grow in our faith, the Holy Spirit is always there to help us and lead us to a deeper relationship with God


The word “help” can be defined as the act of giving support, assistance, or aid to someone who needs it. It can refer to physical, emotional, or financial support, and it can be provided by an individual, a group, or an organization. The main purpose of help is to make life easier or better for someone in need.

For example, if someone is struggling to carry a heavy load, someone else might offer to help them by carrying some of the weight. If someone is feeling overwhelmed or sad, a friend might offer to help by listening and offering comfort. If a community is affected by a natural disaster, an aid organization might offer help by providing food, shelter, and medical assistance.

In all these cases, the help provided is meant to improve the situation for the person or group in need, making their lives easier or better in some way


Here are some examples of how the Holy Spirit helps us :

  1. The Holy Spirit gives us strength: Just like how Segun needs his friends to help him carry a heavy load, we also need the Holy Spirit to give us strength when we face difficult situations in life.
  2. The Holy Spirit helps us make good choices: Just like how Bolujo always asks his teacher for advice before making a decision, the Holy Spirit helps us make good choices by guiding us and giving us wisdom.
  3. The Holy Spirit comforts us: Just like how Fidelis feels better when his mom hugs him after a bad day, the Holy Spirit comfort us when we are feeling sad or overwhelmed. The Holy Spirit helps us feel God’s love and peace, even in the toughest of times
  4. The Holy Spirit gives us courage: Just like how Emily stood up to the bullies at school, the Holy Spirit gives us the courage to face challenges and do what is right, even when it’s difficult.
  5. The Holy Spirit helps us grow in our faith: Just like how all the pupils in grade 5 are learning new things every day, the Holy Spirit helps us grow in our relationship with God and deepen our understanding of His love for us.
  6. The Holy Spirit is a special gift from God that is always with us, helping us in many different ways. Whether we need strength, wisdom, comfort, courage, or guidance, the Holy Spirit is always there to help us. All we have to do is ask


How the Holy Spirit helps us in our daily activities

The Holy Spirit is an important part of the Christian faith, and is considered to be one of the three persons of the Holy Trinity, along with God the Father and Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is seen as the source of guidance, comfort, and power for Christians, and helps us in our daily activities in many ways. Some of these include:

  1. Empowerment: The Holy Spirit gives us the power and strength we need to carry out the work of God in our daily lives. This might involve spreading the gospel, serving others, or simply living out our faith in the world.
  2. Guidance: The Holy Spirit helps us to understand God’s will for our lives and provides us with the wisdom and guidance we need to make good decisions. Whether we are facing difficult choices or simply trying to navigate the challenges of daily life, the Holy Spirit is always there to help us.
  3. Comfort: The Holy Spirit brings comfort and peace to our lives, helping us to overcome fear, worry, and anxiety. When we are feeling overwhelmed or discouraged, the Holy Spirit provides us with a sense of God’s presence and love, which can be a source of great comfort and hope.
  4. Transformation: The Holy Spirit works within us to help us grow in our relationship with God and to become more like Jesus. This involves changing our hearts and minds, so that we can live out God’s will for our lives more fully.

The Holy Spirit is a powerful source of help and support for Christians, guiding us and empowering us in all aspects of our daily lives. Whether we are facing challenges or simply seeking to grow in our faith, the Holy Spirit is always there to help us, and all we have to do is ask.


How the Holy Spirit helps us live faithful

  1. The Holy Spirit helps us understand God’s will: Just like how a map helps us find our way, the Holy Spirit helps us understand God’s will for our lives, guiding us on the path of faith.
  2. The Holy Spirit gives us the courage to stand up for our beliefs: Just like how a soldier stands up for his country, the Holy Spirit gives us the courage to stand up for our beliefs, even when it’s difficult.
  3. The Holy Spirit helps us resist temptation: Just like how a strong fence keeps out unwanted visitors, the Holy Spirit helps us resist temptation and live a life that is pleasing to God.
  4. The Holy Spirit provides comfort in difficult times: Just like how a warm blanket provides comfort on a cold night, the Holy Spirit provides comfort and peace when we are going through difficult times.
  5. The Holy Spirit helps us grow in our faith: Just like how a seed grows into a plant, the Holy Spirit helps us grow in our relationship with God, deepening our faith and understanding of His love for us

In conclusion, the Holy Spirit is an essential part of living a faithful life. By helping us understand God’s will, giving us courage, resisting temptation, providing comfort, and helping us grow in our faith, the Holy Spirit empowers us to live lives that honor God and bring glory to His name.


  1. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and is the power of God present in the world to work in and through believers.
  2. The Holy Spirit helps us overcome temptation.
  3. The Holy Spirit gives us courage to share our faith with others.
  4. The Holy Spirit helps us grow in our spiritual lives.
  5. The Holy Spirit provides comfort and peace to us in difficult times.
  6. The Holy Spirit guides us in our daily lives.
  7. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to live a faithful life.
  8. The Holy Spirit helps us in our personal relationships.
  9. The presence of the Holy Spirit is important in our lives to help us grow in our faith
  10. The Holy Spirit provides direction and clarity.
  11. The Holy Spirit helps us make good decisions.
  12. The Holy Spirit provides peace and unity in our relationships.
  13. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to forgive.
  14. The Holy Spirit guides us in our interactions with others.
  15. The Holy Spirit empowers us to bear witness to Jesus Christ
  16. The Holy Spirit helps us understand God’s word.
  17. The Holy Spirit gives us a heart of love and compassion.
  18. The Holy Spirit helps us feel the presence of God.
  19. The Holy Spirit provides hope and strength to endure.
  20. The Holy Spirit calms our minds and hearts.
  21. The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom and discernment
  22. According to the Bible, the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to guide, comfort, empower, and transform us into the image of Jesus Christ.
  23. Some of the ways the Holy Spirit helps us include giving us courage, providing comfort, guiding us in our daily lives, empowering us to bear witness to Jesus Christ, giving us wisdom and discernment, providing peace and unity in our relationships, and giving us the power to forgive.
  24. The Holy Spirit gives us courage by giving us strength and comfort in the face of fear and uncertainty.
  25. The Holy Spirit provides comfort by giving us peace, hope, and a sense of security in difficult times.
  26. The Holy Spirit guides us in our daily lives by providing direction and clarity, helping us make good decisions, and guiding us in our interactions with others.
  27. The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives is important because it helps us to understand God’s will and to live according to his purposes.
  28. The Holy Spirit helps us understand God’s word by illuminating our minds and hearts and helping us to see the truth.
  29. The Holy Spirit gives us a heart of love and compassion by empowering us to love others as God loves us and by helping us to have compassion for those in need.
  30. The Holy Spirit helps us feel the presence of God by giving us a sense of peace, comfort, and security.
  31. The Holy Spirit provides hope and strength by giving us confidence in the face of difficult situations and by empowering us to persevere.
  32. The Holy Spirit calms our minds and hearts by giving us peace and a sense of security, even in the face of adversity.
  33. The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom and discernment by helping us to see things from God’s perspective and by empowering us to make good decisions.
  34. The role of the Holy Spirit in providing direction and clarity is to help us understand what God wants us to do and to provide guidance and wisdom in our decision-making.
  35. The Holy Spirit helps us make good decisions by providing wisdom and discernment and by guiding us in our interactions with others.
  36. The Holy Spirit provides peace and unity in our relationships by empowering us to forgive and by promoting harmony and understanding in our interactions with others.
  37. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to forgive by empowering us to let go of bitterness and anger and by giving us a heart of compassion and love.
  38. The Holy Spirit guides us in our interactions with others by empowering us to treat others with respect, kindness, and compassion.
  39. The role of the Holy Spirit in empowering us to bear witness to Jesus Christ is to give us the courage, wisdom, and power to share the gospel with others.
  40. We can invite the Holy Spirit into our lives by seeking a closer relationship with God, by asking for the Holy Spirit to fill us, and by being open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives.


  1. The Holy Spirit helps us __________ temptation.
  2. The Holy Spirit gives us __________ to share our faith with others.
  3. The Holy Spirit helps us __________ in our spiritual lives.
  4. The Holy Spirit provides __________ and peace to us in difficult times.
  5. The Holy Spirit guides us in our __________ lives.
  6. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to __________ a faithful life.
  7. The Holy Spirit helps us in our __________ relationships.
  8. The presence of the Holy Spirit is important in our lives to __________ us grow in our faith.
  9. The Holy Spirit helps us understand __________’s word.
  10. The Holy Spirit gives us a __________ of love and compassion.
  11. The Holy Spirit helps us feel the __________ of God.
  12. The Holy Spirit provides __________ and strength to endure.
  13. The Holy Spirit calms our __________ and hearts.
  14. The Holy Spirit gives us __________ and discernment.
  15. The Holy Spirit provides __________ and clarity.
  16. The Holy Spirit helps us make __________ decisions.
  17. The Holy Spirit provides __________ and unity in our relationships.
  18. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to __________.
  19. The Holy Spirit guides us in our __________ with others.
  20. The Holy Spirit empowers us to __________ witness to Jesus Christ
  21. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians? a. To provide comfort and peace b. To empower us to do the work of God c. To guide us in understanding God’s will d. All of the above
  22. Who is considered to be one of the three persons of the Holy Trinity? a. The Holy Spirit b. God the Father c. Jesus Christ d. All of the above
  23. How does the Holy Spirit help us resist temptation? a. By giving us the courage to stand up for our beliefs b. By providing comfort in difficult times c. By strengthening our faith d. By helping us make good decisions
  24. What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives? a. To help us grow in our relationship with God b. To provide guidance and wisdom c. To help us spread the gospel d. All of the above
  25. Who is Segun in the story of the Holy Spirit helping us? a. A person who is facing a difficult decision b. A person who is struggling to carry a heavy load c. A person who is feeling overwhelmed or sad d. None of the above
  26. Who is Bolujo in the story of the Holy Spirit helping us? a. A person who is facing a difficult decision b. A person who is struggling to carry a heavy load c. A person who is feeling overwhelmed or sad d. None of the above
  27. Who is Fidelis in the story of the Holy Spirit helping us? a. A person who is facing a difficult decision b. A person who is struggling to carry a heavy load c. A person who is feeling overwhelmed or sad d. None of the above
  28. Who is Emily in the story of the Holy Spirit helping us? a. A person who is facing a difficult decision b. A person who is struggling to carry a heavy load c. A person who is feeling overwhelmed or sad d. None of the above
  29. What is the main purpose of help, according to the Holy Spirit? a. To make life easier or better for someone in need b. To provide physical, emotional, or financial support c. To be provided by an individual, a group, or an organization d. All of the above
  30. What does the Holy Spirit provide to Christians facing difficult times? a. Courage b. Peace and comfort c. Wisdom and guidance d. All of the above
  31. How does the Holy Spirit work within us to help us grow in our relationship with God? a. By changing our hearts and minds b. By giving us the power and strength we need to carry out the work of God c. By helping us understand God’s will d. All of the above
  32. How does the Holy Spirit help us make good decisions? a. By giving us the courage to stand up for our beliefs b. By providing comfort and peace c. By providing guidance and wisdom d. By helping us resist temptation
  33. How does the Holy Spirit empower us to live a faithful life? a. By helping us understand God’s will b. By giving us courage c. By resisting temptation d. All of the above
  34. What does the Holy Spirit do to help us spread the gospel? a. Provides courage and boldness b. Guides us in our words and actions c. Empowers us to share our faith with others d. All of the above
  35. How does the Holy Spirit help us grow in our spiritual lives? a. By helping us understand God’s word b. By giving us the power to live a holy life c. By giving us a heart of love and compassion d. All of the above
  36. In what ways can the Holy Spirit provide comfort and peace to us? a. By helping us feel the presence of God in difficult times b. By giving us hope and strength to endure c. By calming our minds and hearts d. All of the above
  37. How does the Holy Spirit guide us in our daily lives? a. By giving us wisdom and discernment b. By providing direction and clarity c. By helping us make good decisions d. All of the above
  38. What does the Holy Spirit give us the power to do? a. Overcome temptation b. Bear witness to Jesus Christ c. Live a faithful life d. All of the above
  39. How does the Holy Spirit help us in our personal relationships? a. By providing peace and unity b. By giving us the power to forgive c. By guiding us in our interactions with others d. All of the above
  40. Why is the presence of the Holy Spirit important in our lives? a. To help us grow in our faith b. To empower us to live a faithful life c. To provide comfort and peace in difficult times d. All of the above

Lesson Plan: Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives


  • Students will understand the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
  • Students will understand the different ways in which the Holy Spirit helps us.
  • Students will learn how to apply the teachings of the Holy Spirit to their daily lives.


  • Bible
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handout on the Holy Spirit
  • Interactive activities (optional)

Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Greet the students and ask them if they know what the Holy Spirit is.
  • Write the definition of the Holy Spirit on the whiteboard and discuss with the students.
  • Ask the students to share any personal experiences they have had with the Holy Spirit.

Lecture (20 minutes):

  • Discuss the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives as described in the Bible, specifically Acts 3:26-40.
  • Discuss the different ways in which the Holy Spirit helps us, such as giving us courage, providing comfort, guiding us in our daily lives, and empowering us to bear witness to Jesus Christ.
  • Use examples of Segun, Bolujo, Fidelis, and Emily to illustrate how the Holy Spirit helps us in our daily activities.
  • Discuss how the Holy Spirit is an important part of our lives and how we can invite the Holy Spirit into our lives.

Interactive Activities (20 minutes):

  • Have the students work in pairs or small groups to brainstorm different ways they can invite the Holy Spirit into their lives.
  • Lead a discussion on the different ways the students came up with.
  • Distribute the handout on the Holy Spirit and have the students fill it in with the information they learned during the lecture.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

  • Review the main points of the lesson and discuss how the students can apply what they learned to their daily lives.
  • Encourage the students to continue learning about the Holy Spirit and to invite the Holy Spirit into their lives.
  • End the lesson with a prayer, asking for the Holy Spirit to guide and bless the students.


  • Observe students during the interactive activities to see if they understand the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
  • Collect the handouts on the Holy Spirit to see if the students retained the information from the lecture.
  • Ask the students to write a reflection on what they learned in the lesson and how they can apply it to their daily lives.

Weekly Assessments / Test 

  1. Who is the Holy Spirit?
  2. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives according to the Bible?
  3. Can you name some of the ways the Holy Spirit helps us?
  4. How does the Holy Spirit give us courage?
  5. In what ways does the Holy Spirit provide comfort?
  6. How does the Holy Spirit guide us in our daily lives?
  7. What is the importance of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives?
  8. How does the Holy Spirit help us understand God’s word?
  9. Can you describe how the Holy Spirit gives us a heart of love and compassion?
  10. How does the Holy Spirit help us feel the presence of God?
  11. How does the Holy Spirit provide hope and strength?
  12. Can you explain how the Holy Spirit calms our minds and hearts?
  13. How does the Holy Spirit give us wisdom and discernment?
  14. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in providing direction and clarity?
  15. How does the Holy Spirit help us make good decisions?
  16. Can you describe how the Holy Spirit provides peace and unity in our relationships?
  17. How does the Holy Spirit give us the power to forgive?
  18. Can you explain how the Holy Spirit guides us in our interactions with others?
  19. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering us to bear witness to Jesus Christ?
  20. How can we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives?
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