Algebraic Processes in Mathematics Second Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Subject: Mathematics

Class: Primary 5

Term: 3

Week: 4

Topic: Algebraic Processes and Problem Solving

Sub-topic: Simple Algebra, Balance Method, Real-Life Applications

Duration: 2 lessons

Entry Behaviour: Understanding basic math operations like adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.

Key Words: Algebra, equations, variables, balance method, real-life problems.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • Understand how to explain simple algebraic processes.
  • Solve simple algebraic problems using the balance method.
  • Apply algebraic equations to solve real-life problems.

Embedded Core Skills: Logical thinking, problem-solving, critical reasoning.

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Balanced scales
  • Examples of real-life problems
  • Worksheets


1. Simple Algebraic Process:

  • Algebra is like solving puzzles with letters and numbers.
  • Example: 2x + 3 = 11, here ‘x’ is the mystery number.

2. Solve Simple Algebraic Problems using Balance Method:

  • Think of equations as a seesaw – what you do on one side, you do on the other.
  • Example: Balance the seesaw in 2x = 8, x = 4.

3. Solve Real-Life Problems using Algebraic Equations:

  • Use algebra to solve problems in everyday life.
  • Example: If you have ‘x’ money and spend 5, the equation is x – 5 = remaining money.

These skills help us solve problems and understand how numbers work together in different situations

Worked Samples

Simple Algebraic Process:

  • Example: Solve for ‘y’ in 3y + 7 = 16.
  • Solution: Subtract 7 from both sides, 3y = 9, then divide by 3, y = 3.

2. Solve Simple Algebraic Problems using Balance Method:

  • Example: Balance the equation 4x = 12.
  • Solution: Divide both sides by 4, x = 3.

3. Solve Real-Life Problems using Algebraic Equations:

  • Example: If ‘a’ apples cost 5 and you have 20, find ‘a’ in the equation 5a = 20.
  • Solution: Divide both sides by 5, a = 4.

4. Simple Algebraic Process:

  • Example: Simplify the expression 2(3x – 5).
  • Solution: Distribute 2 to both terms inside the parentheses, 6x – 10.

5. Solve Real-Life Problems using Algebraic Equations:

  • Example: You have ‘m’ money. You spend 8, and now you have 15. Write the equation.
  • Solution: m – 8 = 15, as you started with ‘m’ and spent 8.

Practice these examples to get comfortable with algebra – it’s like solving puzzles with numbers!

Simple Algebraic Process:

  1. Solve for ‘x’ in 2x + 5 = 15.
    • a) x = 5
    • b) x = 7
    • c) x = 8
    • d) x = 10

2. Solve Simple Algebraic Problems using Balance Method: 2. Balance the equation: 3y = 9. – a) y = 6 – b) y = 3 – c) y = 9 – d) y = 12

3. Solve Real-Life Problems using Algebraic Equations: 3. If ‘p’ pencils cost 4 and you have 16, find ‘p’ in the equation 4p = 16. – a) p = 3 – b) p = 4 – c) p = 5 – d) p = 6

4. Simple Algebraic Process: 4. Simplify the expression 3(2x – 4). – a) 6x – 8 – b) 6x – 4 – c) 5x – 8 – d) 4x – 6

5. Solve Real-Life Problems using Algebraic Equations: 5. You have ‘q’ money. You spend 7, and now you have 15. Write the equation. – a) q – 7 = 15 – b) q + 7 = 15 – c) q – 15 = 7 – d) q + 15 = 7

6. Simple Algebraic Process: 6. Solve for ‘y’ in 2y – 3 = 9. – a) y = 3 – b) y = 6 – c) y = 8 – d) y = 12

7. Solve Simple Algebraic Problems using Balance Method: 7. Balance the equation: 5x = 25. – a) x = 4 – b) x = 5 – c) x = 6 – d) x = 7

8. Solve Real-Life Problems using Algebraic Equations: 8. If ‘r’ shirts cost 12 and you have 36, find ‘r’ in the equation 12r = 36. – a) r = 2 – b) r = 3 – c) r = 4 – d) r = 5

9. Simple Algebraic Process: 9. Simplify the expression 4(3x + 2). – a) 12x + 8 – b) 12x + 6 – c) 10x + 8 – d) 8x + 12

10. Solve Real-Life Problems using Algebraic Equations: 10. You have ‘s’ stickers. You give away 5, and now you have 10. Write the equation. – a) s – 5 = 10 – b) s + 5 = 10 – c) s – 10 = 5 – d) s + 10 = 5

11. Simple Algebraic Process: 11. Solve for ‘z’ in 3z + 6 = 15. – a) z = 3 – b) z = 5 – c) z = 6 – d) z = 9

12. Solve Simple Algebraic Problems using Balance Method: 12. Balance the equation: 2y = 14. – a) y = 5 – b) y = 6 – c) y = 7 – d) y = 8

13. Solve Real-Life Problems using Algebraic Equations: 13. If ‘k’ candies cost 8 and you have 32, find ‘k’ in the equation 8k = 32. – a) k = 2 – b) k = 3 – c) k = 4 – d) k = 5

14. Simple Algebraic Process: 14. Simplify the expression 5(2x – 3). – a) 10x – 15 – b) 10x – 12 – c) 8x – 15 – d) 6x – 9

15. Solve Real-Life Problems using Algebraic Equations: 15. You have ‘n’ notebooks. You buy 4 more, and now you have 12. Write the equation. – a) n + 4 = 12 – b) n – 4 = 12 – c) n + 12 = 4 – d) n – 12 = 4

  1. Presentation:
    • Step 1: Review the previous lesson on basic math operations.
    • Step 2: Introduce the new topic – Algebraic Processes and Problem Solving.
  2. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Step 3: Explain the concept of algebra using simple examples.
    • Step 4: Demonstrate the balance method with hands-on activities.
    • Step 5: Illustrate solving real-life problems using algebraic equations.
  3. Learners Activities:
    • Engage students in solving basic algebraic problems individually and in pairs.
    • Encourage students to practice the balance method with interactive exercises.
    • Discuss real-life scenarios where algebra can be applied.
  4. Assessment:
    • Use questioning during the lesson to check understanding.
    • Evaluate students’ ability to solve problems using the balance method.
    • Assess how well students apply algebraic equations to real-life situations.
  5.  Evaluation :
    1. What is algebra?
    2. How would you explain a variable in algebra?
    3. Demonstrate the balance method with the equation: 2x = 10.
    4. Solve for ‘y’ in 3y + 4 = 13.
    5. Give an example of a real-life problem that can be solved using algebraic equations.
    6. Explain the importance of the balance method in solving algebraic problems.
    7. Balance the equation: 4a = 16.
    8. Solve the expression: 2(3x – 2).
    9. Apply algebraic equations to solve a problem: You have ‘m’ money, spend 5, and have 12 left. Write the equation.
    10. Why is understanding algebraic processes helpful in everyday life?


  • Go around to assess and provide feedback.
  • Summarize key points.
  • Assign practice exercises for reinforcement.
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