To school owners of low-cost schools, it is important to pay attention to managing emotions and pressure from parents. It is suggested to employ a professional administrator if one is unable to handle this pressure. It is important to be aware of one’s weaknesses and to monitor the entrance of debtors, as they can put the school in financial trouble.
It is essential to be patient and not to allow parents who are not financially stable to register in the school. A school’s growth should be measured by factors such as timely payment to teachers, improvement in the school, attractive and organized staff, low debtors and active parents, and not relying on loans. It is important to have a long-term vision for the school and to focus on the sacrifices made rather than the benefits
A school’s success may take time, but with effort and perseverance, it will grow
For the low cost school; kindly please pay rapt attention.
If you are weak in EMOTIONS that you can’t withstand the pressure of PARENTS begging you to register into your school; kindly employ a professional ADMIN.
Your weak Emotions will get you more DEBT into the school. PARENTS will send you out of business if care is not taken. Monitor the entrance; know your weakness and guide against it.
Don’t ever think because you allow DEBTORS into your school because of Empathy you will kick against it later; it doesn’t happen that way.
It’s very difficult to stop what you permit.📍
DEBTORS are powerful. They have tactics for penetrating SCHOOL OWNERS.
They will approach you to weigh your Emotions; let them meet you prepared.
Please listen carefully to the future of your School than the pleading of debtors.
Not all those who register with you will continue with you. Some will leave after they owe you two terms to try another school.
Don’t be a VICTIM.
Select parents who fit into your school standard from the onset.
Some schools have population with highest DEBT ratio but they have other sources of income to complement it.
Don’t copy their ways; seek for more understanding to know how they did it.
If your only source of income is SCHOOL BUSINESS, you should know your FIGHT IS DIFFERENT.
Your first to five years in business will almost make you close down your school because of challenges but don’t quit.
Get this,
There is a reason why BEANS take much time to get done on fire. If you must enjoy the beans, you must take your time for it to get done. PATIENCE is very important to enjoy the PROFIT
Don’t allow PARENT who haven’t tried one business before teach you how to run your school Business.
Business is different from Business. Survey their business lifestyle before you take their advice.
Don’t get more disturbed because of low population. It’s normal; get concerned in the growth.
In growth; here are certain factors to consider!
✓ If you are paying your teachers promptly without delay, YOU’RE GROWING.
✓ If there is IMPROVEMENT in your school after you started out. YOU’RE GROWING.
✓ If your staff are looking attractive and organised after they started your school, YOU’RE GROWING.
✓ If there are low Debtors and active PARENT in your school, you’re GROWING.
✓ If you didn’t take LOAN from banks and anybody, YOU’RE GROWING.
You have to define your growth by yourself.
If you must compete with any schools, compete with schools that shares same VALUES with you.
Schools who see above and stand tall above you.
Not all big schools you see are growing, some are crying.
Don’t be deceived by the structure; some have structure but no growth.
I know some schools who fall and stand.
I know some schools who stand and fall.
I know some schools who stand and still standing.
Don’t go into the school with 1 year vision.
Go into the business with 20 years VISION.
Let that VISION propel you into the business.
Learn from those that fall and stand. The lessons are different.
Don’t look more on BENEFIT of the school, look more on the SACRIFICE.
There is a reason why APPLE trees are not found everywhere.
Your school isn’t meant for every PARENT.
Some seed spends months to grow.
Some speed years to form a TREE.
This is your SEED TIME.
Keep watering it with all your strength.
Focus on your school and don’t be intimidated by other school’s achievement.
Your SEED will grow one day. It may take time but trust me, IT WILL GROW.
You will come back to this content and smiled I SAID SO.
But for now, roll your sleeves and do the work.
Sow that SEED effortlessly.
Water it and uproot every weed stoping it from growing. (DEBTORS).
Weeds grows faster than flowers but weeds are always uprooted no matter their height.
Some schools set out with much population and start growing like the WEED; without following the law of PROCESS.
All of a sudden, they just closed down just the way they started.
This is because when you JUMP up, you come down but when you GROW up, you stay up.
Don’t jump, keep GROWING.
One day, PEOPLE will know you all over the world.
It’s not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog.
Keep growing, one day you will germinate for the world to see.
But till then,