Class: SS2            Subject: C.R.S         Time:

Answer all the questions in the section.

  1. The mission of the seventy signifies mission to (a) the world (b) Isreal (c) Judea (d) Samaria
  2. Which of the following instructions was given by Jesus to the seventy against any town which rejected them (a) wipe off the dust on their feet (b) accept whatever they were given as food (c) salute every house with peace (d) carry no purse, no bag and sandals
  3. “Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this that the spirits are subjecting to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven”. This word was said by who (a) Jesus Christ (b) Pharaoh (c) God (d) Peter
  4. The synoptic gospels that talk about account of the mission of the twelve are (a) Matthew, Mark, Luke (b) Matthew, John, Luke (c) John, Acts, Romans (d) Jude, James, Mark
  5. _____ is a gift of the holy spirit (a) spiritual gift (b) wandering spirit (c) Godly gift (d) Righteous gift
  6. All these are the spiritual gifts except (a) faith (b) none of the above (c) gift of healing (d) the utterance of wisdom
  7. “There are varieties of gifts, but the same spirit, and there are varieties of services by the same God who inspires them all in everyone” These words were said by (a) St. Peter (b) St. Luke (c) St. Paul (d) St. Mark
  8. In the bible, who did the spirit of God depart from and spirit of devil enter into (a) Samson (b) Judas (c) King Ahab (d) King Saul
  9. By what were we baptized into one body of Christ? (a) One spirit (b) Holy spirit (c) Holy ghost (c) Fire (d) Water 
  10. Apostle Paul likened these gifts to ______ with different functions (a) Human body (b) Heaven (c) The church (d) Organization
  11. All must use their gifts to the ______ and _______ (a) glory of God and for the growth of the church (b) pride and selfishness (c) profit and fame (d) discrimination and racialism
  12. In the epistle of James, the effectiveness of prayer depends on (a) consistency in faith (b) praying on scheduled moments (c) the number of prayers in a day (d) praying aloud repeatedly
  13. James recommended that when Christians  are sick or suffering, they should (a) pray in faith (b) consult a physician (c) appeal to the church for material aid (d) repent and sin no more
  14. “Is any among you sick” let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him”. By this statement, James meant that (a) we should not pray for ourselves when we are sick (b) the prayers of the faithful will save a sick man (c) elders of the church are wonder workers (d) prayers without the elders of the church may not be effective
  15. ____ was the man James used as example of how the effective prayer of righteous man works (a) prophet Elijah (b) Jesus Christ (c) St. Paul (d) St. Peter
  16. How many types of prayer James mention (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 8
  17. ______ means trust or belief (a) work (b) faith (c) consciousness (d) hope
  18. Anyone who does not control his tongue deceives himself and his religion is in (a) God (b) Man (c) Heaven (d) Vain
  19. A man is justified by ______ and not by faith alone (a) holiness (b) righteousness (c) works (d) prayers
  20. How did Abraham show his faith by his work (a) he offered Isaac on the altar (b) He cared for Hagar (c) He took care of Lord (d) He left his father’s land
  21. In the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus intended to teach (a) love for parents for their children (b) God’s love for a repentant sinner (c) his dislike for careless living (d) respect for parent
  22. Which of the following parables illustrates the Day of Judgment? (a) the wheat and the tares  (b) the mustard seed (c) the leaven (d) the sower
  23. Which of the following is not a parable of the kingdom (a) the sower (b) the mustard seed (c) the wheat and the tares (d) the prodigal son
  24. Which of the following parables illustrates God’s love (a) the mustard seed (b) prodigal son (c) Good Samaritan (d) Wheat and tares
  25. In the parable of the weed, the enemy who sowed among the wheat was (a) Satan, the devil (b) the Pharisee (c) the man’s bad servant (d) a wicked neighbor
  26.  In the mission of the seventy, what did Jesus charge them to say any house they entered (a) peace be to this house (b) hello in this house (c) good day to this house (d) how are you
  27. The only book that gave an account of the mission of the seventy is (a) Luke (b) Matthew (c) Mark (d) John
  28. ________ is a strong that teaches a moral lesson (a) parable (b) sermon (c) evangelism (c) spirituality
  29. In the parable of the sower, the person that went to sow was (a) the man (b) Jesus Christ (c) Apostle (d) God
  30. Who showed his faith through the works in the bible (a) Abraham (b) Job (c) Noah (d) Enoch



Answer Three (3) Questions from This Section

  1. Narrate the mission of the twelve. And enumerate the significance of the mission of the twelve
  2. What does Paul teach concerning the use of individual talent 
  3. Narrate the parable of the prodigal son. State how the action of the father illustrates the nature of God
  4. Give an account of James’ teaching on faith and work
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