Subject:   BASIC SCIENCE Class: BASIC 4

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A:  Objective 

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. Change make things  _________   (a)old     (b)different    (c)original    (d)expensive
  2. ________  and  ______can cause change   (a)plant and animal    (b)living and non-living  things     (c)nature and man
  3. Change occurs in  ______   (a)stones     (b)plants     (c)books
  4. When an object increases or decreases in size, shape or colour is called a _______   (a)change    (b)event    (c)chance
  5. When water changes into ice block, it is a _________ change (a) temporary (b) permanent (c) none of the above 
  6. A change is classified into temporary and ___________ (a) permanent (b) reversible (c) all of them 
  7. Change makes a candle ______   (a)melt     (b)grow    (c)tall
  8. When butter is melted, it becomes ______    (a)liquid    (b)gas   (c)fine
  9. The degree of coldness or hotness of a place is called ______   (a)weather     (b)sunlight    (c)temperature
  10. _________ is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular time (a) temperature     (b) rainfall    (c) weather 
  11. Measurements are  _____ everywhere   (a)not the same   (b)the same    (c)different
  12. Measurement determine the ______  of an object    (a)age    (b)size    (c)height
  13. Which of these professions uses tape rule to measure solids?    (a)doctor    (b)trader    (c)carpenter
  14. ______ is one of the changes that plants undergo   (a)ageing     (b)adult  (c)overgracing
  15. Which of these is not an animal?     (a)tadpole     (b)caterpillar      (c)okro
  16. Which of these is an instrument for measuring wing?       (a)wind vane    (b)barometer    (c)thermometer
  17. Moisture in the  air is known as  ______   (a)humidity     (b)wind     (c)cloud
  18. How many centimeters makes 1 meter?    (a)10     (b)1000    (c)100    (d)1
  19. What is a young sheep called?    (a)calf      (b)kitten     (c)eve     (d)ram
  20. What is a young pig called?     (a)piglet   (b)kitten   (c)lamb   (d)calf



  1. What is a change?  
  1. State the two types of changes


  1. List five (5) changes that plants undergo  
  2. Describe a caterpillar 
  3. Write five (5) names of adult and young animals   
  4. state two (2) weather symbols. 
  5. What is permanent change?   
  6.     List the three (3) processes of permanent change.
  7. Please tick whether the change is temporary or permanent 


List of changes Temporary Permanent 

  1. Melting of butter
  2. Rat decay
  3. Boiling of water to vapour
  4. Melting of ice block
  5. Burning of firewood
  6. Rusted nails
  7. Changes in your height
  8. Melting candle wax
  9. Ripening of fruit
  10. Mixture of iron filling

   and baby powder 


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