
CLASS: PRIMARY 2                        

SUBJECT: Verbal Reasoning

Instruction: Answer all the questions

SECTION A   (10marks)

Make words by re-arranging the letters

  1. Yob _________________
  2. Bberoom _________________
  3. Ppuli _________________
  4. nsake _________________
  5. tabelveeg _________________
  6. leettr _________________
  7. absket _________________
  8. leephatn _________________
  9. hairc _________________
  10. giffrae _________________


SECTION B               (10marks)

Match the young of each of these animals together

  1. Goat Kitten
  2. Sheep Kid
  3. Dog Chick
  4. Eat Lamb
  5. Chicken Puppy


Match each of the animal with its sound

  1. Dog hisses
  2. Snake roars
  3. Cock bark
  4. Lion moows
  5. Cow crows


SECTION C:  (20marks)

Re-arrange these words into sentences

  1. Is name my Lola
  2. bark Tom’s dog
  3. is my country Nigeria
  4. am I a boy good
  5. a boy he is
  6. Us she with live
  7. Mummy I love my
  8. Ate today I rice
  9. Book your take
  10. Home at I am


SECTION D   (10marks)

Arrange these words in alphabetical order

  1. cat apple              bag
  2. Ram Queen Potato
  3. ant canoe              banana
  4. man lake                 nest
  5. fan duck               elephant
  6. Salt Table              Rat
  7. window umbrella        vest
  8. egg duck               cup
  9. Hat Ink                  Goat


SECTION E               (5marks)

Underline the group that each of these words belongs:

  1. Mango Orange           Fruit                Watermelon
  2. Bed Furniture        chair               table
  3. Goat dog                  Animal           Lion
  4. Ant houseful         Bee                 Insect
  5. Skirt Shirt                trouser            cloth


SECTION F                (5marks)

Give a rhyming word for each of these words

  1. boy –
  2. crew –
  3. Eyes –
  4. cut –
  5. Boat –






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