
CLASS: PRIMARY 2            

SUBJECT: Basic Science & Technology

Instruction: Answer all the questions

OBJECTIVES            (30marks)

  1. ____________ is a place we go to learn. (a) market (b) school (c) church (d) mosque
  2. ____________ is not a living thing?  (a) animal (b) plant (c) stone.
  3. Animals that lives around us are called _________ animals. (a) Domestic (b) wild (c) bad (d) goats
  4. The sense organs help you ___________ (a) receive information about the world around you             (b) ignore information (c) become lazy
  5. There are ___________ sense organs. (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (e) 8
  6. The eye is the sense organ of ___________ (a) hearing (b) seeing (c) touching
  7. The ___________ is the sense of smelling (a) nose (b) eye (c) ear
  8. _____________ recieves light and help us to see. (a) ear (b) eyes (c) skin
  9. A blind person cannot _____________ (a) eat (b) see (c) dance
  10. The sense of light is also called sense of _____________ (a) hearing (b) vision (c) touch
  11. The shape of an egg is ____________ (a) flat (b) oval (c) spherical
  12. The rainbow has how many colours? (a) 4 (b) 5    (c) 7    (d) 6
  13. I have ____________ ears  (a) two (b) three (c) four
  14. The ear receives ___________ (a) taste (b) sound      (c) light
  15. The ___________ is the sense of feeling (a) eye (b) ear (c) skin
  16. The largest sense organ is the ___________ (a) tongue (b) skin (c) nose
  17. The ________ is the sense of taste (a) mouth (b) saliva (c) tongue
  18. The sense of taste is found in the __________ (a) chest (b) mouth (c) feet
  19. The sense of taste helps us to identify the taste of things. True / False
  20. Another name for colour is ___________ (a) Hue (b) water colour (c) grey
  21. ________ is the ability to do work. (a) energy (b) colour (c) machine
  22. Colour is used for ____________ (a) beautification (b) reading     (c) cooking
  23. Energy from the sun is called ____________. (a) solar (b) chemical (c) light (d) heat

Mention the primary colour

  1. ________________
  2. ________________
  3. ________________

Write the taste of these items. Use: Sour. Sweet, Bitter, Tasteless

  1. Honey ______________
  2. Water ______________
  3. Bitterleaf ______________
  4. Grape ______________

THEORY      (30marks)

1a.       Mention 5 sense organs that you know (10marks)







  1. List 5 types of colour (10marks)







  1. Mention 5 examples of Living things (5 marks)







  1. List 5 activities we use our sense of sight for (5 marks)











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