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 Subject: PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION    Duration: 2HRS    Class: JSS 2

 OBJECTIVES:   Instruction: Answer all questions in this section

  1. Service change at the count of ______________ point (a) 6 (b) 11(c) 2 ( 7)
  2. _______________ assign duties to the other officials in table tennis.  (a) Recorder  (b) Referee (c) Umpire (d) Assistance umpire 
  3. Table tennis officials include all these people, EXCEPT_____________(a) Umpire   (b) Linesmen   (c) Referee (d) Assistant umpire.
  4.  Which of the following is not a skills in table tennis game? (a) Bank hank stroke  (b) forehand stroke (c) Smashing (d) Backhand stroke
  5. _____________occurs when chemicals are released into the soil during spill or under-ground leakage  (a)Thermal pollution (b) Visual pollution  (c) Land pollution  (d) None of the above
  6.  _______________ Is not among the components of school health programme (a) Healthful school environment (b) School cult activities (c) Health instructions (d) School health service
  7.  The skill used to start a game of tennis is___________ (a) Goal keeping    (b) Driving  (c) Service (d) Rally
  8.  The school health programme is composed of__________ section (a) Eight    (b) Four    (c) six   (d) Five
  9.  Environmental pollution is the contamination of water, air and land from man-made ____________ (a) waste (b) Goods (c) Air (d)  Vapor
  10.  The following are effects of environmental pollution, Except   (a) Hearing loss (b) sleep disorder (c)High blood pressure (d) Hiv/Aids
  11.  Community health is concerned with the following  except __________(a) Giving loan (b)Providing portable water (c) Disposal of refuse  (d) prevention of water pollution 
  12. Which of the following equipment is not for table tennis game? (a)Table tennis bat  (b) Groin protector  (c) The net  (d) Tennis board
  13.  Which of these is not a cause of pollution? (a) Plastic factories   (b) Hospitals   (c) Chemical plants (d) None of the above
  14.  Table tennis officials include all these, EXCEPT (a) Referee    (b)Umpire (c) Starter    (d)Assistance umpire
  15.  The release of chemicals and particles into the atmosphere is called _________________(a) Land pollution   (b) Thermal pollution     (c) Noise pollution    (d) Air pollution
  16.  The following are facilities of tennis, except  (a) The head gear   (b) Playing court   (c) Racket   (d) Net and poles
  17. The acronym FRESH means _______________(a) Formal resources effective school health   (b) Foresting reserves effective scholar health (c) Focusing resources on effective school health   (d) Focusing reserves efficient school health
  18. _______________ is an official that conduct a toss to start a game of table tennis (a) Umpire     (b) Referee  (c) Captain  (d) Scorer 
  19.  The game of tennis was introduced to Nigeria by___________(a) The Americans  (b) Early missionaries and colonial masters  (c) Mexicans  (d) Early men
  20. ________________is the chief officials during table tennis game (a)The referee  (b) The recorder     (c) The starter    (d) The Umpire
  21.  School health is used to bring about positive __________(a) Unhealthy character   (b)Healthy character   (c) Healthy fight     (d) None of the above
  22.  Which of these is not a skill in table tennis? (a) Service   (b) Dribbling (c) Strokes   (d) Backhand drive
  23.  Table tennis game is started with ______________ (a) Center pass     (b) Service     (c) Bulling       (d) Rolling
  24. The following are the equipment’s of tennis, EXCEPT (a) The net   (b) The baton   (c) The racket  (d) The canvas
  25. Table tennis was formally called what name? ___________(a)  Parkers (b) gossima (c) Big boys game (d) Sprint
  26. _________________is not a cause of water pollution (a) Discharging chemicals into water   (b) Defecating into water   (c) Refrain from throwing litter into streams, lakes, sea e.t .c     (d) Dumping of refuse into water bodies.
  27. The following are effects of soil pollution, EXCLUDING (a) It decreases soil fertility   (b) It leads to stunted growth in plant    (c) Store all liquid chemicals and waste in spill proof containers   (d) Emission of toxic dust  
  28.  Which of these is not a cause of noise pollution? (a) Social events   (b) Poor urban   (c) Industrialization    (d) Educate people and legislation against noise.
  29.  Tennis game was originally or formally called lawn tennis when the playing court was done on lawns only.  (a) False   (b) True  (c) Non   (d) All of the above
  30.  Source of air pollution include the following except ________________ (a) water source (b) transport source (c) domestics source (d) natural source 
  31. . Volcanic eruptions, fume and smoke are sources of __________________ pollution (a) water (b) air (c) land (d) noise 
  32.   The following are source of water pollution except _________________ (a) domestics waste (b) oil spillage (c) explosions (d) medical waste 
  33.  Indirect approach to health education include the following except ___________________ (a) incidental approach (b) accident approach (c) individual approach (d) miscellaneous approach
  34.  A healthy school environment promotes the  following expect ______________ (a) organization of healthy school day (b) provision of safe and healthy environment (c) provision of positives relationship among students (d) rivalry  among teachers 
  35.   ___________________ is when a served ball touches the net and drops at the server’s side of the table. (a) let (b) point (c) toss  (d) deuce 
  36.  The following are skills in tennis expect _____________________ (a) pass (b)   service (c) grip (d) volley 
  37.  The tennis game officials include all but one ____________________ (a)               referee (b) linemen (c) umpire (d) thrower 
  38.  The nature of tennis game  include all but one ______________________ (a) it is a racket game (b) it is an outdoor game (c) it is played by male only (d) it is played as single, doubles and mixed doubles game.
  39.   The ‘FRESH’ approach has __________________ basic components. (a) two (b) four (c) three (d) one 
  40. _______________is an official that appoints other officiating officials in the game of table tennis (a)Umpire  (b)Polo   (c) Referee (d) Linesmen

 THEORY : Answer four questions out of five questions

  1. Briefly describe the nature of tennis game 
  2. State three effects of pollution on environmental and personal health
  3. list four basic skills of table tennis game
  4. Define   school health programme  
  5. List type of environmental pollution and explain one 
  6. Mention four basic skills and techniques in tennis game
  7. Define the following 
  8. Environment 
  9. Pollution  
  10. Mention three means by which water pollution can be prevented 
  11. State three officials of table tennis game
  12. What is the full meaning of FRESH?
  13. Mention the eight component of school health programme 
  14. State four preventive measures against environmental pollution 
  15. Define the following 
  16. personal health 
  17. School health 

    iii. Community health 

  1. State two rules and regulation of table tennis 
  2. Mention two officials in tennis game and explain their duties   

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