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SUBJECT: C.R.S                             TIME: 3HRS             CLASS: SS  3

  1. What was the sign of the covenant between God and Abraham? (a) Sacrifice                  (b) Purification (c) Circumcision (d) sanctification
  2. Moses learnt from the burning bush experience that God (a) would overthrow Pharaoh (b) would appoint Aaron to lead His people (c) could destroy Israel’s enemies (d)was aware of his people’s plight
  3. Hophni and Phinephas were regarded as worthless men because of the following expect (a) taking part of raw meat before it was boiled (b)treating the offerings of the Lord with contempt (c) being aggressive in demanding their portion of sacrifice (d)always collecting boiled meat rather than raw
  4. The behavior of the Israelites when spies brought ill report about Canaan showed their (a)unfaithfulness (b) sincerity (c)despair (d) indecision
  5. Which of the following actions showed that king David was a man after God’s own heart ?(a) Laid ambush against Saul in the wilderness of Ziph (b) Secretly sent spices to Saul’s camp (c) Ordered Abishai to slay Saul in his sleep (d)Rejected the suggestion to slay Saul
  6. In his latter days, Solomon destroyed his peaceful reign by (a) excluding foreigners from his domain (b) engaging in ambitious building projects (c)involving himself in foreign wars (d)marrying many foreign women
  7. God allowed Rehoboam to retain only one tribe in Israel because (a) his father, Solomon, had shared the other tribes (b) he had many foreign wives (c)the northern tribes were over taxed (d) his father, had been  faithful to the Lord
  8. Which of the following action was taken by King Asa? (a) Promotion of cult prostitutes (b) Confirmation of his mother as queen (c)Retention of the high places (d)Built an altar for Asherah
  9. Elijah went to the brook Cherith in order to (a) meet the widow of Zarephath     (b) drink from it during drought (c) get water for the prophets of God (d) meet  Obadiah for discussion
  10. Elijah called for a contest between himself and the worshippers of Baal to (a)   show that God always answer him by fire (b) prove that the drought came from God (c)demonstrate God’s power over Baal’s (d) show that he could bring rain
  11. By seizing Naboth’s vineyard Ahab was guilty of (a) hatred and wickedness (b) greed and murder (c) despotism and pride (d) selfishness and dishonesty
  12. Which of the following tribes made life difficult for the Israelites during the time of Gideon (a)Midianites (b) Canaanites (c)Jebusites (d) Ammonites
  13. According to Amos’ prophecy, the Day of the Lord to the Israelites would be a day of (a)sadness (b) happiness (c) doom (d) triumph
  14. In Hosea’s message, Israel was represented as a (a)sinner (b) betrayer (c) murderer (d)prostitute
  15. Which of the following ideas was uppermost in the mind of the Hosea during his prophecy?(a) God’s everlasting kindness and mercy for man (b) true repentance of Israel to God (c)God’s punishment for erring Israel (d) God’s love for Israel
  16. The King of Nineveh ordered his people to fast and pray so that God would      (a) make them victorious over their enemies (b) reward them for their faithfulness (c) remove the punishment meant for them (d) avert the series of drought imposed on them
  17. The concept of the new testament was proclaimed by (a) Isaiah (b) Nehemiah                 (c) Hosea (d) Jeremiah
  18. Isaiah called the people of Israel to consecrate themselves through acts of  (a) penitence (b) sacrifice (c) charity (d) righteousness
  19. Isaiah requested the people of Israel to come to the Lord with (a) burnt offering (b) daily prayers and fasting (c) humility and sacrifice (d)holiness and social justice
  20. The central message of Ezekiel deals with (a) individual responsibility (b) religious reforms (c) holiness reforms (d) love for humanity
  21. Jesus was born in Bethlehem according to (a) Matthew (b) Mark (c) Luke (d)John
  22. John the Baptist advise the multitude that came to him to (A) Bear fruits that benefit repentance (B) Obey the ceremonial laws (C) Be faithful to Jesus (D) Share what they had with others.
  23. According to the Mosaic law, the only authority to declare a leper healed or cleansed was the (A) Pharisees (B) Saduccees (C) Priests (D) Elders.
  24. At the Triumphal Entry, Jesus was hailed with the shout “Hosanna” because (A) it was the usual welcoming songs for pilgrims. (B) He was fulfilling his role as a high priest. (C) The people were happy to receive their early king. (D) All pilgrims descended from David.
  25. Which of the following is a nature miracle? The (A) Healing of the Gerasene demoniac (B) Stilling of the storm (C) Curing the blind man at Jericho (D) Raising of Lazarus.
  26. The parable of the good Samaritan as being good mainly because he (A) Treated the wounds of the man he met (B) Conveyed the man to an inn fir further attention (C) Came back to pay for all expenses incurred on the man (D) Had compassion towards the man.
  27. Which of the following traits did the elder brother of the prodigal son exhibit? (A) Obedience (B) Rudeness (C) Selfishness (D) Pride.
  28. Who among the apostles denied Jesus during his trial? (A) John (C) Peter (D) James.
  29. Jesus was tried before (a) plate, Caiaphas and the scribes (b) Pilate, Herod and the High priests (c) Plate, Centurion and the Sanhedrin (d) Pilate, Herod, and the Pharisees.
  30. Jesus’ answer to the question on payment of taxes implies that Christians (a) have only one citizenship (b) Owe obligation to God alone (c) have dual responsibility (d) should use their initiative
  31. Lazarus was with Abraham while the rich man was in hell because (a) hell was the destination of the rich (b) Lazarus had lived a poor miserable life (c) the rich man failed to help the poor while on earth (d) God had greater love for Lazarus
  32. Apart from the miracle of the wedding feast, another miracle of Jesus at Cana in Galilee was (a) feeding the five thousand (b) healing the noble man’s son (c) feeding the four thousand (d) healing the paralytic man
  33. Jesus described Himself as “the Door” because he (a) enters the sheepfold through a door (b) is an open, door to everybody (c) is the only way to salvation (d) laid down his life for his sheep.
  34. The greatest virtue according to Jesus is (a) faith (b) grace (c) love (d) obedience
  35. Among the Jews, the day of Pentecost could mean all the following except (a) feast of wheat (b) an agricultural festival (c) the time to welcome the new agricultural year (d) the annual family meeting of all Jews.
  36. On the day of Pentecost, the apostles (a) prophesied to the people (b) spoke in tongues (c) baptized the multitude (d) performed miracles
  37. What impact did peter’s speech make on the people on Pentecost day? (a) They were so angry that they stoned him (b) the number of believers increased (c) they reported him to the Sanhedrin (d) He was insulted by the people
  38. King Herod joined in the persecution of the Church by (a) disbanding the Council of Jerusalem (b) arresting Paul and threatening to Kill him (c) killing James the brother of John (d) executing the guards who made Peter escaped.
  39. The first place that Paul and Barnabas visited during their first missionary journey was (a) Antioch (b) Syria (c) Salamis (d) Pisdia
  40. The first Christian Council meeting in Jerusalem was chaired by (a) Silas (b) James (c) Simeon (d) Philip
  41. In Romans, Christians are encouraged to be subject to Civil Authorities “for the sake of (a) Peace” (b) love” (c) Justice” (d) conscience”
  42. In the epistle of the Colossians, the task of uplifting the family was assigned to (a) the first son as the heir of the father (b) the mother as second in command                    (c) the children as assistants to their parents (d) all members of an ideal home.
  43. Paul taught the Galatians that, being a child of God involves (a) Paying attention to the elemental Spirits (b) fasting and praying (c) the indwelling of the Spirit of God (d) Freedom from all temptations.
  44. In Philippians the reward Jesus received for humbling Himself was (a) Exaltation as Lord of heaven and earth (b) His resurrection from death (c) His elevation to the status of servant of God (d) believers confessing Him as Lord.
  45. Paul in his Epistle, accorded praise to the Philippians because they (a) had received God’s grace (b) sent him fragrant offerings (c) made regular sacrifices to the Church (d) believed more in receiving than in giving
  46. Paul asked Thessalonians to imitate the habit of (a) demanding support from the converts (b) praying for people’s welfare (c) showing respect to authorities (d) working for his personal upkeep
  47. Which of the following will precede the resurrection of “the dead in Christ” at Jesus’ Second coming? (a) darkening of the sun (b) Brightening of the heaven (c) Cry of command from the Lord (d) Trembling of the earth
  48. Through faith in Jesus Christ, Christians become (a) Heirs of salvation (b) sons of God (c) righteous before God (d) friends of God
  49. According to Paul, God sent His son into the world that both Jews and Gentiles might become children of God through (a) repentance (b) adoption (c) personal effort (d) divine love
  50. According to James, “if you do not commit adultery, but do kill, you have (a) kept part of the law (b) displayed ignorance of the law (c) become a transgressor of the law (d) become an outcast



Answer 4 questions

  1. Give an account of the mission of the seventy
  2. What two problems are encountered by evangelist today?
  3. Give an account of the trial of Jesus before the high priest
  4. Describe Peter’s behavior during this period
  5. Give an account of Mary’s encounter with Angle Gabriel.
  6. State two significant points in Mary’s reply to the angel’s announcement
  7. Trace the events that led to the election of Mathias as one of the twelve.
  8. Highlight there guidelines that should be borne in mind while conducting elections.
  9. What Circumstances led to the dismissal of Gehazi?
  10. State three lessons that can be learnt from Gehazi’s conduct
  11. Outline Paul’s teachings on dignity of labour
  12. Give four roles the church can play to encourage productivity among Christian Youth.



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