I like long holidays. Last holiday, my mother took my brother Edet and I  to our grandmother’s place in the village. We had to drive a long way. I did not mind. I like to travel by car for a long time. I like watching all the people and places we pass.

My brother does not like sitting still for such a long time. He was happy when we reached my grandmother’s village. Grandmother was so happy to see us and she welcomed us. We had lots of fun together in the village.

Edet enjoyed feeding the chicken while we were there, grandmother made my favourite food Fufu and Ofe nsala. Edet did not eat all the food grandmother made. He just like sweets and biscuits. I was sad when the holiday was over. Edet was happy to go home again.


1)    Why does Kuma like long journey by car? ________________

2)    Where did Kuma and Edet go for the holiday? ________________

3)    What did Kuma eat there? ________________

4)    Did Edet enjoy his grandmother’s food? ________________

5)    What did Edet like doing while on holiday? ________________

6)    How did Kuma feel at the end of the holiday? ________________

7)    How did Edet feel at the end of the holiday? ________________

8)    What do you think Kuma will do next time he goes on a long journey by car? ________________

9)    What would you have done if you were in Kuma’s place? ________________

1) Kuma likes long journeys by car because he enjoys watching all the people and places they pass.

2) Kuma and Edet went to their grandmother’s village for the holiday.

3) Kuma eat Fufu and Ofe nsala while he was there.

4) Edet enjoyed his grandmother’s food.

5) Edet liked feeding the chickens while he was on holiday.

6) Kuma felt sad when the holiday was over.

7) Edet felt happy when the holiday was over.

8) Kuma will do the same thing next time he goes on a long journey by car.

9) I would have enjoyed watching all the people and places they passed.


Complete these sentences with the most suitable adverbs from the box

Brightly, soundly, quickly, neatly, patiently, sweetly

Example:     She sings  Sweetly

10)    He wrote the address __________ on the envelop

11)    The baby slept  __________ in the cot

12)    The sun was shinning  __________

13)    We waited __________   for them

14)    Come __________ Mary said to the little girl

15)    She was very angry but she spoke __________

16)    The flowers smelt ___________

17)   He put on his shoes ___________

Answers. (Marking Guide)

10) He wrote the address neatly on the envelope.

11) The baby slept soundly in the cot.

12) The sun was shining brightly.

13) We waited patiently for them.

14) Come quickly, Mary said to the little girl.

15) She was very angry but she spoke sweetly.

16) The flowers smelt sweetly.

17) He put on his shoes quickly.

Write countable or Uncountable for the following nouns.

18)    Grass

19)    Teeth

20)    Happiness.

21)    Knowledge.

22)    Sugar.

23)    Equipment.

Answers: (Marking Guide)

18) Countable

19) Uncountable

20) Uncountable

21) Uncountable

22) Countable

23) Uncountable


24.  I (to wait) for the bus every morning.

25. Look! Somebody (to swim).

26. We (to have) a party next Saturday.

27. I (not to listen) to music yesterday.

28. They (to sing) in the shower every day.

29. She usually (to drink) orange juice for breakfast but today she (to drink) coffee.


Answers. (Marking Guide)

24. I wait for the bus every morning.

25. Look! Somebody is swimming.

26. We are having a party next Saturday.

27. I didn’t listen to music yesterday.

28. They sing in the shower every day.

29. She usually drinks


Underline the adjectives in the following sentences

30)    My father drives a big car

31)    The old woman walked slowly.

32)    We had a fantastic holiday.

33)    The baby is very cute.

34)    It was a terrible accident.

Answers: (Marking Guide)

30) My father drives a (big) car.

31) The (old) woman walked slowly.

32) We had a (fantastic) holiday.

33) The baby is very (cute) .

34) It was a (terrible) accident.

Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunctions

35)    Idris studies very hard     ______    he did well in his exams (if, so)

36)  ______    the villagers are poor, they are generous. (Because, Although)

37)    I was very upset, ______ I decided not to go out (So, However)

38. We will go out for a meal _______ it rains. (unless, when)

39. She is very beautiful ______ she is not very intelligent (Although, because)

Answers: (Marking Guide)

35) Idris studies very hard so he did well in his exams.

36) Although the villagers are poor, they are generous.

37) I was very upset, so I decided not to go out.

38. We will go out for a meal unless it rains.

39. She is very beautiful although she is not very intelligent.

Change the following sentences into reported speech

40. “I will help you with your homework,” she said to me.

41. “Don’t worry about it,” he told me.

42. “Can I borrow your bike?” he asked me.

43. “I don’t like chocolate,” she said.

Answers: (Marking Guide)

40. She told me that she would help me with my homework .

41. He told me not to worry about it.

42. He asked me if he could borrow my bike.

42. She said that she didn’t like chocolate.

Choose the correct answer from these words in the bracket (Across the river, in a safe deposit box, against the dirty wall)

43)    She kept all her jewelery ______

44)    He leaned ______  and stained his shirt

44)    They built a bridge ______

Answers: (Marking Guide)

43. in a safe deposit box

44. against the dirty wall

45. across the river

Write the plural form of the word in brackets

46)    There are many  ______  in the library (bookshelf)

47)    They are selling   ______ at the kennel (puppy)

48)    The old man went in search for his lost ______ (sheep)

Answers: (Marking Guide)

46. bookshelves

47. puppies

48. sheep

Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete these sentences

49)    I have read all the ______________ (novel) by Sidney Sheldon.

50)    They were very afraid of the ______________ (ghost)

Answers: (Marking Guide)

49. novels

50. ghost

Fill in the gaps with the correct collective nouns

51)    A       ______     of angels

52)    A     ______       of singers

53)    A     ______       of cottons

Answers: (Marking Guide)

51. A host of angels

52. A choir of singers

53. A bale of cotton

Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns

54)           ______     must finish your food now

55)    I repaired the clock             ______

56)    Tomorrow is public holiday      ______      is Easter holiday.

Answers: (Marking Guide)

54. You

55. I

56. It


Write a composition on any of the following topics.

1)    My school

(2).  My best friend

(3).   My family

4)    My favorite game

(5)   A country I would like to visit

My School

I am a student of SMK Taman Desa. I like my school very much. This is because my school provides a lot of facilities for students. There are many classrooms, a library, a computer lab and a canteen.

My school also has a lot of extracurricular activities that students can participate in. For example, there are clubs for sports, music and art. There are also many societies that students can join, such as the scouting movement.

I think that my school is a great place to learn and make friends. I am proud to be a student of SMK Taman Desa.

My Best Friend

I have many friends, but my best friend is Mohd Firdaus. We have been friends since we were in primary school. Firdaus is a very friendly person and he is always willing to help others. He is also a very good student. He always gets good grades in his exams.

Firdaus and I like to do many things together. We like to play football and badminton. We also like to go hiking and camping. We have many shared interests and we always have a lot of fun when we are together.

I am very lucky to have Firdaus as my best friend. I know that our friendship will last forever.

My Family

I come from a small family. I have two brothers and one sister. My parents are both teachers. We are a very close-knit family and we always spend a lot of time together.

We live in a small house, but it is very comfortable. We have all the things that we need. My parents are very loving and they have always supported us in everything that we do.

I am very grateful to have such a wonderful family. I know that I can always count on them, no matter what happens.

My Favorite Game

My favorite game is badminton. I like badminton because it is a very challenging and exciting game. It requires a lot of skill and stamina. I also like the fact that it can be played both indoors and outdoors.

Badminton is a very popular sport in Malaysia. There are many tournaments held throughout the year. I have participated in many of these tournaments and I have even won some of them.

I think that badminton is a great way to stay fit and active. It is also a lot of fun. I am very proud to be able to say that badminton is my favorite game.

A Country I Would Like to Visit

There are many countries that I would like to visit. However, if I had to choose one country, it would be Australia. Australia is a very beautiful country with a lot of interesting places to see.

Some of the places that I would like to visit in Australia are Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. I have always been fascinated by the Australian culture and I would love to experience it firsthand.

I think that Australia is a country that has something for everyone. It is a great place to visit if you are looking for adventure, beauty or simply a new experience. I am sure that I will enjoy my time in Australia and I am looking forward to visiting there one day.

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