Human trafficking is the process of recruiting, transporting, and exploiting people for labor or sexual purposes. It is a form of modern-day slavery that affects millions of people around the world.


Subject : Security Education

Class : BASIC 9 / JSS 3

Week 4

Topic :


Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to

  • Say the meaning of human trafficking
  • Explain the causes of human trafficking or why people get themselves involved in human trafficking
  • List out the effects of human trafficking
  • Discuss the necessary punishment for human traffickers

Previous Knowledge : Learners have prior knowledge of


in their previous class

Content : 



1. What is human trafficking?
Human trafficking is the process of recruiting, transporting, and exploiting people for labor or sexual purposes. It is a form of modern-day slavery that affects millions of people around the world.

2. Who are the victims of human trafficking?
The vast majority of human trafficking victims are women and girls. However, men and boys can also be victims of this crime.

3. Who are the traffickers?
Traffickers can be anyone from individuals to large criminal organizations. They may be motivated by profit, power, or even ideology.

4. What are the causes of human trafficking?
There is no single cause of human trafficking. Instead, it is the result of a complex interplay of factors, including poverty, conflict, discrimination, and weak rule of law.

5. What are the consequences of human trafficking?
Human trafficking has devastating consequences for both victims and society as a whole. Victims often suffer from physical and psychological trauma, while society suffers from lost productivity and increased crime rates.


This is an illegal act of transferring persons from one place to the other for exploitation purposes,it is a crime against humanity.

The act is carried out through the use of force,abduction,deception,abuse of power,etc

Human trafficking is done for many reasons among which are sexual exploitation,forced labour,slavery and other reasons,


Poverty: The inability of many families to provide the basic necessities of life has led them to releasing their children for trafficking,they believed that income generated through the children would help them in living a better life.

Porous borders:  if there is no tight security at our borders,it will b easy for the traffickers to move freely across them,but if there is tight security,generating the borders would be an uphill task for traffickers and this will force them to discontinue this practice.

Bad economy


Crave for wealth

Lack of stiff punishment for traffickers

Peer group influence



1. Dents on the nation image

2. Increase in the level of illiteracy

3. Human rights violation

4. Child growth retardation

5. Tendency to contact HIV/AIDS

6. Death

 7. Sexual abuse and harassment

8. Psychological trauma


1. Compulsory education

2. Appropriate legislation

3.Public enlightenment

4. Stiff punishment

5. Improvement of the economy and provision of social amenities 

6. Tight security at borders

7. Proper up bring of children

8. Inclusion in the school curriculum; children at the primary and post primary schools should learn about the consequences of human trafficking,This awareness will help them in resisting anyone bringing the idea to them


The punishment for human trafficking is 5-10 years imprisonment depending on the gravity of the offence,


Presentation: The topic is presented step by step.

Step 1 : The subject teacher revises the previous topics with the young learners

Step 2 : The instructor introduces the new topic by asking these learners the questions that are related to the topic

What do you understand by human trafficking?


state five reasons why people engage in human trafficking


List four ways of preventing human trafficking


state the punishment for human trafficking,


Step 3 : The teacher allows the learners to give out their own contributions and he corrects them when the needs arise

Evaluation :

  1. What is human Trafficking
  2. Write out two causes of human Trafficking.
  3. What are the reasons for human trafficking. Mention two reasons why people get themselves involved in human Trafficking
  4. List out four effects of human Trafficking
  5. Discuss three necessary punishment for human Traffickers
  6. What do you understand by children and women trafficking?


  7. state four causes of children and women trafficking


  8. what can be done to stop children and women trafficking?


The subject teacher goes round to mark and does the necessary corrections. He or she uses the opportunity to reteach the same topic to learners that didn’t quiet get it right the first time.



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