

  1. When we decide to change from our old ways of bad life and start leading a good life, we have a _________ life in us.  (a) new life  (b)old life  (c)sinful life
  2. We must turn away from the old life because it leads to _________ (a) punishment (b) upliftment (c) emancipation 
  3. People around us should know that we have changed the way we behave, talk and _______ (a) dance (b) dress (c) twerk
  4. _______ express praise, thanksgiving, confession and request (a) prayer  (b) curse  (c) prophecy
  5. Jesus raised ________ from the dead (a) Joseph (b) Emmanuel (c)Lazarus
  6. Jesus was arrested at ___________ (a) mountain   (b) Gethsemane  (c) Macedonia
  7. _________ asked Jesus, are you the king of the Jews? (a) Paul  (b) Pilate  (c) Herod
  8. My soul is very sorrowful unto death, remain here and watch with me. Who uttered this statement (a) Judas Iscariot  (b) Jesus Christ  (c) Peter and Paul
  9. Who betrayed Jesus Christ?  (a) Judas Iscariot (b) Phinehas (c) Samson
  10. The Holy Spirit chose ___________ and _________ in the church at Antioch (a) James and John (b) Paul and Barnabas  (c) Simeon and Lucia 
  11. The definition of gospel could be traced __________ in the bible (a) John 3:16  (b) John 3:17  (c) John 4:16
  12. How many times did God called Samuel before he answered? (a)  4 times  (b) 3 times  (c 2 times 
  13. The Lord appeared again in _______ and revealed Himself to Samuel  (a) Rama  (b) Shiloh  (c) Jerusalem 
  14. ________ means to comm9it an offence or to break God’s law  (a) sin  (b) law  (c) forgiveness 
  15. Forgiveness also means ______ (a) upliftment (b) sunshine (b) pardon
  16. Sin is the transgression of ______ (a) law  (b) praise  (c) judgment 
  17. I will arise and go to my father who made this statement (a) glorious son  (b) prodigal son  (c) good son
  18. When Jesus was passing through Jericho ______ shouted Jesus Son of David have mercy on me.  (a) Bartimaeus (b)  Barnabas  (c) Paul
  19. Who climbed a sycamore tree beside the road so that he could watch Jesus from there?  (a) Lazarus (b) Zacchaeus (c) Prophet Samuel
  20. How many demons did Jesus cast from Mary Magdalene?  (a) 7  (b) 8  (c) 10
  21. Jesus prayed to give thanks to God before feeding _________ people with five loaves of bread and two fish.   (a)  6000  (b) 7000  (c) 5000
  22. The content of Jesus prayer contained _______ and ______ (a) complain and request (b) Adoration and request  (c) Adoration and Curse 
  23. Jesus taught His disciples to pray thus:   Our father, who art in _________ (a) earth   (b) water  (c) heaven
  24. The Holy Spirit helps a Christian to build his _______ in God (a) faith  (b) unbelief   (c) fear
  25. Another name we call Holy Spirit is called ______ (a) Halleluiah  (b) Hosanna  (c) Comforter 
  26. The Holy Spirit led Paul and Silas to _______ (a) Macedonia  (b) Asia   (c) California 
  27. Who created us, loves us and wants to 5relate with us?  (a) God  (b) Angel  (c) Elders
  28. Who made this statement, “speak, Lord for your servant hears”?   (a) Samuel  (b) Eli  (c) Elijah 
  29. We are children of _________ father (a) 7  (b) 1  (c) 3
  30. Anyone who is angry with his brother shall be __________ (a) promoted   (b)  punished  (c) preserved 

Section B

  1.  Mention (4) gifts of the Holy Spirit
  2.  mention (4) fruits of the Holy Spirit?
  3. List (4) old lifestyles?  _______________________, _________________________,
  4. People around us should know that we have changed by the way we ________________
  5.  Mention (4) characteristics of a new life? ________________________________,
  6. Mention (4) ways God speaks to us __________________, ______________________
  7.  What is a new life? __________________________________________________________
  8.  Mention (2) contents of Jesus prayer. _______________________, __________________________
  9. What is prayer? ___________________________________________________________
  10.  Mention (4) Bible characters you know? __________________, _________________________



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