3rd Term Exam Questions Primary 1 Computer ICT







  1. The brain of the computer is inside the _________  (a) VDU  (b) system unit   (c) UPS
  2. The following are parts of computer except _______________(a) Basket (b) Keyboard (c) Mouse 
  3. The monitor looks like a __________  (a) Fan (b) Television (c) DVD
  4. ________ is a machine that works like a computer (a) Phone   (b) Box (c) Ball
  5. One of the following does not work like a computer.  (a) Television (b) Calculator  (c) Book
  6. The computer has _________ major parts (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 4
  7. Mallam Ali uses the computer to _____ and ____ goods (a) fight and steal    (b) jump and play (c) buy and sell
  8. The keyboard is used for __________ (a) Pressing   (b) Typing (c) Playing
  9. ___________ makes use of computers in the supermarket(a) marketers (b) cashiers (c) superman
  10. A ______ is an electronic machine that can do many things.  (a) computer  (b) man  (c) pencil
  11. We can use our computers for addition and ___________(a) subtraction (b) jumping (c) sleeping 
  12. Radio and television are examples of machine (a) True (b) False
  13. The computer system makes our work easier and _______ (a) slower (b) faster   (c) dull
  14. A _________ is a pointing device. (a) keyboard    (b) Mouse   (c) Monitor
  15. A joystick is used to ___________ (a) play game   (b) write   (c) type
  16. The ______ looks like a typewriter. (a) Mouse (b) Fan (c) Keyboard
  17. Computers can be found in all these places except ____________(a) banks (b) toilet (c) offices
  18. _____________ use computer to check patients in the hospital(a) students (b) doctors (c) drivers
  19. A printer uses _______ to print out work. (a) paper (b) toilet roll (c) jotter
  20. A computer can be used to write ______________ to our friends (a) letter (b) food (c) water
  21. We use our computer to play games? (a) True (b) False
  22. The keyboard has ____________ (a) pencil    (b) keys   (c) paper 
  23. The computer mouse is kept on a ___________ (a) card (b) pad (c) book
  24. The monitor has a ________________ (a) leg (b) table (c) screen
  25. All these people uses computers except _______ (a) lawyers (b) doctors (c) animals 
  26. The computer machine works with ________ (a) water (b) electricity (c) blood
  27. Computers are used to transfer money in the ________ (a) Hospital (b) home   (c) bank 
  28. We can use a computer to send messages from one country to another country?(a) True (b) False 
  29. Computers can be used in _____________ to teach pupils (a) bank (b) school (c) office 
  30. Computer can help us to __________ and __________ pictures draw & eat (b) drink & paint (c) draw & paint


Section B

  1. Mention two electronic devices you know(a) ______________________________ (b) _______________________________
  2. Mention four places where computers are used (a) _______________________________ (b) ___________________________________________________ (d) _______________________________
  3. State four things we can use a computer to do. (a) _______________________________ (b) _________________________________________________________ (d) _______________________________
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