3rd Term Exam Questions Pry 5 Basic Science









  1. ____ is the washing away of the top soil on the surface of the earth (a) pollution (b) erosion (c) emotion
    The following are causes of erosion except _____ (a) wind (b) rain (c) sun
  2. _______ means making environment unsafe for plants and animals (a) erosion (b) pollution (c) mulching
  3. There are ____ types of pollution (a) 3(b) 2 (c) 4
  4. One of these is not a cause of pollution? (a) waste dumping (b) bush burning (c) sweeping the floor
  5. ______ is an unwanted materials that are harmful to the environment (a) wallet (b) wrapper (c) waste
  6. Waste can be categorized into ______ (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5
  7. _____ and ______ are the types of wastes (a) refuse and sweat (b) sewage and dustbin (c) refuse and sewage
  8. ______ is the solid form of waste materials (a) refuse (b) reduce (c) sewage
  9. ______ is a place in the body where two or more bones meet (a) joint (b) joining (c) join
  10. _____ are substances which are capable of changing blue litmus paper to red (a) acid (b) base (c) colour
  11. ___ are substances which react with acid to form salt and water only (a) base (b) acid (c) colour
  12. _____ and _____ are the type of acids (a) organate and inorganate acid (b) organic and inorganic acid (c) ordinate and inordinate acid
  13. ____ is a state of preventing danger of accidents (a) safe (b) safety (c) protection
  14. ______ is the process whereby waste products are removed from the body (a) respiration (b) excretion (c) growth
  15. ______ is the air we breathe in (a) sodium (b) oxygen (c) chloride
  16. ______ is a liquid substance that circulates in the body (a) water (b) sugar (c) blood
  17. There are ____ types of soap (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 5
  18. The following are uses of soap in the home except _____ (a) washing our clothes (b) washing our bodies (c) for drinking
  19. ____ is the ability to do work (a) energy (b) power (c) strength
  20. The following are examples of farm animals except _____ (a) sheep (b) pigs (c) dog
  21. _____ is the picture representation of object or an idea (a) drawing (b) digging (c) dumping
  22. ______ are tools used in drawing (a) digging instruments (b) drawing instruments (c) dumping tools
  23. There are _____ organs in human body (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5
  24. In electric fan, energy is converted from electrical to _____ energy (a) light (b) mechanical (c) sound
  25. Maintenance means _______ (a) running about the field (b) loving our friends (c) taking good care of our equipments so that they can last longer
  26. ______ is the degree of hotness or coldness of the body (a) temperature (b) mass (c) weight
  27. Temperature is measured in ____ (a) metres (b) degrees (c) tones
  28. ____ are materials that allow electricity to pass through them (a) conductor (b) conjunction (c) insulator
  29. ____ are materials that does not allow electricity to pass through them (a) conductor (b) insulator (c) driver

Section B
(1a) What are technology materials? ___________________________________
(1b) List five technology materials we have? (i) __________________________
(ii) ____________________________ (iii) ______________________________
(iv) ___________________________ (v) _______________________________

(2a) Mention two properties of metals? (i) ______________________________
(ii) ____________________________________
(2b) What is safety? ___________________________________________________

(3a) What is accident? _______________________________________________
(3b) Mention three common accidents around us? (i) ______________________
(ii) _________________________ (iii) ______________________________

(4a) What is electricity? _______________________________________
(4b) Mention two types of electricity? (i) _________________________________
(ii) _______________________________

(5a) What is energy? _________________________________________________
(5b) list five forms of energy? (i) ______________________________
(ii)____________________________ (iii) ______________________________
(iv) ___________________________ (v) ______________________________
















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