Third Term Examinations JSS 2 Mathematic

Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved. 


Subject: Mathematics    Class: J S S 2 

Section A  

  1. Find the value of 40+628+320  (a)680 
    1. 625 (c) 420 (d) 348 
  2. The product of 106 and 2.5 is (a) 2620 (b) 265 (c) 3050 (d) 420 
  3. The square root of 0.01 is (a) 15 (b)  
    1. 12 (d) 10.5 
  4. Find the value of 9 (a) 91 (b) 81 (c)
  5. Find the L.C.M of 4x and 6x (a) 18x (b) 112x (c) 12x (d) 24×2
  6. Divide 420 by 20 (a) 31 (b) 80 (c) 21 (d) 42 
  7. Simplify 8a – (3a + a) (a) 11a + 1 (b) 24a – 8 (c) 5a + 1 (d) 4a
  8. Reduce 93𝑎𝑏𝑎2 𝑏 2    to it lowest term (a) 6ab2 𝑏    3𝑏 (b)  (c)  (d)      3𝑎    𝑎
  9. A piece of stair carpet is 9.20m long and 0.48m wide. Estimate the area of the carpet (a) 4.5m2 (b) 5m2 (c) 4.42m2 (d) 5.5m2
  10. Simplify 12𝑥𝑦2   (a) 2𝑥 (b) 2𝑥𝑦 2  (c) 2 (d)   18𝑥2𝑦     3𝑥𝑦    3𝑦    3𝑥   6𝑥  𝑦    2
  11. If p=9, q=3, evaluate (𝑝)2 (a) 9 (b) 15 𝑞(c) 18 (d)
  12. Find HCF of 7x3y and 14x2y3 is (a) 7x2y (b) 7x2y2 (c) 14x2y2 (d) 21x2y
  13. Solve 3x – 4 = – 2x + 16 (a) x = 4 (b) x = 5 (c) x = 6 (d) x = 8
  14. Solve the inequality 3x + 2 < 23 (a) x<7 (b) x<8 (c) x<21 (d) x<9 Locate the points shown on the grid in the graph below 


0    1   2   3    4   5   6    7   8   9  10 11 12 

Use the graph above to answer questions 18 

– 20 

  1. What is the mathematical name of the shape ABCD? (a) kite (b) rectangle (c) trapezium (d) rhombus 
  2. Subtract ab from cd in y axis (a) 18 
    1. 20 (c) 46 (d) 18 
  3. Find the value of c+d – b+e (a) -5 (b) 6 
    1. 5 (d) 10 





What is the name of shape above (a) kite (b) pentagon (c) rectangle (d) parallelogram  

  1. Equilateral triangle has its three angles equal (a) No (b) yes (c) either f the two (d) none of the above. 



           -1     0        1        2          3        4         5 

What is the value of inequality shown above? (a) x>21 (b) x 4 (c) x 2 (d) x > 2 

  1. Expand (x-3) (x+5)  (a) x2+8x-15 (b) x2+5x-3x-15 (c) 3x2-5x+3x (d) x2+6×2+3x+10 

Expand and simplify (a) ax+5a (b) x+5 

(c) ax2+10 (d) x2 + 25 

  1. Find the inequalities illustrated in the numbers line shown below. 

      -3     -2    -1     0     1      2     3       4     5 

(a) x 5 (b) x -2 (c) x 3 (d) x>5 

  1. Simplify  



  1. Reduce     to its lowest term (a)  

    10𝑎𝑏    2𝑥



    2𝑥    3𝑥    2

  1. Solve (d) 




  1. The following shapes belong to the same family EXCEPT (a) rectangle (b) rhombus (c) kite (d) parallelogram 
  2. If 5 is multiplied by its multiplicative inverse, the result is (a) (b) – (c) 1 (d) –
  3. Find the value of a in 3a – 5 = 25 (a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 5 (d) -10 
  4. Solve the inequality 3x+2 < 20 (a) x<6 (b) x<8 (c) x<7 (d) x<9
  5. Find the value of 0.069 x 0.38 (a) 0.02622 (b) 0.398 (c) 0.00975 (d) 0.59

Use the following shapes to answer questions 36 – 38 

           A                   B               C 

  1. What is the name of shapes B? (a) isosceles triangle (b) kite (c) pentagon (d) rectangle
  2. How many shapes has in diagram C above? (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5 
  3. What is the name of shapes A? (a) kite (b) rhombus (c) parallelogram (d) trapezium  
  4. Find the value for the inequality shown below. 


        -5   -4    -3   -2  -1    0    1     2     3   4     5 

(a) X<4 (b) x> 5 (c) x 4 (d) x

  1. Change to decimal number (a) 0.625 

(b) 0.75 (c) 0.85 (d) 0.975 













Part B      

Answer 3 questions only in this part      

1a.     Simplify the following fractions and     reduce its lowest term. 

6𝑥𝑦3     9𝑎5   𝑏3            i           ii     3𝑎 3 𝑏 3       ii     



𝑥−2 14 b Simplify  i x 2      ii 

    7    (𝑥−2) 

    8𝑡    4𝑡     

     (𝑝−𝑡)2 ÷  (𝑝−𝑡)


  1. Solve the following algebraic fractions 

    2𝑥−3    3𝑥+4    2(𝑥−2)     

     i     +         ii (x-6) –   

    3    2

𝑥−3    𝑥+1    5𝑥    iii.         +       

    2    3    4     

    2    4

  1. 3 –   +  

    𝑥    3𝑥     

  1. Use the linear equation, y = 2x+3 and     the table prepared below to plot a 

 straight – line graph. Take the value of 

    x from -3 to +2      


  1. -3     -2 -1 0 1 2  


  1. -3     -2 0 3 5 7 


4a      Represented each of these 

    inequalities in number line      

    (a)     x     (b)      x -2      

     (c)     x > 3     b     Solve the following inequalities (a) 8 +      

2x > 3 + 5x   (b) 5x – 4 > 8 


5a     Think of a number add 5 to it and multiply the result by 3, the answer is      

  1. What is the number?     b     Solve the equation       

    (i) 5x – 10 – 3x = 2x + 20 – 3x.      

    2(3−2𝑥)    𝑥

  1. 6 + 4      







J.S. 2              Time: 40 minutes 

  1. The HCF of 7x3y and 14x2y3 is (a) 14x3y3 (b)14x2y (c) 7x2y (d)7x2y2 

    4𝑥+ 1    𝑥−5    5+3𝑥

  1. Simplify     (a)     (b)     (c)  
    1. 12    4

    2𝑥+ 2    15𝑥+ 1


  1. 12
  1. Find value of y in 3y -6 =12 (a) y=6 (b) y=5 (c) y=9 (d) y=12 
  2. Solve 2(2x-3)= 15 (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) -6 (c) d 
  3. Solve the equation 𝑚 + 4 = 1 (a) o (b) 

13 (c) -9 (d) -13 

  1. Solve the inequality 3x + 2 < 23 

(a)x<21 (b) x<8 (c) x<9 (d) x<7 

  1. There were at least 8000 people who watched the football match. This can be written in inequality as (a) x ≥ 8000 

(b) x < 8000 (c) x > 8000 (d) x ≤ 8000 

  1. The value of x in the diagram below is X = 

    -4     -3     -2     -1 

(a) X ≤ -1 (b) x ≥ -1 (c) x = -1 (d) x -1 

  1. Simplify and reduce it to its lowest 

    2     4 19𝑥 𝑦 2     3𝑥  2     6𝑥      3𝑥 2     9𝑥  

    term     (a)     (2 b)     (c)     (d)       

    3𝑥𝑦    𝑦    𝑦     𝑦    6𝑦

  1. Factorize ab2 – a2b3 + a2bc (a) a(ba2b+ab) (b) ab(b-ab2+ac) (c)ac(b2ab2+ac) (d) a2b2(b+a2b3+c) 


Part B 

Answer one question from this section, each question carries equal marks. 

  1. Simplify and reduce to its lowest term 
  2. 12𝑎2 𝑐  3   ii. 10𝑛2 𝑚     2    

16𝑎3𝑐 5𝑚

  1. Solve the equations 
  2.     4x + 6 = -3x – 8      ii.     5x – 10 – 3x = 2x + 20 – 3x 
  3. Simplify the following fractions 
  4. 3𝑥2𝑥      ii.     53 

    8    6    2𝑥    4𝑥

  1. Solve the following fractions 
  2.     (x – 2) –   

2𝑥−3    3𝑥−8      ii.     +      

    7    14


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