Table of Contents


1. Engineers should be good at ____________ a. Literature b. sport  (c) mathematics d. accounting

2. __________produce conceptual models of building which are translated to a set of architectural drawings a.lawyer b.athletes c.artiste d.architect

3. The process of splitting the log into marketable sizes is known as a. seasoning b.felling c.preservatives d.conversion

4. A/an______ is any feature that reduce the quality value of timber a.defect b.effect c.veneer d.board

5. A steel is a mixture of iron and_________ a.carbon b. copper c.zinc d.tin

6. Metals can be obtained from rocks these rocks are known as_________ a.molten b.drill c. ore d. base

7. Ceramics are product made from _________ and dried to hardness.a.glass b.clay c.metals d. wood

8. A cube has _______ faces a.8 b.12 c.6 d.10

9. A form of pictoral drawing which is inclined at 300 to the horizontal plane is called a.oblique b.isometric c.perpendicular d. orthographic

10. The process of heating and melting ore Is called a.smelting b.casting c. alloy d. stage

11. There are ______ main methods of orthographic projection. A.three b.four c.two d. six

12. _______ refers to glue or resin used for joints fitting a. fitting b.adhesives c. nail d.sander

13. one of these is not a joint a.dovetail b.plain lap c. mortic and tenon d. wood lathe

14. Angle on a straight line is ________ a.180 b. 360 b.45 c.90

15. Which of these polygons has four sides a. Triangle b.quadrilateral c.pentagon d. octatgon

16. A polygon with 10 sides is known as (a) Decagon (b) Hexagon (c) Octagon (d) Pentagon

17. A quadrilateral with opposite sides equal and opposite is known as (a) Polygon (b) Parallelogram (c) Decagon (d) Hexagon

18. ____________ is an example of(a) Thin continuous (b) Thin long chain (c) Thin wavy (d) Thin short

19. A line that divides a circle into two halves is known as(a) Chord (b) Tangent (c) Radius (d) Diameter

20. __________ is a straight line drawn from the center of the circumference. (a)Tangent (b) Radius (c) Chord (d) Tangle

21. Hardware examples includes the following except ____________

(A)Monitor (B) mouse (C) operating system (D) keyboard

22 F.M Means_________________________________________________3 One of these is 23. an example of analogue signal/device

(A) Computer system (B) human voice (C) dvd player (D) plasma tv

24 The demerits of the internet includes these except ____________________

(A) Access to library (B) pornography (C) cybercrime (D) fraud

25 Ferrous metal are metal which contains _____________________

(A) Cupper (B) iron (C) carbon (D) silicon

26 The basic material for the production of ceramics is _________________

(A) Clay (B) humidity (C) resuscitation (D) temperature

27 A.M Means ______________________

28 Tyres is made from ______________________________________

(A) Ceramic (B) rubbers (C) metals (D) wood

29 G.S.M Stands for ___________________________________________________


30 ____________is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or place

(A) Pressure (B) humidity (C) resuscitation (D) temperature

31 The following are software except ___________________

(A)Cedar (B) pine (C) iroko (D) spruce

32 The letter “S” in S.I.M Stand for _____________________

(A) Server (B) subscriber (C) system (D) source

33 Bronze is an alloy of ______________ and copper

(A) Tin (B) zine (C) sliver (D) aluminum

34 Ceramics have been used for ages in ________________

(A) Law (B) medicine (C) sculpture (D) politics

35 Gentian violet is _________________ in colour

(A) Red (B) yellow (C) white (D) purple


Attempt all questions

1a Define the term

(i) Analog signal (ii) digital signal

1b in tabular form, state five differences between analog and digital signal

1c Draw the analog and d digital signal

2a Define the terms

(i) First aid (ii) first aid box

2b List ten items that can be found in the first aid box

2c who is a first aider

3a what is an alloy?

3b Give five examples of alloy

3c Distinguish between nature and synthetic rubbers.

c. What are search engines used for?

2. Who is a computer professional?

b. Name four categories of computer professional

c. State four qualities of a good computer professional

3a. Define the term ‘Digital divide’

B. State the effects of digital divide