FIRST Term Agricultural Science
SS 2
Senior Secondary School 2
Topic : Agricultural Science SS 2 First Term Examination
Class : SS 2
- Whiteboard/Chalkboard
- Explanatory posters/pictures
- Explanatory videos
- Pictures of farms machinery and Implements
Instructional Materials :
- Lagos State Scheme of Work.
- Online Materials.
- Textbooks
- Workbooks
- Pictures of different types of farm implements and tools
Previous Knowledge :
The pupils have been taught
in their previous lesson
- The most useful farm machinery among this is _____ (a) tractor (b) bulldozer (c) tree puller (d) mower
- The part of tractor which is used for lifting implement is _____ (a) PTO shaft(b) hydraulic system (c) top shaft (d) combustion engine
- The machines used for removing seeds from the husk is called ____ (a) shellers (b) mowers (c) tractor (d) bulldozer
- The machines which are used for hatching eggs is ______ (a) incubator (b) mower (c) milking machine (d) candle
- Which of these is not a tractor coupled implement? (a) plough (b) harrow (c) ridger (d) emasculator
- A soil with PH6 is ____ (a) neutral (b) strongly acidic (c) slightly acidic (d) alkaline
- Which of the following is not a liming material (a) limestone (b) quicklime (c) slake lime (d) urea
- The horizon which contain organic matter is _____ (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
- The soil with particle size 0.002 to 0.02mm is _____ (a) clay (b) sand (c) silt (d) gravel
- The breaking down of rock into smaller particles is called ___ (a) weathering (b) cracking (c) breaking (d) hut
- The following are pre planting activities except (a) ploughing (b) bush clearing (c) harrowing (d) thinning
- The following are types of manure except (a) green manure (b) farm yard manure (c) NPK (d) compost
- The following are methods of fertilizer application except (a) broadcasting (b) ring method (c) Top dressing (d) Eroding
- The following are liming materials except (a) limestone (b) Urea (c) quicklime (d) slaked lime
- Nutrients are lost through the following means except (a) crop removal (b) Erosion (c) leaching (d) mulching
- The conversion of nitrates to nitrogen gas by certain bacteria is ___ (a) oxidation (b) reduction (c) nitrification (d) de-nitrification
- Microbial delay of plant and animal remains into simpler nitrogenous compound is ___ (a) nitrification (b) putrefaction (c) leaching (d) burning
- The washing away of soil nutrient down beyond the reach of the root is called ___ (a) erosion (b) mulching (c) leading (d) fertilization
- The following are macro nutrients expect (a) boron (b) nitrogen (c) magnesium (d) calcium
- Which of these is not a micro-element? (a) copper (b) zinc (c) boron (d) potassium
- The following are climate factors except (a) soil types (b) humidity (c) temperature (d) light
- Which of the following is not an edaphic factor (a) soil PH (b) soil fertility (c) soil water (d) topography
- The following are types of erosion except ____ (a) splash (b) rill (c) sheet (d) mulch
- The washing away of soil nutrients down beyond the reach of the root is ___
(a) erosion (b) leaching (c) mulching (d) staking
- High humidity is responsible for ____ (a) dryness (b) water logging (c) rainfall (d) erosion
- Artificial application of water to the farmland is _____ (a) irrigation (b) wetting
(c) drainage (d) harvesting
- Excess water is conducted away from the soil through ____ (a) irrigation (b) wetting (c) drainage (d) planting
- The type of irrigation which can be done on a gentle slope is ____ (a) surface irrigation (b) subsurface irrigation (c) overhead irrigation (d) Sprinkler
- The machine which is used to hatch eggs is ____ (a) tractor (b) incubator (c) milking machine (d) plough
- The tool used in transplanting is ______ (a) cutlass (b) hoe (c) hand trowel (d) tractor
Part B
- What is farm machinery?
- List five functions of tractors.
- List three periodic maintenance of a tractor.
- State five precautions to take while using sprayers
- List five maintenance of sprayings
- List three types of planters
- State three functions of tractors
- List three types of harvesters
- List five disadvantages of using bulldozers in bush clearing.
- List three advantages of using tree pullers over bulldozers
- Differentiate between macro and micro nutrients
- List three factors influencing nutrient availability in the Soil
- State three function of Nitrogen to plants
- State three importance of organic matter in Agricultural
- List five edaphic factors affecting agricultural production.
- List five biotic factors affecting agricultural production.
- List three effect of solar radiation on agricultural production.
- State five problems associated with irrigation.
- State five effects of temperature on agricultural production.
- List the three types of irrigation system.
Conclusion :
The teacher summarize the lesson. He or she gives out a board summary of the topic as note .
He or she goes round to mark and does the necessary corrections
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