Computer Studies Information Technology Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes
Weekly Topics Covered in First Term
Week 1: Introduction to Computers
- What is a computer?
- Uses of computers in daily life.
Week 2: Introduction to Computers
- What is a computer?
- Uses of computers in daily life.
Week 3: Basic Parts of a Computer
- Introduction to the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and CPU.
Week 4: Basic Parts of a Computer
- Introduction to the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and CPU.
Week 5: Learning About Monitor
- Description of the monitor.
- Functions of the monitor.
Week 6: Understanding The Mouse
- Description of the mouse.
- Functions of the mouse.
- Continuous assessment covering all topics taught so far.
- Basic functions of the keyboard.
- Recognizing major keys on the keyboard.
- Basic functions of the keyboard.
- Recognizing major keys on the keyboard.
- Description of the CPU.
- Functions of the CPU.
- Revisiting key concepts from weeks 1 to 6.
- Preparations for the termly test.
Week 12: First Term Examination
- Comprehensive assessment covering all topics taught throughout the term.