Health Habits Nursery 1 Second Term weekly brief list, focusing only on the topics covered:
Revision and Review Test Questions Health Habits Nursery 1 Second Term Week 1
- Introduction to Health Habits
- Importance of keeping the body clean
- Drug Abuse
- Understanding the consequences of drug abuse
- The dangers of taking medicine without a doctor’s prescription
- Drug Use
- Proper use of drugs and medicine
- The dangers of misuse and the importance of medical supervision
- Personal Hygiene and Care of the Body
- Taking care of body parts (head, mouth, nose, eyes, ears, etc.)
- Bathing, brushing teeth, and combing hair
- Consequences of neglecting personal hygiene
- Effects of poor hygiene (e.g., skin rashes, tooth decay, lice)
- The Use of the Toilet
- Different types of toilets (Water closet, pit toilet, etc.)
- Toilet habits and maintaining cleanliness
- Materials found in the toilet
- Proper toilet hygiene
- Importance of washing hands after using the toilet
- Orphan
- Definition of an orphan
- The psychological effects of being an orphan
- The Role of Government and Society in Supporting Orphans
- Orphanages and the care of orphans
Week 10:
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