Choose the words that are related to the other words listed
Examples: (a) goat (b) lion (c) pig (d) animals
The correct answer is (d) because all the words refer to animals
- (a) cobbler (b) blacksmith (c) farmer (d) occupation
- (a) court (b) judge (c) magistrate (d) accuse
- (a) beans (b) food (c) yam (d) rice
- (a) knife (b) fork (c) kitchen (d) spoons
- (a) chalk (b) school (c) pupils (d) teacher
Pick the words that are connected from the options provided
Example: Food and eat; water and drink
- Teeth and chew; tongue and ___________________ (a) laugh (b) count (c) smell (d) taste
- Tailor and cloths; mason and __________________ (a) chalk (b) bricks (c) saw (d) shoe
- Wallet and money; vase and __________________ (a) spoon (b) flowers (c) zip (d) keys
- Dentist and teeth, pharmacists and ______________ (a) sick (b) drugs (c) chair (d) farm
- Cock and cockerels; hen and ________________ (a) henine (b) fowl (c) kid (d) chickens
Re-arrange the following by reversing the spellings to form meaningful words:
Flow = wolf, Pot = top
- May = ___________________
- Mood = __________________
- Dog = ___________________
- Emit = ___________________
- Stool = ___________________
Study the relationship between the first two words, then pick the next suitable word that relates to the first two words
Example: Lock – Locket; tick – ticket
- Rip – Ripe; Fin – ____________ (a) fish (b) finish (c) firm (d) fine
- Hip – Ship; Hop – ____________ (a) shorn (b) hopped (c) shop (d) port
- Locket – Lock; basket – ___________ (a) locker (b) basking (c) bask (d) asked
- Peak – Pick; Steak – ____________ (a) lock (b) seal (c) stream (d) stick
- Chop – hop; cheap – ____________ (a) heap (b) change (c)
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Edu Delight Tutors
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