1.) _____________ are those activities carried out before the actual planting of seeds
(a) post-planting operations (b) anti-planting operations (c) pre-planting operations
2.) The activities carried out after planting of seeds are called _______________
(a) planting operations (b) post-planting operations (c) pre-planting operations
3.) Which of the following is not a pre-planting operations
(a) choice of site (b) clearing and stumping (c) weeding
4.) The following are post-planting operations except ____ (a) weeding (b) planting (c) manuring
5.) _______ are plants growing where they are not wanted (a) weeding (b) weeds (c) herbicides
6.) The removal of unwanted plants from the farmland is called _______
(a) planting (b) weeds (c) weeding
7.) Which of the following is not an importance of weeds (a) weeds are used to feed animals
(b) weeds are used for mulching (c) weeds helps plants to grow well
8.) Weed killing chemicals are called ___________ (a) pesticides (b) herbicides (c) fungicides
9.) One of these is not a factor of production (a) land (b) capital (c) reservation
10.) The reward for land is __________ (a) money (b) rent (c) loan


11.) What is the reward for labour ______ (a) income (b) wages or salaries (c) rent
12.) The aspect of agriculture which involves the rearing of fish is known as _____
(a) fishery (b) fishing (c) fisherman
13.) The top most layer of the earth which supports plant growth and where some animals live is known as ________ (a) loamy soil (b) soil (c) clayey soil

14.) _____________ is gritty when felt (a) sandy soil (b) clayey soil (c) loamy soil
15.) The green colour on plants is called ________ (a) chloroform (b) chlorine (c) chlorophyll
16.) _____________ means making raw food into ready to eat food item
(a) food production (b) food poisoning (c) food processing
17.) Which of the following is not a cause of loss in soil fertility
(a) manuring (b) overgrazing (c) burning of bush
18.) We can increase soil fertility by the following except ______
(a) mulching (b) overgrazing (c) crop rotation
19.) Yam flour (elubo) is a product of ________ (a) cassava (b) yam (c) cocoyam
20.) Maize can be processed into __________ (a) garri (b) porridge (c) pap

21.) ______________ are plants which are planted mainly to add beauty to our surroundings
(a) food crops (b) flower crops (c) ornamental crops

22.) Choose one, which is not a type of fertilizer
(a) organic fertilizer (b) factory fertilizer (c) inorganic fertilizer
23.) Which of the following is not an example of ornamental plants
(a) bitter leaf (b) rose flower (c) hibiscus flower
24.) In the preparation of compost, pit A is called__ (a) compost pit (b) loading pit (c) packing pit
25.) Pit D is called ____ in the preparation of compost (a) compost pit (b) loading pit (c) waste pit
26.) _____________ are those basic things that farmers need to produce animals and crops
(a) factors of crops (b) factors of production (c) factors of animals and crops
27.) The following are simple farm tools except _______ (a) hoe (b) tractor (c) spade
28.) Which of these is not a type of farm record (a) farm inventory (b) farm cashier (c) cash record
29.) ________ are statements of the performance of the farm including the financial position
(a) production record (b) farm record (c) farm diary
30.) __________ is the chemical for killing rodents (a) fungicides (b) rodenticides (c) herbicides

Jesus wants us to enjoy living and playing together


Phonics Primary 4 Exams Third Term




Week Theory
1.) What is food processing _______________________________________________________
b.) Mention two ways by which food can be processed
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

2.) Define farm record ___________________________________________________________
b.) List two types of farm record
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

3.) Mention four pre-planting operations
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

b.) Mention any two wild animals
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

4.) State four post-planting operations
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

b.) The chemicals for killing rodents are called ____________________________

5.) Highlight all the factors of production
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

b.) Yam flour (elubo) is a product of __________________________________

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