Descriptive on a goat

Writing: Descriptive on a goat


Class: Basic 4

Subject: English

Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: A. Speech Work: Managing Agriculture B. Structure: Construction with defining relative C. Reading: Teaching of new words meaning and Comprehension D. Grammar: Use of ‘must’ ‘have to’ E. Writing: Descriptive on a goat F. Dictation: Selected words from the passage read.


Must’, ‘have to’, and ‘need to’ in the positive or question form are used to speak about responsibilities, obligations and important actions.

  • I’m having some trouble understanding this. I must ask Peter a few questions.
  • She has to work with clients from all over the world.
  • They need to study more if they want to get good grades.



Writing: Descriptive on a goat


12. Revision and Examination



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