CLASS: PRIMARY 3                                        



Instruction: Answer all questions.


1.)      The components of Civic Education include the following except ________ (a) Rights (b) Gossip (c) Responsibilities (d) Talent fulfillment


2.)      Open mindedness means ___________________________________ (a) To tolerate the views and beliefs of others (b) To disgrace others in public (c) All of the above (d) None of the above


3.)      ____________ is the way of life of people (a) Culture (b) religion  (c) Righteousness (d) Marriage


4.)      The feeling and sense of belonging to a nation refers to ___________ (a) National Identity (b) National Corruption (c) National Hatred             (d) None of the above


5.)      National flag is a symbol of identity (a) True (b) False (c) All of the above (d) None of the above


6.)      A good citizen must pay his tax to the government (a) True (b) False (c) None of the above (d) All of the above


7.)      A good citizen must obey the rules and regulation of the country            (a) True (b) False (c) None of the above (d) All of the above


8.)      The police is responsible to make peace in the country and punish offenders of the law (a) True (b) False (c) None of the above                (d) All of the above


9.)      ___________ is the feeling of love and loyalty that an individual has for his or her country (a) Patriotism (b) Religion (c) Marriage                  (d) None of the above


10.)   __________________ is one of the reasons for being patriotic                     (a) To promote unity among the different groups in Nigeria               (b) To disgrace people (c) To involve in stealing (d) To kill people


11.)  Civic education cuts across areas of the social life of citizens                 (a) True (b) False (c) None of the above (d) All of the above


12.)  The family is the first unit where a child learns to interact with other people (a) True (b) False (c) None (d) All of the above


13.)  We settle case in the court (a) True (b) False (c) None (d) All of the above


14.)  Christians worship in the __________ (a) Mosque (b) church                  (c) traditional home (d) school


15.)  ________ is one of the traditional attire of an Igbo man (a) Red cap (b) Agbada (c) school sandals (d) books


16.)  Muslim worship in the ___________ (a) school (b) church                  (c) mosque (d) compound


17.)  National identity card is one of the symbols of __________                       (a) National identity (b) National failure (c) National corruption                (d) All of the above


18.)  The President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is _____________ (a) President Mohammadu Buhari (b) President Sani Abacha                  (c) President Goodluck Jonathan (d) President Stephen Okon


19.)  __________ is the governor of Lagos State (a) Governor Akinwunmi Ambode (b) Governor Bola Ahmed Tinubu                          (c) Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola (d) All of the above


20.)  Greetings is an act of ______________ (a) Respecting people                (b) Disobedient (c) fighting people (d) All of the above  

Section B: Theory


1a.) What is National Identity? 1b.) List two elements of National Identity


2a.) Who is a citizen?


2b.) List two duties of a citizen 3a.) What is  patriotism? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________


3b.) Give one reason why we should be patriotic _____________________________________________________________


4a.) What is culture?


4b.) List two aspect of culture you know    

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